So lets start with the stupid questions...

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by Teaman 19.01.16 16:03

Before I dwell deeper into the way of Asetianism, I figured it would be best to strike the stupid questions right off the bat. So please, do not be offended if any of these would seem ignorant, offensive, or just plain stupid. This forum has an incredible amount of texts, so I found this way to be shorter and more direct, engaging in communication with whoever replies. Once these are out of the way, I may come back with more meaningful questions, and/or topics. That depends on what I learn here. So please, bear with me...

First, do you consider Asetianism to be the one and only true way for Vampires as a whole? If yes, why? If not, why did you choose it and where do you see other possible ways?

Second, do you consider the bloodlines (Viperines, Keepers, etc) to be fitting for all vampires? If yes, in which bloodline do you see yourself and why? If not, are these just stereotypes to identify vampiric traits, or how do you see these bloodlines?

Third, I've encountered opinions stating that the clans of World of Darkness's Vampire the Masquerade are somewhat somewhat close to be able to actually be used as stereotypes for different Vampire behaviors. If you're familiar with what I'm talking about, would you agree? Why/why not?

Fourth, do you engage with other species (even if they just claim to be), such as werewolves, otherkin, or any other non-vampiric non-human beings? If yes, how do you feel about them? If not, did you not meet any yet, try to avoid them or just deny their existence?

I guess that's all for now. Again, please try to stay serious even though these questions seem ignorant. I do not claim to be on any side of these, not yet anyway. I just want to see your views and beliefs as a community, so that I can be sure I'm engaging with the right people.

Thank you,

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by Troublemaker 19.01.16 19:05

Hello Teaman and welcome to Vampirism Forum.

First, do you consider Asetianism to be the one and only true way for Vampires as a whole? If yes, why? If not, why did you choose it and where do you see other possible ways?

This depends entirely upon the individual's definition of the word "vampire". The new Djehuty of the Serpent is ushering in a fresher pattern of spiritual thought. However, this has caused a rise in the popularity of the vampiric archetype. A quick peek at Facebook or any highly popular forum in relation to the occult will likely yield little more than a first-class view of the most recent circus happenings in the "vampire world". Therefore, I am left questioning what you mean when you use this particular word. The Asetianist view is that vampires are NOT common, and it is an eternal condition of the soul. This viewpoint, however, touches upon a vast multitude of highly elitist spiritual truths and is not, in any way shape or form, similar to the common definition of 'vampire' that you will find polluting the Internet. So, to answer the first part of your question, no true follower of Aset will tell you that their path is the one true way for a generalized group of people. In the Asetianist viewpoint, the 'one true way' is found by a lifelong path of hard effort, meditation, and the endless pursuit of personal betterment. A 'one true way' must be found by getting into touch with your Higher Self, and to preach otherwise would be counterproductive to the very message presented in the Aset Ka's public works.

Second, do you consider the bloodlines (Viperines, Keepers, etc) to be fitting for all vampires? If yes, in which bloodline do you see yourself and why? If not, are these just stereotypes to identify vampiric traits, or how do you see these bloodlines?

This is certainly not the case, and here I refer to my above comments about the polluted nature of those hordes claiming to be real vampires. A human experiencing a predatory desire to feed from someone's energy or blood does not make them a vampire. A human suffering from a malfunctioning shen or other damaged parts of their subtle system may begin to vampirize others, whether that is subconsciously or at will. That does not, however, mean they are anything other than human (or some other unrelated kintype.) Furthermore, any being can learn to use predatory techniques of energetic draining or other associated skills. The Asetian lineages are not fitting for all vampires because they are not pieces of clothing to be pulled out of a wardrobe and donned at will. They are very real, divine beings with a history far more ancient than many are willing to admit. They are elite.
~The Keepers are the lineage of Anubis and they are not all vampires. Little is known about them, other than what you may find in the Asetian Bible.

Third, I've encountered opinions stating that the clans of World of Darkness's Vampire the Masquerade are somewhat somewhat close to be able to actually be used as stereotypes for different Vampire behaviors. If you're familiar with what I'm talking about, would you agree? Why/why not?

If people truly are comfortable with squandering their precious lives and space upon this commodity of a planet by using such absurdly vapid, useless roleplaying material as some attempt at pseudo-spirituality, that is their own business. I am familiar with Vampire the Masquerade, although I never had much to do with it. The very essence behind it is one of plastic desperation. (Gettit? Because of the plastic fangs? Eh... me and my lame humor. Anyway... ignore that. Smile )

Fourth, do you engage with other species (even if they just claim to be), such as werewolves, otherkin, or any other non-vampiric non-human beings? If yes, how do you feel about them? If not, did you not meet any yet, try to avoid them or just deny their existence?

