Kemetic Diet?

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Kemetic Diet?

Post by Ankhhape 24.06.08 13:38

I am placing this topic here because I feel a diet contributes to the spirit.
If the Admin's feel it should be moved, please do so.

That aside, is there a Kemetic or even better an Asetian diet that initiates can follow?

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Maktub 24.06.08 14:36

What we eat directly influences our physical body and health. Since the body/physical is entwined with its metaphysical and spiritual counterpart, your assumption is correct when you say that a proper diet can, in a way, enhance the spirit as well.

I don't believe there is any ancient Kemetic diet still at use in our days, under an Egyptology scholar perspective. However, it is common knowledge that the Asetian initiates are taught how to balance their mind, body and spirit. This leads to a responsible awareness of what they ingest, in a diet that focuses not only on a healthy physical body, but also to facilitate energy sensibility and manipulation.
This is true especially in the lineages of Guardian (Scorpion) and Concubine (Scarab), that can better benefit from a specifically planned diet for spiritual and metaphysical development. Not so needed in the case of a Viperine (Serpent), who's natural sensitivity of the subtle world and spiritually awareness is so developed that probably even a not so careful diet might not be able to compromise.

Unfortunately I am not aware of any specific diets and teachings they use in what comes to this subject. It is something that would be interesting to learn and experiment with, maybe even under the light of science, but it is knowledge that I do not have access to. If anyone else in the forum has this information, and is entitled to disclosure it in any way, I would like to read about it as well.


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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Elendor 24.06.08 14:51

A'nen Sedjet, I believe this subject concerns more the field of metaphysical studies than directly connected to religion and spirituality, so with your permission I moved it to the proper category.

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Victor 24.06.08 15:03

The Asetian Bible hints us in that direction, that there are some concerns from the Asetian initiate on what he eats and how he eats. In the book we are taught to understand how fat tissue can prevent energy flow, working as a barrier against the practitioner and reducing his sensitivity to the metaphysical. This is the reason behind why most vampires are actually quite thin, and why that the ones that are not, strive to become thinner. It is a spiritual responsibility, how I see it. The same is valid for people with over developed muscular mass. This makes me wonder if that image of the "dumb muscular guy" actually has a sense in a metaphysical approach. lol!

At least most of the enlightened among us tend to see all those muscular studs as meat vessels with sand in their heads. Cool

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Ankhhape 24.06.08 16:33

Of course Elendor, you don't need my permission in your house ever Pharaoh
I know the Egyptians ate a lot of fish, but would any of you consider a meatless diet proper for a Kemetic diet?
And of fasting, although not diet related, do you think fasting is a purificating ritual of Body, Mind & Spirit?

Thanks everyone,

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Jonathan 24.06.08 16:55

I am sure the Order of Aset Ka provides their initiates with an intensive training not only of the soul, as well as physical and mental. This probably is also connected to many other traditions which they draw knowledge from, as the practices of Yoga and Ayurvedic medicine from India. But it is pretty obvious from their Bible that they take advantage of the spiritual and medical knowledge from the Orient and far East, particularly from China and Japan, since they make better use of concepts present in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and pressure points to activate healing, health and energy.


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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Ankhhape 25.06.08 12:06

Where as this may not be an Asetian or even a Kemetic diet, it is something that a Yogi has told me today ( today I went to a few yoga schools looking for the right teacher).

He said: The Spirit is the body's fuel. The body derives its nourishment from pranic energy, but when the body is dirty, it is hard for it to use pranic energy. When people eat cooked food and put things into their bodies that don't belong there the third eye shuts.

Eating in a healthy and harmonious way keeps us attuned and able to commune witht he Divine. Eat foods of high vibration, raw, organic and living.

He recommended a raw food diet.

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Elendor 25.06.08 12:56

A'nen Sedjet wrote:Of course Elendor, you don't need my permission in your house ever Pharaoh
This is not my house only, but it belongs to all of us. A community is made by the sum of its members, their experiences and participation for the better of the community itself. Mods and admins are only here to ensure a healthy and mature environment for discussion, but this forum belongs to all of you that make it real.

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Karnath 25.06.08 19:36

Em Hotep.

I don't know of any specific diets. What I know is that usually Viperines don't need to go on diets, because of their metabolism. They tend to be naturally thin. Being thin is helpful when it comes to spiritual awareness and energy manipulation. Concubines and Guardians, though, sometimes tend to gain some weight. For that reason, I believe most of them take extra-care concerning what they eat. Not only to be healthy (because sometimes spiritual awareness doesn't imply being healthy), but also to be fit for spiritual growth.

