The Metaphysical Diet

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The Metaphysical Diet Empty The Metaphysical Diet

Post by Troublemaker 29.04.14 21:46

Sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere.
Because I'm not yet adept at many of the practices mentioned on this forum, I thought I'd ask a vital question: What does everyone here think about how diet influences metaphysical abilities?

With the high demand for meat and dairy products, animals have become viewed largely as products rather than living beings. It's a well-known fact that they are treated horribly in many processing plants. The people in my life believe the horrendous treatment you see on documentaries such as Food, Inc. are worst-case situations where the "tree huggers" are only trying to scare the public with clouded information meant to serve their own agendas. But my experience has been different. With the new way I look at things, it's beginning to feel like my energy body is becoming clogged with bad vibrations... it's almost as if I'm carrying metaphysical tar around in my spirit.

I believe that when you eat fast food or certain kinds of meat, you also have the chance of taking into yourself the extremely negative vibrations the animal had while it was being mistreated, slaughtered, neglected, etc. There seems to be more to it than physical nutrition. I think my spiritual blockages have a lot to do with what I'm eating, but I'm not sure how I'd clear that up other than fasting or going vegan for a while.

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The Metaphysical Diet Empty Re: The Metaphysical Diet

Post by Maxx 29.04.14 22:11

Thanks for posting this.  I have been feeling this coming in some fashion for the previous two hours.  This does not answer your entire question but will only connect to a small portion. 

Due the fact that there is hardly any real nourishment in any food or drink today, you need to begin putting life energy into all of your food and drink before you ever take a bite of any of it.  This is done by drawing a large golden filled cloud over your head. Know that this is a very special life element that is being put back into the food that has been lost.  Slowly bring it down into your body and condense it at your heart.  From there you want to mentally push it out and down your right arm and into your hand and palm and then push it into the food or drink you are about to consume where your palm hovers over the plate or glass.  With a very small bit of practice you will begin to feel when this energy leaves your hand and you know it is flowing into the food.  I have been doing this now for a couple of months and can tell there is a difference in the body.  I am not having to take as many vitamin supplements as before and even feel the difference in my hair and nails strengthening.

Again, thanks for bringing this subject of food up.....

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The Metaphysical Diet Empty Re: The Metaphysical Diet

Post by Jonathan 30.04.14 7:43

Rhea I believe that diet plays a role in our spirituality and metaphysics as well. The more natural is the food we eat the better we will sense energy and be able to manipulate it. This is not to say that we should be extremists and be strict vegetarians. Not at all, it just means that we should strive for the best and more natural approach that we can get. This is true to fruits, vegetables, meat and literally everything. The easiest way is with drinks, focus on good quality clean water. Altered drinks are like poison for energy workers.

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The Metaphysical Diet Empty Re: The Metaphysical Diet

Post by Demonia 30.04.14 23:38

yes this is quite important for energy workers. thanks Maxx for your post, i never thought to mix energywork with eating. i do it when i cook, but not like the way you described. i'll have to try it out next time.

the more natural the better... if it doesnt expire in 2 to 4 days, its usually bad for you...
i've cut out bread, rice and pasta... theyre unnecessary.. vegetables and protein is my diet. also don't use salt, sugar, butter, condiments, just plain vegetables and fish chicken or meat with maybe some lemon honey oregano and red pepper. cutting out unnecessary sugars form your diet, you will notice a change. at first i was lethargic from my body craving the sugars i was used to eating (much like withdrawals people experience when getting rid of a drug addiction... theres drugs in many foods..), but now i feel like what you described as feeling clogged, is all gone.
you can also look up diets of monks, like jainism, they have a strict diet, consisting of certain vegetables. (they don't eat root vegetables though because they fear the uprooting kills insects and things.)

i remember also in the Asetian Bible that diet is touched upon.. and that eating unnecessary things will block your ability to manipulate energy. (it's no wonder why people who eat fast food and a bunch of other crap are usually spiritually unaware of things and get many health issues, their chakras are out of whack too because of it, and its all connected.)

my grandparents are native american and were farmers back in the day. they still try to get food in the most natural and respectful way.. like if you must kill an animal for food, you do it with respect for the animals life... not like how today as you mentioned, animals and their lives are disregarded completely, and theyre just a product... its something i have to ignore everyday because it bothers me so much.

basically think of food like this, the further it is from it's original state (how you would find it in a forest or field somewhere in nature), the more unhealthy it is for you. its still hard though to really get natural food, with GMOs and fluoridated water.
its also easy and healthier for you to get non-fluoride tooth paste, and use natural methods for treating things rather than with antibiotics.
sorry if im rambling, this topic can get heavy since theres so much out there thats bad for you that people should try to avoid at all costs for a healthier life, and for better clearer spiritual development.
tldr: all natural everything is always best.

