psychic VS psychic vampires

Black Tarragon
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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Black Tarragon 01.03.09 19:24

I've read about psychic vampire in many websites. It's a kind of vampire in this new age. And in some websites, i also read about everyone can be a psychic after certain practices and they can do the same to will life energy from others. Then i have a question. Will a normal psychic becomes so used to the "extra supply" of life energy from others that they eventually have the "need" to will life energy from others? In another word, Will a psychic becomes a psychic vampire if he or she get too obsess with the extra supply of life energy???
Black Tarragon
Black Tarragon

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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Ankhhape 02.03.09 5:38

Hello Black Tarragon:

Non-vampires can practice energy manipulation and many do.
Reiki & Qi Gong practitioners come to mind immediately.
Others also practice a form of vampirism which would be better termed Predatory Spiritualism found within Luciferic circles.
Non of these practices will leave create a vampire out of you.

I hope this helps and I'm sure others far more knowledgeable about this will also comment here.

Em hotep

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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Syrianeh 02.03.09 5:42

Black Tarragon,

I subscribe Ankhape's words. You cannot "make" yourself a vampire. You could become somehow psychologically dependant on the energy you feed on, but a non-vampire certainly has their own source. It will always be a surplus, though if you are sensitive to it the "high" is good enough to keep going back for more.

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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Aghrab 02.03.09 10:30

Psychics and psychic vampires are not related with each other. What I can tell you about psychic vampires is that... there is no such thing. This is a term some people use to identify with the type of feeding that they prefer. For example a psychic vampire does not blood feed, if he did, then he would be called a “sanguinarian”. But it is stated in the AB that a vampire is not Psychic not Sanguinarian, a vampire is both. A vampire can both blood feed or feed psychically, this only depends on his own personal taste, and of course, his metabolism.


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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by lono676767 19.03.09 13:04

i disagree.. if a psivamp feeds on the same person continuously , they wound the individuals subtle body to the point where they unintentionally behave in a vampiristic manner for a short time to heal and normalize themselves, commonly refereed to as sympathetic vampirism...which is definately what comes to mind when someone utters the hollyweird vamp phrase "half -vampire"...



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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Victor 19.03.09 15:12

Sympathetic vampirism is a condition and secondary effect, not vampirism itself.
Someone "behaving in a vampirisctic manner for a short time to heal" is not a vampire. He is is someone acting vampiricly out of an underlaying temporary condition. That is called a human, not a vampire. Vampirism is permanent and not defined by the act of draining.

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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by lono676767 19.03.09 23:56

I define vampirism as the "need"
not the ability.
Always have, always will.



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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Victor 20.03.09 7:57

lono676767 wrote:I define vampirism as the "need"
not the ability.
Always have, always will.

Then anyone can be a vampire, according to your own definition, since in times of need, anyone can act vampiricly. No wonder we get more and more kids everyday saying they are vampires. I wonder where the lifestyle community will end, being lead in that way.

Well, in here we see vampirism as something spiritual and a condition of the Soul...

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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by lono676767 20.03.09 14:26

a temporary condition, is vampiric
"sympathetic" vampirism, is vampiric

I too see it as a condition of the soul.
a spiritual condition..
However I do not see it as a religion.
it also if you agree with some other beliefs like undead go merging rituals, Ardeth (made vampire) rituals, or even symbiont merging rituals.

If you have a need, and you can ween yourself off, than you have nothing more than an energy addiction...which is what i mean when i say "ability" versus need....the ability is psionics... "the need" never ends.

There is obviously energy play in every conversation, a give and take...that is not vampirism, though it can seem vampiric, at moments.

I'm a negative energy in moments such as these, i feel right at home.

The psychic logo, is in itself, and its own right, an Eregore composed of the group will and intent...It too has vampiric, "protective/preservation" tendencies; though admittedly being created.



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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Victor 20.03.09 15:26

Sympathetic vampirism is vampiric but does not make anyone a vampire.
I just don't agree with you, which is fine. We have different opinions.

I do agree that vampirism is not a religion though. At its core, vampirism is a condition of the Soul and a metaphysical need. However there is a deep spirituality connected with the nature of the vampire and that is Asetianism. Now does this make Asetianism the worldwide definitive religion for all vampires? It surely does not.