Best regards,

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Kotaro 18.01.09 13:39

This subject is very interesting. Over the past years I have had to really watch what I eat. Now I'm regular at the local health food store. Processed foods usally hurt me physically so I try to stick to "good" foods.

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Daniel09 18.01.09 13:53

At one point during my development I was easily influenced by processed foods, but I keep a fair balance now between fake and real foods, so it doesn't seem to have an effect anymore. Mostly I just go after what I crave and am very healthy.

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Jonathan 18.01.09 17:26

TheGuardian wrote:This subject is very interesting. Over the past years I have had to really watch what I eat. Now I'm regular at the local health food store. Processed foods usally hurt me physically so I try to stick to "good" foods.
Would you care to give us more details on your healthy diet? It is always an interesting subject to exchange experiences.


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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Ankhhape 18.01.09 17:40

I usually follow a raw food diet, lots of fish, water and breads
Before an important upcoming event I usually fast three days before and tune in to what I need to do during those days. This has worked very well when I am composing and for performing.
Then when family get togethers and Holyday stuff pop up I don't feel bad about eating whatever there is . . . and a lot of it!
Unfortunately, I still drink alcohol a bit . . . hey, I'm only human!

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Kotaro 19.01.09 18:32

Jonathan wrote:
TheGuardian wrote:This subject is very interesting. Over the past years I have had to really watch what I eat. Now I'm regular at the local health food store. Processed foods usally hurt me physically so I try to stick to "good" foods.
Would you care to give us more details on your healthy diet? It is always an interesting subject to exchange experiences.


One big problem with my diet was excess refined sugars(high fructose corn syrup). Cutting it out was hard at first, because alot of foods in the US have it in it somewhere. Cola's too had to go. Now water, teas,juices, ect. are all I drink. And as already stated processed foods. If I can't pronounce the names of ingredients, then I don't need it.Laughing
One tip too is when you look at the ingredients most say "Natural and artifical ingredients", I have been told this is how to get around not having to put "bad" ingredients on the label. I don't know if this is true.

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Anto 27.10.23 15:52

Elendor wrote:
A'nen Sedjet wrote:Of course Elendor, you don't need my permission in your house ever  Pharaoh
This is not my house only, but it belongs to all of us. A community is made by the sum of its members, their experiences and participation for the better of the community itself. Mods and admins are only here to ensure a healthy and mature environment for discussion, but this forum belongs to all of you that make it real.

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by AlifBalaamYashin 27.10.23 16:03

Anto wrote:
Elendor wrote:
A'nen Sedjet wrote:Of course Elendor, you don't need my permission in your house ever  Pharaoh
This is not my house only, but it belongs to all of us. A community is made by the sum of its members, their experiences and participation for the better of the community itself. Mods and admins are only here to ensure a healthy and mature environment for discussion, but this forum belongs to all of you that make it real.

What rain times were once

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Morell 05.11.23 23:45

I hope I won't offend if I add my take on the diet.
As in may things, and in food it is especially case, balance is the key. And with food it is individual.

First to the diet without meat, that seems to me to be rather case of morality for many people who don't want to harm animals. When it comes to effects on spiritual practice, I've heard interesting opinion, which I don't have confirmed but is worth thinking about: that in India non-meat diets were invented to weaken physical body so that reaching spiritual world is easier, as well as leaving physical body as it cannot hold the soul that strongly.
Don't know, if it is correct, but it makes sense to me. In history I must wonder if they were able to sustain their body with all needed nutriments without meat. I don't know but making body sick with malnourishing it might liberate the soul of it, but also weakens it, because it must use more strength/prana to actually maintain the body.

Spirit feeds the body, but only for certain part and the same way the body feeds the soul. Both must be well fed their own way to maintain the balance and great strength. One of great ways to see health of body and soul is in my opinion the sexuality. I won't go deeper into this, but you can easily find, among other things, that not well fed body looses fertility.

Balance in the diet is not stable, eating the same things every day makes the guts lazy and weak. So having variety in food is great, and then you have to move among various foods, which is good for the body. Nowadays you can exclude meat, if you educate yourself well enough and keep the diet in a way that your body doesn't "starve" in any way.
Also there is issue on your lifestyle. When you exercise or do heavy job, you have to adapt your diet to it so you don't exhaust yourself, etc.

