Discussion On Metaphysical Language

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Discussion On Metaphysical Language  Empty Discussion On Metaphysical Language

Post by Tehom 06.10.23 6:22

Would you like to have a discussion about the form and functions of Metaphysical language? in this way, I am referring to the metaphysical applications of, I.E, Hieroglyphs. As Spiritual technology.

All language is an expression of form; the ancient Mystics infused their language with living reference / lineage to the "Supernal Triad", possibly as a way to communicate this magick directly in the truest essence of mediumship, but in itself designed to improve by way of neuroplasticity the ways in which acolytes receive, process, and effectively commune information. This by no means excludes the energy-relationship. It is a [u]technology.[/u]  Found most evident in the language of choice for the Ancient Kemetics.

Personally I will come and go as I feel appropriate for this, it will take a deal of reflection.

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Discussion On Metaphysical Language  Empty Re: Discussion On Metaphysical Language

Post by girl_socks 11.10.23 15:14

Well, what aspects of the metaphysical are we discussing? specifically, are you describing language as a spiritual transmission, or talking about something else entirely?
I have always speculated that the reason that humans are the only species to be able to grasp true metaphysical language because of their ability to access magick and spirituality. This is what sets Homo Sapiens apart from other more primitive species.
I would love to discuss more about the topic with you!

-sincerely, girl_socks


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Discussion On Metaphysical Language  Empty Re: Discussion On Metaphysical Language

Post by Tehom 12.10.23 4:39

I'm talking about the Metaphysical Technology, A thoughtful inquiry into how that functions, derived from our very own lived experience and education. Such examples can be found in Heka, the ever-elusive and eternally unknowable Serkem, the Ancient Hieroglyphs of many tomb structures and still-extant defensive / initiatory applications hidden in plain sight...

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Discussion On Metaphysical Language  Empty Re: Discussion On Metaphysical Language

Post by SoulTower0 12.10.23 8:21

I personally focus on perfecting or purifying my own language and line of communication to myself, because if that one isn't clear, anything else that comes out of that line will be unclear as well.

Created or not created, even in perception it will be diluted. Prejudices are a fine example of this for instance, as well as notions, opinionatedness, abstractions, and assumptions of the minds taken as facts rather than ideas. I have yet to see or hear someone's mind actually confess and tell me (before hearing this sentence) "Isn't it strange that everything my mind thinks it thinks of it as right? Could there be not instance that it has thought its thinking or way of perceiving is wrong on first glance?" Yes, well that depicts the pride, bigotry and all other like qualities that prevents it from seeing things as is, and prevents the definition of things from manifesting what they are as well. Filters are still there.

We even see in Hebrew texts this being mentioned in creation, like a Holy Snake forming one more U-turn edge to edge [let's say] horizontally, as it also progresses and accumulates edgefills on the axis of second dimension vertically. And if you carry this to 3D, this is where we get the idea of spiral progression of reality. But unlayering those layers of reality was the main and core idea of circumcision in some cultures ... which in turn would help ungarmenting of the Holy Bride as well. If I come to you without them, naked in a certain way, so do you come to me in a similar way. Sufis wisely call this apperceptive attitude as words coming out from the Heart enter back into the Heart.

So in short, without understanding my own language, line of communication, I cannot go in there, and bring out things from depth, which will enter back into yours and effect you in a true, sincere and perhaps loving way. Likewise to get there, I may need to understand how my own elements within themselves operate & with one another interact - hence my own filters unaware might halt or even thwart the progress of all my intent, magic, heka, perception, aim and skew the objectivity of experience as well. Observation of thought processes initially and their operation in patterns, has been a main part of the foundation in many schools of training, possibly for this reason. Because if I don't understand something, how can I change it? And if I'm not aware of it, how can I ever find out where I'm doing my mistake? While thinking my own thinking is always right. ...Hence come "boring" practices of introspection and retrospection on regularly basis, while the wise student understands the necessity of their basis. To notice and acknowledge these things. Another word we may have for these are corrections or blockages.

