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language....??? Empty language....???

Post by Divine 277 16.11.10 8:23


I have had some weird dreams lately, and that not the weird part ...

But any way, there are some words that I cant get out of my head and they are evolving to a full sentence .... so my question is ...

Are there any one here who has a broad knowledge in language, that is willing to help me a bit ?

I wouldn't ask if I wasn't stuck on this one ....

Cause I would rather not share the words here on the open forum , since, I rely dont know what they mean... or If they mean anything at all , they may only be gibberish for all I know....

Sincerely Divine 277
Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
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Registration date : 2010-03-01

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language....??? Empty Re: language....???

Post by her-ashes 08.04.13 6:58

I can try if you want to.

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language....??? Empty Re: language....???

Post by Divine 277 08.04.13 7:48

I dont mind sharing them now Smile however this is only how I heard them .. I dont know if it really is how it is spelled .. I did find something about it when I tried to find out about this Smile but if you do know more about it, I will be thank full for your help Smile The words where : ana ak na mara .

Thank you Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
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Location : Gate between heaven and hell.
Registration date : 2010-03-01

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language....??? Empty Re: language....???

Post by sauroneyesfang 08.04.13 8:05

it sounds to me like Egyption the last three words tho but the first may be latin. ill look it up for you

Number of posts : 28
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language....??? Empty Re: language....???

Post by sauroneyesfang 08.04.13 8:11

this all i got " ak to ana mara"
could you tell me if there were any more words like this your dream

Number of posts : 28
Location : florida
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language....??? Empty Re: language....???

Post by 8lou1 08.04.13 8:15

ana is i in arabic and in turkish it means mother. the other words ring a bell but no meanings....

it could say something like i am ak na mara, just like i would say ana lou.

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Post by Divine 277 08.04.13 8:21

@souroneyesfangs I don't remember, it was a long time ago , and I did not write it down... however I could try to meditate on it and see if I can remember something else Smile

@Slou1 maybe Smile

Im happy that you all want to help ... Smile , really appreciate it Smile
Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
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Registration date : 2010-03-01

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Post by sauroneyesfang 08.04.13 8:30

divine 277 i found something and may have mistyped it "anak na mara" witch means "daughter Mara"

Number of posts : 28
Location : florida
Registration date : 2013-04-01

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language....??? Empty Re: language....???

Post by Kalb 08.04.13 10:25

Move on. Divine.

Certainly what has been said here will not help you. You have made ​​a record of dreams?

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language....??? Empty Re: language....???

Post by Divine 277 08.04.13 10:47

yes, I record the dreams that get stuck .. the more emotions and physical things I feel in the dream and the more impressions I get from it .. I will record it down .. Smile

Thank you so much every body for trying to help me ... like I said this is a very old tread / dream and I kinda have not thought about this dream for a while, it was a very powerful dream..many impressions ,a lot of pain and and emotions. I remember I was walking on shattered glass barefoot .. it hurt like hell

Anyway is there many of you that gets the whole specter of senses in a dream ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
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Registration date : 2010-03-01

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Post by sauroneyesfang 08.04.13 12:03

yeah i do and its not pleasant when its a nightmare.


Number of posts : 28
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Post by Divine 277 08.04.13 12:08

Agree Smile do you ever get physical marks on your body ? @souroneyefang
Divine 277
Divine 277

Number of posts : 1003
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Post by Kalb 08.04.13 13:51

Dreams have a fundamental role in our lives. We need be very careful with dreams, sometimes the brain likes to play with us by sending weird images and sounds just for fun, or we assume that our subconscious sends us encoded messages as explained by Freudian. The messages can be alerts, warnings, among other things. This is an aspect that intrigues me, there are dreams that become reality… The déjà us. Meaning that somehow that moment was already written, then, by some means, we can see the future for a few seconds. But, this is a field that I do not feel very comfortable, especially as regards Free Will and to what extent we are masters of our lives. According to Asetianism, the future is not written, we create our own path, and perhaps these are decisions we can predict what will happen in the future by intuition. I do not know. I am willing to hear your opinions. Most people cannot control their dreams, and then focus on the meanings of dreams, often leads to a dead end, but those who can find that are dreaming, become lucid in dreams, is what we call “Lucid Dreaming”. Most of them believe that create and control the lucid dream are masters of awareness, where the ego lives strongly in its greatest power and throne. They create a lot of fantasy based on their desires. Already there are some communities that explore the world of dreams, there are even techniques in order to control the dreams created by Dr. Stephen LaBerge as he explain in their book “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming”. If we really know if we're dreaming, then our probability is great, especially to do Dream Work. Dream Work is very important practice in Asetianism and among Asetians, in fact, we can access the higher planes, even go to the Akashic records and researching our past lives as Asetians explained in Asetian Bible. All work performed by them, is recorded in a dream journal, or rather, in Asetian Memories Booklet. Of course, one of the most important things is to research about our Self, to know more about us and grow exploring...

Therefore, all information recorded in our Dream Journal, is very important, you may have the keys to enter to the new reality...

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Post by sauroneyesfang 08.04.13 15:58

@divine277 yes most of the time but not all the time they turn out as bruises.

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Post by Divine 277 08.04.13 16:06

Me to @sauroneyesfang, is there any particle places they occur ?

Any others that would like to share experiences with this as well ?
Divine 277
Divine 277

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Post by sauroneyesfang 08.04.13 16:15

on my chest, shoulders and arms and sometimes my back. and when it happens i get very self aware ( can't think of the other word for it ) and i tend to be very anti-social when it happens.

Number of posts : 28
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