In short, maintaining your personal diet to help your body to be at its peak potential is part of knowing yourself. You need to listen to your body what it tells you. Like are you still hungry after your big lunch? how do you feel after eating this or that? do you have enough energy during the day? And so on. Definitely something worth working on, but also something you should explore about yourself independently, not blindly following others because their advices are most likely adapted for their own body, not yours. So take inspiration, learn for them, but then seek what trully works for you.

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Tehom 06.11.23 2:40

[quote="Morell"]I hope I won't offend if I add my take on the diet.
As in may things, and in food it is especially case, balance is the key. And with food it is individual.

First to the diet without meat, that seems to me to be rather case of morality for many people who don't want to harm animals. When it comes to effects on spiritual practice, I've heard interesting opinion, which I don't have confirmed but is worth thinking about: that in India non-meat diets were invented to weaken physical body so that reaching spiritual world is easier, as well as leaving physical body as it cannot hold the soul that strongly.
Don't know, if it is correct, but it makes sense to me. In history I must wonder if they were able to sustain their body with all needed nutriments without meat. I don't know but making body sick with malnourishing it might liberate the soul of it, but also weakens it, because it must use more strength/prana to actually maintain the body.

Spirit feeds the body, but only for certain part and the same way the body feeds the soul. Both must be well fed their own way to maintain the balance and great strength. One of great ways to see health of body and soul is in my opinion the sexuality. I won't go deeper into this, but you can easily find, among other things, that not well fed body looses fertility.

Balance in the diet is not stable, eating the same things every day makes the guts lazy and weak. So having variety in food is great, and then you have to move among various foods, which is good for the body. Nowadays you can exclude meat, if you educate yourself well enough and keep the diet in a way that your body doesn't "starve" in any way.
Also there is issue on your lifestyle. When you exercise or do heavy job, you have to adapt your diet to it so you don't exhaust yourself, etc.

In short, maintaining your personal diet to help your body to be at its peak potential is part of knowing yourself. You need to listen to your body what it tells you. Like are you still hungry after your big lunch? how do you feel after eating this or that? do you have enough energy during the day? And so on. Definitely something worth working on, but also something you should explore about yourself independently, not blindly following others because their advices are most likely adapted for their own body, not yours. So take inspiration, learn for them, but then seek what trully works for you.[/quote]

Personally I've found a Pescatarian focused diet (with plenty of water) to do wonders for cleansing and weight loss. Stability can be a bit trickier to accomplish and it definitely requires the kind of insight you describe. Extending, I honestly think the Japanese are very wise in their knowledge about food and dietary practice in general but this is more an intuitive draw for me, which can serve that very same example of needing to know what works for ourselves.

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Jonathan 06.11.23 5:56

I agree about the Japanese wisdom when it comes to food and health.

Also I have found that water is often underestimated in Western diets. Plenty of fresh water intake between meals is a great improvement to energy work and metaphysical sensitivity. I mean plain unadulterated water, not drinks or infusions. Water is one of the greatest conductors of vital energy. So abundant water, daily.

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Kemetic Diet? Empty Re: Kemetic Diet?

Post by Guano 06.11.23 11:03

I would caution against the pescatarian diet without being wary of excessive consumption of fish contaminated with mercury. Although its evident that a large quantity of mercury is deposited by natural processes such as volcanic eruptions, its also a noted byproduct of coal power plants and is increasing in prescence in many global fish populations. The most concerning form of mercury is methylmercury, which is created in aquatic environments when inorganic mercury is converted by microorganisms. Methylmercury can accumulate in the tissues of fish, especially in larger, longer-lived predatory species. As fish consume other fish, the concentration of methylmercury can increase up the food chain.

Certain fish species tend to accumulate higher levels of mercury due to their dietary habits and longevity. Examples of high-mercury fish include shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish, pretty sure most have mercury in some form at this point but these are the key offenders, obviously not high on the list of consumption but thought i'd list them for posterity's sake anyway.

Although I have to admit the Japanese diet is great, myself working here after graduation, the levels of salt are something to worry about also. There's some link between the Japanese excessive consumption of fish and high sodium foods that results in increased blood pressure and stomach cancer, despite their outward appearance alluding to a healthy cardiovascular and digestive health, this is even worse if you are as thin as some Japanese, especially Japanese women, desire to be.

All in all Omnivores and balance stays winning.

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