Because every other communication I have, flourishes forth from the one I have with me. So the way I effect me, secretly, is paramount compared to outer & inner reality. To give opposing examples, that root connection can cause the truest facts to be accepted in the most incorrect ways (regardless of what they relate to) ~ and they can also help perceive the most inaccurate things in the most clearest ways (again irrevelant of what they retain or relate to). I'd obviously first focus on finding out what causes that extreme change, and bring it into my own relationship with myself through my own communication to myself. Since it is the most important relationship out there to have it fleshed out Authentically. I get right with myself, I can express it even in my bond with my Deity. But if my Word isn't clear, how can anything else be? And for that to be so, my elements need to be in highest unity, and simultaneously remain in deepest purity they can be. So all being, inspiration, thinking, feeling, sensing, living, action, and speaking, can flow flawlessly. Also known as the effortless state of wei wu wei. But again, a lot of mistranslations go into its interpretation and explanation, due same reason of self-miscommunication. People who translate such concepts, do it without knowing and understanding them in experience. Therefore lack the completion of fluency and eloquence.

This inner-clarity given full on might be a big tool of how successive the quality of my operation is, and how effectively it lasts throughout time & space, whether it be a charge or of consecration etc. Highest operations can be trampled on or purified by the simplest methods of elements, due to an Adept's purity. The shuriken and the stone usage story, they both fail and succeed depending upon who throws them. Similar to how you impregnate a quality in Jhana 1 is nowhere close to one you do in Jhana 5, in yogic terms for instance. The depth of absorption is simply not the same. So neither will be the caliber of intelligences we tune into at those levels, therefore the line of communication we may receive from there as well. Which some of us may use to construct these languages you speak, and determine whether we derive the wisdom out of our own well, or of someone else's. A lot of clearance work may have to be done there, to discern the difference properly, especially if we want to bring out something as pure as a Terma seed, concealed or not. And each thing we bring into this world also may come and bring along it's own cost. Any language you craft henceforth, might be hugely effected by these terms, we don't have to sigilize an alphabet to make it one. If we lose the intermediary terms, and make it happen face to face, even behavior can end up becoming a form of communication. As the saying here goes, a lion is recognized upon from where it lies. The obvious truths do not need to be spoken about, they are self-defendant. Or action and inaction can speak louder than words. etc. etc.

It is not enough that the method we use is pure, we ourselves must also be pure, and then assistance of Spirit (or Source or Current or Grace coming in) must also be pure and matching. So that the seed, the soil, the conditions can perfectly feed the immortal plant of ever-becoming. But for that to also happen without obfuscation (with purity or without hidden impedances, resistance or inductance), secret union between theory and practice of that level, must be mastered and perfected in prior sequence.

I have also read your post on The Clarification -- How we each experience Self. and I believe they heavily relate to this. However I may require a bigger time to address things you mentioned there as you touched upon many specific concepts, in a much more simplicistic form, and I don't want to cause a misperception in you that I dismissed your uniqueness, while speaking of my own unique perception, causing you to think your own dismissal upon you. Hence I'm taking time to express words explicity without having to go back onto them. Which brings us to same point. Clarity of speech. Which can induce wars and peace both. Both of which are, but a mere result. Of another type of communication prior. But all communication may be doomed if intention isn't clear in mind, and aspiration isn't full in heart, together aiming at something higher than itself - the only way to make way to true emptiness; something I might touch upon in that later post. But space of union, for union is a must. We can call this purity for now in this post.

Either way this is not an easy subject to tackle objectively on a whole scale. So I apologize for the unusual length of my post, and give my thanks to any patient readers out there. The questions may be simple, but the approach and answers we might take to them does not have to be so, due to overall accumulation of guile muck that dilutes to perception of things and therefore layers layers of consciousness around everyone in their lives so. Never worry though, you can bury or cover a gold bar with all the dirt you like, all it needs to have is to be cleaned and understood in value, and separated and excavated from other minerals surrounding it too, because it can never lose its original self in all that comes and goes too. It only matters that one is brought to surface in present experience too.

But the sole reason I took this angle to the discussion of metaphysical language is because involvement of that Self (call it Real Self, Overself, Source self, whatever), is in it but not of it, in elemental scheming. Considering "the whole of universe came forth just 5 elements" according some sources, the clearest language of truth would obviously be based on the possible fact that only the necessary parts are brought together. Because generally speaking, truths are a few words, but the lies are many.

So take things from there to where they need to be.