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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by lono676767 20.03.09 18:28

from myFAQ on
You may be a sympathetic vampire because you have a temporary condition that
is overly straining your system. You may have something else draining
your own energy (such as another vampire or astral parasite). You could also
be suffering from a serious health condition that taxes your physical
resources so your body begins to vampirize those around you in order to
survive. Or you might just generally not be taking care of yourself because
of negligence or just an insanely busy and demanding schedule. If you
don't have a good diet, get enough sleep, exercise, regulate stress, your
system can rewire itself in interesting ways. In all of these temporary
cases, if the initial condition is resolved, the vampirism will disappear,
which is why these folks are referred to as temporary or sympathetic vampires.

you define it by the soul....but some forms of sympathetic vampirism can last lifetimes..
Not all vampires have what would typically be called a vampire soul...some have to a varying degree an otherkin soul/ combined with a vampire soul. some are tri-souled composed of angel/human/vamp
...and a multitude of combination's therein.

Hell,some that I've met are trained adepts/magi, that avoided the second death, and need to feed; in order to function properly in the physical bodies they are in.
As well as individuals whos souls have permenantly merged with symbionts.


Number of posts : 20
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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Victor 21.03.09 9:00

See, this is what you are not getting...

We are a true community around here, we're scholars of the occult, practitioners of high metaphysics. We do not want to take part in any of those roleplaying communities... angels, fairies, phoenixes and hybrid vampires half fairy and half angel... all that is pure nonsense. Sure, people might enjoy to dress up as furry animals, that is their own problem and I have nothing against it, whatever makes them happy... but lets stop mixing it all with metaphysics, spirituality and the occult. This is a serious thing and we take it very serious around here. That is why we are usually considered to be the most mature forum on the web that deals with vampiric metaphysics, because we don't take the random drama and don't play those real-life games of science-fiction and fantasy. Roleplay all you guys want, but not in here. Please take the fairies and the angels out, we are into real stuff around here. Thanks.

Number of posts : 576
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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by lono676767 21.03.09 10:42

whats that bubbahotep? and and your philosophies sound identical to the Cult known as the
"temple of the Vampire" and their philosophies..And seemingly have the same cult energy..

as for your disbelief in otherkin...I can say its just plain ignorance on your part...and leave it at that... Though i go agree on the furry part...

This forum and The Asetians in general arent worth my time, or further intelligence gathering. Any shadow organization without the courage to have one officially recognized head/lead member, lacks the courage of their convictions...and is a fear or weakness based cult, preying on newbies....the only way to obtain information on to buy the book..different levels like a pyramid scheme......where have i heard that before?...oh yes...the ToV!

..and like them...your people arent welcome on my forum, as i now view ToV and asetians, as a dangerous cult.



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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Aghrab 21.03.09 11:12

lono676767 wrote:as for your disbelief in otherkin...I can say its just plain ignorance on your part...

There is no “disbelief in othekin” here. We are aware of the existence of Lycans, Draconians, Keepers etc., just not nonsense fairytale... Anyways, it sounds quite hilarious and sick, someone like you calling ignorant to someone like Victor. Ironic.

lono676767 wrote:This forum and The Asetians in general arent worth my time,

So, why are you still here “wasting your oh-so precious time”? Smile

Besides, as if someone like you has anything more intelligent to do than selling glow-in-the-dark vials and pretending to be an occultist with a world of knowledge in hand. You are a comedian, no? Perhaps you are better off with that...

lono676767 wrote:Any shadow organization without the courage to have one officially recognized head/lead member, lacks the courage of their convictions...

The Aset Ka sure has a well known, respected, loved and honored leader – Master Marques. But seriously, can you imagine the Aset Ka appearing on TV shows and having all sort of personal information online? Not only they are above that, but they also do know that the best weapon is secrecy. This is why the Aset Ka is so feared among the inferior vampire orders... they are unpredictable. Unlike what I have witnessed from you and your side, where all I see are moves that anyone, even without intuition, can see coming. Predictable...


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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Victor 21.03.09 11:20

Of course you view the Asetians as dangerous. It is more than obvious, for a long time now, that you and most of the wannabe community is acting all insane out of fear of the Aset Ka. All you people are so scared from seeing your own convictions shaken by groups that present far more mature and real concepts in the subjects that you are so used to play the masterminds, that you just lost it. That is even more obvious how everyone comes to accuse the Aset Ka without even doing their background research, not knowing the smallest bit of what they are talking about and just jumping out insultingly out of fear. Laughable... but that's how humans tend to be. Smile

Oh and I never said I don't believe in otherkin, I rather do. But angels, fairies and hybrids? Get real, I am not into any Spiderman cults as your community.