I'll be honest here, this question, even more so than the others, seems as if it implies a non-human nature of anyone on this forum. You will not find many people shouting about their 'otherness', if they feel in such a manner. Avoiding or denying the existence of something is entirely useless. I think the more experienced members here will tell you that they prefer to observe others in silence. It is easy to get a glimpse into the nature and personal world of others simply by allowing them to speak or get comfortable.

I can tell that you have done at least some reading here, judging by the slightly tentative tinge to your words. If this is the case, then surely you know that many of these questions could be answered by reading through the forum at a decent length and observing others within the so-called "Vampire Community." The public works of the Aset Ka would also answer many of your questions.

I just want to see your views and beliefs as a community, so that I can be sure I'm engaging with the right people.

Unfortunately, when taking the popular viewpoint of vampiric spirituality into account, it is possible that members here will be blunt and say things to make you suspect you are not engaging with the 'right people'. This is simply because they are blunt and have a low tolerance for nonsense. (Don't take that the wrong way... there wasn't really anything wrong with your question.)

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by Jonathan 20.01.16 11:04

Educated and thorough reply Rhea. That was a good read and I agree with several points you expressed.

I just wish to emphasise the notion that clans and theories from Vampire the Masquerade have nothing to do with real life vampirism. Some terms and ideas from that fantasy world have been adopted by groups like the Strigoi Vii by Father Sebastiaan and House Kheperu by Michelle Belanger that are mostly understood as roleplaying groups in the vampire community and not spiritual societies or genuine occult culture.

Vampirism as spirituality and occult knowledge should not be confused with roleplaying. That's an important concept to the members of this forum and the several different communities that surround the Asetian tradition.

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by -Amirah- 22.01.16 17:37

I think Teaman answered my questions thoroughly , what I struggle with is the LHP aspect of Asetianism.
I was a practicing Wiccan for the longest time, and thought that ToV and various websites were a little over the top.
But, if I can somehow overcome the doubts I feel inside, maybe my spiritual path won't remain as stunted.

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by Nightshade 23.01.16 5:29

-Amirah- wrote:I think Teaman answered my questions thoroughly , what I struggle with is the LHP aspect of Asetianism.
I was a practicing Wiccan for the longest time, and thought that ToV and various websites were a little over the top.
But, if I can somehow overcome the doubts I feel inside, maybe my spiritual path won't remain as stunted.

I think it may aid in your understanding to examine what exactly darkness means in Asetianism. The LHP side of Asetianism that's pretty clear in the Asetian culture doesn't mean evil but wisdom and profound introspection. It doesn't mean ego or selfishness but initiation and transformation. I believe that many people are led to the wrong idea of LHP and the spiritual pillars of the left hand path due to traditions that claim the word darkness as their own without an actual understanding of what that means such as the examples of Satanism, Luciferianism and several other systems that portray a wrong notion of "dark path".

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by Kalb 31.01.16 14:06

Rhea Kaye: Nice Post.

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by Jonathan 31.01.16 14:10

I wonder what happened to Teaman though, after his questions he sort of disappeared.

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by Troublemaker 31.01.16 15:04

Thanks Kalb.

And Jonathan, I did find that to be rather odd. He logged in several times but never did respond. I hope we didn't scare him away. lol

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by Jonathan 31.01.16 16:31

Rhea Kaye wrote:And Jonathan, I did find that to be rather odd. He logged in several times but never did respond. I hope we didn't scare him away. lol

Hope not! Wouldn't be the first though. Very Happy

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by A.Nightside 15.07.17 18:50

I'm probably still too new to this forum and the subjects within to be able to accurately answer this, but I came upon this while scanning for any threads that may exist which asked the question I have in mind. This thread doesn't quite do it, but may allow me the opportunity to present my thoughts nonetheless.

I may have to come back again, at a later time, as my understanding grows.


First, do you consider Asetianism to be the one and only true way for Vampires as a whole? If yes, why? If not, why did you choose it and where do you see other possible ways?[/quote]

No, primarily because I've been "out there", beyond these forums and Asetianism. I came from "out there". Vampires, are individuals and will fine their way, whether they believe in the Asetian(ist?) teachings or find their niche elsewhere. *shrugs*

Second, do you consider the bloodlines (Viperines, Keepers, etc) to be fitting for all vampires? If yes, in which bloodline do you see yourself and why? If not, are these just stereotypes to identify vampiric traits, or how do you see these bloodlines?