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The Metaphysical Diet Empty Re: The Metaphysical Diet

Post by Nightshade 01.05.14 6:51

I was thinking the same when I read this, the Asetian Bible does refer this subject of diet and health concerning metaphysical abilities although it doesn't go into detail. But that hint is enough to show that the Asetians do take that into consideration.

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The Metaphysical Diet Empty Re: The Metaphysical Diet

Post by Divine 277 01.05.14 7:28

To eat healthy is essential for a healthy body … and a healthy body also can lead to a healthy mind … and a healthy mind, leeds to a happy spirit …

However there is nothing wrong with eating a burger or ice-cream from time to time … just don't live of it … Wink
Divine 277
Divine 277

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The Metaphysical Diet Empty Re: The Metaphysical Diet

Post by Maxx 01.05.14 9:06

Demonia wrote: i never thought to mix energywork with eating. i do it when i cook, but not like the way you described. i'll have to try it out next time.

      ( When you reach lesson 3 you will see the connection with this as well as many other things.)

my grandparents are native american and were farmers back in the day. they still try to get food in the most natural and respectful way.. like if you must kill an animal for food, you do it with respect for the animals life... not like how today as you mentioned, animals and their lives are disregarded completely, and theyre just a product... its something i have to ignore everyday because it bothers me so much.
       (This is a very important part of spiritual development and very few are aware)

Even when I cross paths with the body of an animal along the roadway or any other place I will try and contact that spirit to see if there is any aid I can offer it in the spirit realm to assist it in its transition on that other side.  It also bothers me that no one has empathy with a dying member of this planet and it passed over with no recognition of it's life here.  Maybe my life as Native American in two other periods is still part of me but it is important to my individual empathy with nature and view this as important.  To me, it is important.

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The Metaphysical Diet Empty Re: The Metaphysical Diet

Post by Troublemaker 01.05.14 13:49

Thank you everyone for the helpful posts. I work at a fast food restaurant and the experience is making me distasteful of meat, more so every day. It's hard to serve food when I feel like I'm poisoning the customers. That's what "regular" American food is looking like to me: poison. I totally don't mind eating food that has been hunted out of a forest (I know a few hunters). It's hard when everyone around me looks at me like I'm crazy when I wrinkle my nose at the food they love so much, but I feel what it has done to me spiritually and I'm really sick of it.

The humane aspect is really what turns me off of most food that I previously didn't mind. When I think about what the animal had to go through before it died, I cringe. Of course, people make fun of me because of my extreme love of animals Smile

It disturbs me that people don't seem to care at all what they're doing to themselves, other animals, and the entire rest of the planet. When I "tune in" enough, I can feel the unpleasant energy coming off of some people that are in the restaurant often enough. It feels like they've blocked their own auras, fitting into what everyone else on here has said. Anyway, it's hard for me to pay attention to things when I'm around people like this. I sort of have to go back into my shell, because their energy feels like it's rubbing my skin raw.

@Demonia--I'm trying very hard to clean up my diet. Hopefully, I can embrace the suck and learn to love tomatoes and other things that don't excite me. lol.

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The Metaphysical Diet Empty Re: The Metaphysical Diet

Post by Demonia 02.05.14 0:37

thats good Smile everyones different though just go at your own pace. like what Divine said, other foods are ok in moderation. theres just many people who eat unhealthy foods as a lifestyle and never know how bad it really is. im a weirdo though and have always loved vegetables even when i was a kid so... its easier for some than others lol. i never liked soda or candy unless it was cotton candy. ive been pretty healthy minus my affair with pasta. oh pasta. hehe.
one way to introduce healthy food is to just add vegetables in with whatever youre already eating. depends on what youre coking though.
i love spaghetti but, who says you cant throw some baby spinach, and some mixed vegetables in there instead of meatballs? or with meatballs. its actually really good. i have a few recipes i made up that my roommate- a vegetable hater- cant wait to eat whenever i cook it. if interested PM me.

also dont feel like youre personally poisoning anybody... i mean they chose to go in and buy it. its good that youre being more aware of everything. try not to let it get to you too bad.

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