Asetjanism and Horus : the missing link?

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Asetjanism and Horus : the missing link? Empty Asetjanism and Horus : the missing link?

Post by -Amirah- 16.01.16 0:06

So lately I have been drawn to Isis' son Horus, started around the Winter Solstice. Any thoughts?

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Asetjanism and Horus : the missing link? Empty Re: Asetjanism and Horus : the missing link?

Post by Troublemaker 16.01.16 3:27

The more accurate and respectful name for Isis is Aset, in my personal opinion. As for why you are drawn to Horus, it could be for thousands of reasons, it all just depends on your own situation. It probably needs to be meditated on. No one can tell you why you are drawn to Horus but you, especially not with as few details as have been provided.

Anyways good luck and I hope you find the answers you seek.

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Asetjanism and Horus : the missing link? Empty Re: Asetjanism and Horus : the missing link?

Post by Tehom 28.01.16 0:28

Ask yourself, and continue doing so until you understand why, then return with that found-again information.

If it's a question from within, the answer is in the same place.

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Asetjanism and Horus : the missing link? Empty Re: Asetjanism and Horus : the missing link?

Post by Gargoyle 29.01.16 4:39

I go through stages and cycles with these gods, entities, and spirits. I think I was first drawn to Khonsu, then I found Asetianism and was of course drawn to Her. She is the goddess I revere most at the moment, as an Asetianist. I then was lead to Thoth and Atem and many other ancient Egyptian gods. I also do this with entities such as Lucifer or any demons (daemons), guardian spirits, attachments, etc. I connect most with the Egyptian cosmogony though, and have a deep desire, respect, and profound perspective for the whole spiritual system, especially when combined with Asetianism. Right now the god I am working with is Osiris, which I am lead to like you are Horus. Certain cosmological events of the Universe and of Nature effect me too, such as the recent Blood Moon so that is also a factor when invoking, evoking, or having any sort of contact with a deity. Aset will always be dear to me. . .

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Asetjanism and Horus : the missing link? Empty Re: Asetjanism and Horus : the missing link?

Post by Heruset 15.05.16 1:30

Some believe the Sun is rising. Wink


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Asetjanism and Horus : the missing link? Empty Re: Asetjanism and Horus : the missing link?

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