As far as people not being aware of the true masterminds and leaders behind the AK's Higher Magisterium, I don't see anything "oh so scary and frighting" about that. Did you ever heard of the expression secret society? Well, google about it and educate yourself. Your people are so used to your greasy parties and fantasy plays that you even forget the real occult world is not a bunch of kids saying crap on TV and partying. Most covens, orders and occult organizations are secretive and private. You don't know their leaders. So please go back to the goofy play and leave the real scholars to debate.

Number of posts : 576
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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Victor 21.03.09 11:27

Aghrab wrote:The Aset Ka sure has a well known, respected, loved and honored leader – Master Marques. But seriously, can you imagine the Aset Ka appearing on TV shows and having all sort of personal information online? Not only they are above that, but they also do know that the best weapon is secrecy. This is why the Aset Ka is so feared among the inferior vampire orders... they are unpredictable. Unlike what I have witnessed from you and your side, where all I see are moves that anyone, even without intuition, can see coming. Predictable...
That is the thing, although Master Luis Marques is a natural leader and clearly one of the very few geniuses in the Vampire Community, did he ever said he is the head of the Aset Ka? Never.
No one really knows who is part of the Higher Magisterium and who isn't, and that's the beauty of it. That's what pisses all these guys off. Also, he asked for a head of the Order, when we all know the leadership of the Aset Ka is never done exclusively by one individual, but by several Higher Magisters, for security precautions and also to ensure there is no dictatorship. These people are just too used to their little groups here in the States, which they call Houses. lol Whatever...

Lets move on.

Number of posts : 576
Location : A pool filled with naked horny vampire girls.
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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Elendor 21.03.09 11:34

Lono, If you are ignorant to the point of dismissing a whole group of people from your forum just because they are interested in a particular subject, then you are not the type of people we want in this community.
We are a mature and evolved forum that strives for knowledge, education and respect. You lack the open mind and maturity to understand what we discuss around here, but even worse, you lack the evolution to at least try to understand it. That's what I cannot further allow.

I am banning Lono and LadyHeather, since both came here with the single purpose of lighting a fire and trying to put a group of people against another. Adding to that, both of your hosts trace to a highly similar location, which gives us admins some thought on how you two are related.

You insist that the Asetians and their knowledge are not worthy of your time, but yet, just like many other of your people, you spend most of the time and energy in places like this trying to insult the ones you don't know, simply because you feel threatened by them or they disagree with you. How is that for a waste of time? How is that for ignorance? How is that for weakness? No need to answer, just stop wasting our own time. Those are the type of attitudes that give a bad name to the community.

Farewell, and please stop sending more people from your group to come here and get at our users. It's pretty easy to tell who is acting cult-wise on this.

Vampirism Forum Admin

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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by angelo87 28.02.10 23:52

I am in agreement with Victor on this. humans are so quick to catagorize things,people,places. real vampires won't do this. we actually find the differences and test/verify everything. Vampirism is a religion! I don't care how other people see this. I do not drink blood I take the energy that is wasted by humans and In communion i send this energy to The Undead gods of vampirism...You can find out why by visiting The Temple of The Vampire..which is might i say a religion that is recognized by the United States and other countries..we are global in our beliefs. Psy vampires are not necessarily psychic nor do they claim to be..of course there are some who are psychic but not meny. I use my Astral body/which is not really connected to the other words your astral spirit is bigger then your physical body. the actions,feelings,experiences...etc that you go through in life is not WHO you are...when you take away Who YOU are Not you find Who you really are and therefor can begin to realize what you are capable of. I really detest people who Know nothing of actually being a vampire they blindly assume by reading websites of so called vampires then ask these questions instead of looking DEEPER. Vampires ARE SPIRITUAL, WE ARE THE GODS OF THIS WORLD AND THE NEXT. THERE IS NO HEAVEN OR HELL. There is sooooo much more to BEING a Vampire rather then thinking you are one and taking your experiences and saying you are a vampire. I AM A VAMPIRE,BOW DOWN BEFORE ME. BELIEVE NOTHING TEST EVERYTHING. DISCRIMINATE WITH CARE. These have soo much more meaning then Humans can understand...look deeper and you will see the "TRUTH BEHIND THE LIE" the lie is that vampires don't exhist and we must make people think we don't otherwise like a lion alerting our prey...we will asturally die.....


