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Post by Maxx 25.11.15 9:51

This site says we are an open community and that you are welcome.  What many that come here do not realize is that delusional concepts we will try to stop at the entrance gate and try to contain those so they do not run wild all over the community here.  Illustration... living in a free society does not mean that a member of a crazed group is allowed to mingle wild and wander free with all of the other members of the sane society.  You do not allow this type of person to enter your home and demonstrate a crazed and wild living standard.  Respect our home here in the same way you would deal with sanity or lack of it in your home. Otherwise, be advised that all that enter are

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Post by Gargoyle 25.11.15 13:37

We can either ignore them or take Anton LaVey's advice: "If a guest in your lair annoys you, treat him cruelly and without mercy." Either way, I agree, they are not welcome.

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Post by Maxx 25.11.15 16:51

The only problem with not dealing with it on the front end is that it begins to spread in all columns and runs wild.  After a while it is every place all over the forum and then when viewed by outsiders it would appear that this is the norm.  There is no other option than to deal with it head on in the beginning.  This is why I carry the snake bite kit at all

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Post by Gargoyle 25.11.15 17:49

Understandable. Thankfully, our Admins know how to use the "ban" option wisely.

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Post by Troublemaker 25.11.15 21:22

I'd have to agree with the both of you.

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Post by Maxx 29.11.15 14:28

I will add to this subject if it gives any satisfaction to the  When I came here in 2008 I was certainly walking around in delusion.  

Some will even say that jackass is still wandering around in the same fashion...... Devil

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Post by Jonathan 29.11.15 19:16

We had our heated arguments in the past too Maxx. Both of us were younger and had a lot to learn back then. That didn't stop us from growing up with those arguments and disagreements, to evolve and now we get along with great respect. Smile

Wish more would do the same but it seems to me that most people are too attached to their delusions and end up losing themselves to no higher purpose. They just want to prove they are right without any care for truth, fact or reality. Many waste their lives in that nothingness.

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Post by Gargoyle 29.11.15 20:14

I would agree. If only people weren't afraid of being wrong, and could admit their faults, this world would be a better place. Unfortunately, those types of people live in a fantasy realm where they are always right and only see life how they want it to be rather than how it is... never reaching beyond. Shows how easy it is for some people to get caught in the traps of their own inner realms. Little do they know there are higher realms/dimensions/realities (such as the astral and ethereal) that lead to higher truths...

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Post by Maxx 29.11.15 20:24

I was not gong to post this but because both of you refer to a situation that it describes, I find it connects so well..... It said...

But even that is found to be separative, through the separation into larger units than the lower is capable of grasping. Therefore the initiate, especially after the third initiation, begins to think even more synthetically and to express truth to himself in terms of Spirit, Life, and the One. These terms mean to him something significant, but something so far removed from the concept of ordinary thinking humanity that it is needless for me to enlarge further upon it. This brings me to a point that should be dealt with here, prior to any further expansion of our subject. In the Treatise on Cosmic Fire and in the above passage it frequently appears that teaching is carried forward to a certain point and then dropped with the statement that, owing to the point in evolution of the average man, his reaction to truth and the reaction of the disciple-student or the initiate will differ. This is necessarily so; each will read into the words his own state of consciousness; each will fail to interpret in terms of the more advanced reaction of those on a higher stage of the ladder of evolution. The average reader, however, objects to being forced to recognize wider points of view than his own, and the phraseology which says: "It is needless to enlarge on this for it would only be understood by the initiate", serves only to aggravate him, tends to make him believe that evasion is intended, and that the writer (having got out of his depth) is seeking to save his face by some such statement. Just as a scientific treatise would prove meaningless and a mere jumble of words to the average grammar school child, but would carry a clear definition and meaning to experts in the subject owing to training and mental development, so there are those to whom the subject of the soul and its nature as dealt with in such an instruction as this is as clear and lucid as current literature is to the average reader, and the best sellers, as you call them, to the general public.

Bailey, Alice A. (2013-12-13). A Treatise on White Magic (Kindle Locations 376-377).  . Kindle Edition.

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Post by Gargoyle 02.12.15 9:15

Yes, which is why it is essential for one to realize that the truth is the truth regardless of what anyone thinks or beliefs. When you let truth guide you it can lead you closer to understanding the universe as it is. One of my goals in life is to evolve my soul (and consciousness) to the point of immortality. Whether or not I reach this goal I believe is dependent on what I do or don't do in this life.

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