Metaphysical Exercise and diet

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Metaphysical Exercise and diet Empty Metaphysical Exercise and diet

Post by DCxMagus 29.03.12 16:41

This is something not only noted in the Asetian bible but on a few other sites and books I've read. The peak physical condition an energy worker strives for is much different then what more mundane people strive for.

Just wondering what types of exercises other people partake in and when they partake in them. As of now I do various light stretching before meditation at the end of my day, before I go to sleep. I've read that stretching after meditation/energy work might be more beneficial because you would have more byproducts to release from the joins and ligaments. Also would like some ideas of other stretches that could be done to aid in this aspect of metaphysical development. Right now I'll just do basic leg and arm stretches, a full body stretch and roll my shoulders and neck to release any tension but I know more can be done to target specific areas that seem to hold more metaphysical energy, especially the spinal cord area.


Number of posts : 60
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Registration date : 2012-02-22

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Metaphysical Exercise and diet Empty Re: Metaphysical Exercise and diet

Post by DCxMagus 29.03.12 16:42

Also anything people would like to include diet wise would seem helpful a well. My diet isn't all the great atm but it's getting some what better, so I can't be of any help in that area


Number of posts : 60
Location : usa
Registration date : 2012-02-22

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Metaphysical Exercise and diet Empty Re: Metaphysical Exercise and diet

Post by witchmark 29.03.12 18:07

I can only answer you with a personal here. I take a long relaxing bath as this aids me in letting go of my normal day, so to speak. I can gather my thoughts on the working at hand...doesn't matter if it is meditation work, OBE work, or a ritual working. This actually seems to start "the process" before I even know it. Smile

Diet, I try and eat healthy, not always do I manage to do so though. I am not perfect. LOL! However, I do not do any attempts on a full stomach nor do I on an empty on either. I have read where people fast. I don't fast.

I guess, you should find what does work for you and stick with it. Beating yourself up for you diet or lack of exercise is unproductive and could cause you to fail at what ever it is you attempt...please understand that I am speaking about blockage due to limitations here.

Best of luck to you.


Number of posts : 159
Location : Nebraska
Registration date : 2012-02-20

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