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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Jonathan 01.03.10 10:46

I would ask for you to stop this nonsense of spam. It is your second post with no content and just preaching the Temple of the Vampire crap. In here we are serious students of vampirism, we are not into commercial "vampirism" and all that undead gods nonsense. Do some research on Asetianism and the ancient culture of the Aset Ka, dig deeper and learn more of what you are talking about, then maybe you can understand some of the things we discuss in here. Otherwise stop this spam, your whole texts sound like some crazy teenager screaming he is Dracula after watching Bram Stoker's movie. That is not what vampirism is all about, just give it a look around and see how people behave in here. See the maturity? See the knowledge? Then behave differently, please. That immature nonsense if what gives a bad name to the vampires from the supposed "vampire community". This place is different, and I hope it will stay that way. If you want some place to scream how you are the god of the world and know all the truth about vampires I am sure you can find an open door in pretty much every other vampire forum out there where everyone plays the vampire roleplay and fantasize about having any real power.

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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Daniel09 01.03.10 20:39

I figured that choosing not to acknowledge this would be better, since any mature person who has read anything we talk about here would know what is said in that post is nonsense. Any kind of response in retaliation just gives the fool food in energetic emotion to feed on. Removing the emotion of caring about what is done by them seems far more satisfying over all.

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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Syrianeh 02.03.10 0:18

I liked what was done to that other spammer just recently: all posts removed as if he'd never existed.

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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Jonathan 02.03.10 6:16

I agree with you both on this. I am sorry if I was too quick to jump in. I just like this community too much and always worry for seeing it spoiled by these kind of people. Last thing I would like is to see it become like the other vampire forums out there.

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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Nebibi 02.03.10 6:45

Don't even say it Johnathan....I shiver at the thought.

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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by Divine 277 02.03.10 16:38

Victor wrote:Of course you view the Asetians as dangerous. It is more than obvious, for a long time now, that you and most of the wannabe community is acting all insane out of fear of the Aset Ka. All you people are so scared from seeing your own convictions shaken by groups that present far more mature and real concepts in the subjects that you are so used to play the masterminds, that you just lost it. That is even more obvious how everyone comes to accuse the Aset Ka without even doing their background research, not knowing the smallest bit of what they are talking about and just jumping out insultingly out of fear. Laughable... but that's how humans tend to be. Smile

Oh and I never said I don't believe in otherkin, I rather do. But angels, fairies and hybrids? Get real, I am not into any Spiderman cults as your community.

As far as people not being aware of the true masterminds and leaders behind the AK's Higher Magisterium, I don't see anything "oh so scary and frighting" about that. Did you ever heard of the expression secret society? Well, google about it and educate yourself. Your people are so used to your greasy parties and fantasy plays that you even forget the real occult world is not a bunch of kids saying crap on TV and partying. Most covens, orders and occult organizations are secretive and private. You don't know their leaders. So please go back to the goofy play and leave the real scholars to debate.

I have not read all of the last page here... but Isn't fate or truth
(how ever it suites you ) a private mater, no one can say that
something or someone or even that nothing exists , that is only defied
by the beholder ...

To say that someone is ignorant and "stupid" because of a different
"truth", means that nether one of you are better then the other.

And to me this seems more like propaganda, then a place to learn and try
to understand the meaning of all this .....
whatever the beholder that reads this wants to understand Wink

I don't know if you really understand what I'm trying to say here, but I
hope some of you do.

and btw Humans are most of the time scared of the Unknown, its there nature.
Divine 277
Divine 277

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psychic VS psychic vampires Empty Re: psychic VS psychic vampires

Post by N.Augusta 03.03.10 8:10

I am certain that this forum will remain as intended. The Asetianists here, no doubt, see to it. Only a fool would fail to acknowledge the passion, loyalty and protective nature of the Asetianists here. This is their site to gather, respect it!

If his eyes are closed to witnessing the beauty of it all, then the beauty wasn't meant for his eyes to see.

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