Introduction- hello. ^_^

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Introduction- hello. ^_^ Empty Introduction- hello. ^_^

Post by MavieBat 10.11.15 23:52

Hi! I wanted to make sure I posted an intro right away, so here it is. ^_^

I'm not 100%  sure what to say... I suppose I'm mainly here to  learn about how vampirism works in this world/dimension. I've  heard different things, and I just wanted to get more information to make sure I don't miss anything. As for my own state (vampire/human/etc.), I'm not really comfortable getting into my own personal theories (yet, at least). Even if the forum's open minded.... eh. I'd just rather take in information. No need to discuss myself, I'll figure it out eventually I'm sure. ^_^'

Also,  I currently have very little internet access, so I won't be on as often as I'd like to be, but I'll be here as often as I can.

Anyway... other than that, I like art and performing, I journal to the point where I can go through a  notebook in a month, I'm a nerd and have some fandoms I particiate in when I can... I spend a huge amount of my time daydreaming. I'm an eclectic pagan,  though I haven't gotten to do much in that area as of late due to being around my very Christian parents who don't want paganism or witchcraft near them. However, I'd say that out of all the magickal talents I've seen from people, I think spellcasting in itself is mine. But anyway...

Yep. I suppose that's enough about me. It's nice to meet everyone. Smile

Number of posts : 2
Age : 32
Location : Iowa, USA
Registration date : 2015-11-05

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Introduction- hello. ^_^ Empty Re: Introduction- hello. ^_^

Post by Leelahel 11.11.15 0:20

Warm welcomes!

I am also fond of diarykeeping. Hopefully you will find some prompts in these threads that will inspire you. Perhaps you will end up dedicating an entire journal to your studies.

You seem very friendly and bubbly, which is always refreshing to me. Please do remember to honor what you learn and treat it seriously, as it merits.

Please do PM me if you want to talk about journaling and reflecting on vampirism. It would be fun to trade ideas with you.

Hope you will stay.

Number of posts : 90
Location : CA
Registration date : 2015-10-23

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Introduction- hello. ^_^ Empty Re: Introduction- hello. ^_^

Post by Jonathan 11.11.15 6:10

Welcome to the community. Take your time to read around, there's no hurry really. Enjoy.

Number of posts : 3051
Location : United States
Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Introduction- hello. ^_^ Empty Re: Introduction- hello. ^_^

Post by Kalb 11.11.15 6:18


Number of posts : 1280
Location : Some part of infinite universe...
Registration date : 2009-10-28!/st7lk3r

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Introduction- hello. ^_^ Empty Re: Introduction- hello. ^_^

Post by Gargoyle 11.11.15 13:25

Welcome. We are very open-minded here but far from gullible. Some think that if we do not agree with them we are close-minded. Hopefully you will see that is not the case here. However, I do not speak for everyone. Enjoy.

Number of posts : 181
Location : Da'at
Registration date : 2015-03-28

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Introduction- hello. ^_^ Empty Re: Introduction- hello. ^_^

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