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Discussion On Metaphysical Language  Empty Re: Discussion On Metaphysical Language

Post by Tehom 12.10.23 11:47


I think you have misunderstood quite a number of things indeed...  but I am interested in what you have to say so look forward to your further reply after you've thought about this some more.  I trust things will get to where they need to be. Please remember that the topic is about language as metaphysical technology, as is found in Hieroglyphics, and their observable form and function on initiates / general populace.

[quote="SoulTower0"]I personally focus on perfecting or purifying my own language and line of communication to myself, because if that one isn't clear, anything else that comes out of that line will be unclear as well.[/quote]

This is apt and a good thing to later reference in the discussion.

[quote="SoulTower0"]But all communication may be doomed if intention isn't clear in mind, and aspiration isn't full in heart, together aiming at something higher than itself [/quote]

I think this is quite dramatic, but I agree with the premise.  Intention and aspiration must be clear in heart to accomplish greater things indeed... however how this manifests will vary according to person and the aforementioned uniquity, a far deeper and lifetimes-reaching thing. Sometimes this is plainly evident to some, and not at all to others, for reasons that may exceed their current understanding of the many diverse spiritual processes. The wise student, as you describe, can take it to be a thing to learn from... in whichever way that is made available to them.

[quote="SoulTower0"]It is not enough that the method we use is pure, we ourselves must also be pure, and then assistance of Spirit (or Source or Current or Grace coming in) must also be pure and matching. So that the seed, the soil, the conditions can perfectly feed the immortal plant of ever-becoming. But for that to also happen without obfuscation (with purity or without hidden impedances, resistance or inductance), secret union between theory and practice of that level, must be mastered and perfected in prior sequence.[/quote]

One's own journey along the beautiful road, canyon, mountain, map, balancing beam...  :arrow:

[quote="SoulTower0"]But the sole reason I took this angle to the discussion of metaphysical language is because involvement of that Self (call it Real Self, Overself, Source self, whatever), is in it but not of it, in elemental scheming. Considering "the whole of universe came forth just 5 elements" according some sources, the clearest language of truth would obviously be based on the possible fact that only the necessary parts are brought together.[/quote]

:evil: Not the "necessary" parts... the unification of all that you are. Remember that what you perceive is light displaced through several prisms. The end result is always meaningful... otherwise we'd not be here. The process of purification, while purifying and absolute, is one of *refinement*... to allow a soul to more clearly transmit their absolute truth. Some, therefore, can find truth in anything, where others see... lines in the sand... and what is motionless rock to one is the result of aeons to another.

As for me, which this is discussion is only initiated by, I definitely recommend feeling about that other post some more. Thank you.

Now, one has to be careful about how they explain certain things, and these challenges are unique to each person. Someone for instance could mistake my words to be a very base form of holistic new-ageism, where a more experienced mind will feel, relate, and experience everything I am saying, as I meant it. This is where we begin to get into metaphysical discourse and methodology, form, function...

So a very challenging question to you in particular-- how do you understand the hieroglyphs as an initiatory mechanism?

Definitely a good place to begin speaking on Khufu... Kheper.

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Discussion On Metaphysical Language  Empty Re: Discussion On Metaphysical Language

Post by SoulTower0 12.10.23 13:39

Tehom wrote:
how do you understand the hieroglyphs as an initiatory mechanism?

They're very pithy, but I wouldn't claim to understand anything I haven't practiced and experienced thoroughly.

But as with any Authentic imagery, of the deeply fabric of unconscious, they can reveal themselves to you over your ability to pierce them, as well be pierced by them, to find and achieve to attain after maybe a middle synthesis.

This is why probably several language experts are still having difficulty to comprehend the vast layers of meaning provided in them, each to their own sanctuary. Hence why I explained instead to several factors and dynamics, that take place between that interaction of Place Value exchanges, in other different variants.

I think you would need a serious expert who can objectively talk about the function of language, one who is seasoned in several, countless forms of it in nature, as well as also a veteran over the functionality of writing and shaping, and can put the two together.

Knowing myself to be definitely not there, I adhere and offer myself to silence and simply bow out of the further discussions. Because without those, in my humble opinion, I would at best be only giving guesses.

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Discussion On Metaphysical Language  Empty Re: Discussion On Metaphysical Language

Post by Tehom 12.10.23 16:26

While I may disagree with your conclusions, I do recognize your reasoning, respect your choice and bid you good tidings on your journey.

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