No, not really, but where-every you look be it vampire roleplay games, vampire mythology, and even real vampires (including the Vampire Community), we/they tend to be categorized a bit by their need and nature, though not all fit nicely into each. I'm sure many of us know of the Vampire The Masquerade games, I don't recall how many (are they classes, castes or distinct species?), but there were several.

The Kheperuians (sp?) utilize their Caste system -ie. Priest, Councilor, Warrior; others (I know of House-Eclipse who utilize the following) have similar castes or tiers - ie. Ramkht, Kitra, Mradu; I think there's a third set of titles used by the Sanguinarium or The Strigoi Vii (beh, it's all run by the same guy so it's all the same to me *rolls eyes*). Personally, I've always found myself, as my need (though it seems to grow as I get older) and my core nature to be similar to that of the middle ground, the Kitra/Councilors. .. but after reading the Asetian types (?), while I"m not an Asetian, I'm nonetheless curious where I might relate most. The Keepers, being Otherkin/nonhuman, sound the closest, but as far as vampires, I'm torn between the scarab and the scorpion.

I do not believe I am Asetian, Asetianist, maybe just starting, but for personal amusement and to satiate curisoity, I'd be curious where I might fit best (not being Asetian, obviously it wouldn't be perfect and I won't be heartbroken if I don't happen to fit in any of them).

Third, I've encountered opinions stating that the clans of World of Darkness's Vampire the Masquerade are somewhat somewhat close to be able to actually be used as stereotypes for different Vampire behaviors. If you're familiar with what I'm talking about, would you agree? Why/why not?

clans That's the word for it. My brother was a huge table top roleplaying guy. He and his friends also tried LARP for a time. They also tried their hand at various beliefs and practices, claiming to have tried "hunting" (entities and demons and things) at one time. They believed, or had read that the VtM stuff was somehow real, or that the grain of truth within the fiction/myth was definitely there and significant somehow. I don't think I ever really considered it seriously. I think the "clans" could potentially fit anyone not just vampires.

Fourth, do you engage with other species (even if they just claim to be), such as werewolves, otherkin, or any other non-vampiric non-human beings? If yes, how do you feel about them? If not, did you not meet any yet, try to avoid them or just deny their existence?

uh.. I am Otherkin/Therian (wolf and feline, to be specific). Lol, I like myself quite well. It's taken years to be that way (self esteem and self-confidence issues growing up), but I'm cool with myself Razz I also don't mind other vampires and otherkin. It all depends on how they behave, and who they are. Just like any person.

I'm actually pretty good friends with an Otherkin right now. I'm not so sure how sincere he is about his identity. AT first he was ecstatic to finally know someone like him, me. .. but he ties it directly with "spiritual stuff" and it's been years since he's projected or done anything spiritual, whereas I associate it as me. It is my core, I can't escape it. .. I can't tell if it's a denial thing or a passing fad thing for him anymore. I call him "pup" sometimes (he's like almost 8 years younger than I), but we get along quite well.

I had another friend, a vampire, she and I simply had different lifestyles and personal definitions for how to show "love" to others... We had a misunderstanding and fell out of friendship for a time. We've been trying to reconnect but I'm slow to trust once it's been broken.


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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by Heruset 17.07.17 10:30

No. Yes. Maybe so.

I think people should at least read the introduction to the AB


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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by Heruset 17.07.17 10:33

What I meant was,

If one wishes to discuss the Aset Ka, one should at least read their works. Why discuss their beliefs if you don't know anything about their public display of them?


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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by Jonathan 17.07.17 11:05

A.Nightside wrote:
The Kheperuians (sp?) utilize their Caste system -ie. Priest, Councilor, Warrior; others (I know of House-Eclipse who utilize the following) have similar castes or tiers - ie. Ramkht, Kitra, Mradu; I think there's a third set of titles used by the Sanguinarium or The Strigoi Vii (beh, it's all run by the same guy so it's all the same to me *rolls eyes*). Personally, I've always found myself, as my need (though it seems to grow as I get older) and my core nature to be similar to that of the middle ground, the Kitra/Councilors. .. but after reading the Asetian types (?), while I"m not an Asetian, I'm nonetheless curious where I might relate most. The Keepers, being Otherkin/nonhuman, sound the closest, but as far as vampires, I'm torn between the scarab and the scorpion.

I do not believe I am Asetian, Asetianist, maybe just starting, but for personal amusement and to satiate curisoity, I'd be curious where I might fit best (not being Asetian, obviously it wouldn't be perfect and I won't be heartbroken if I don't happen to fit in any of them).

Just let me add something to your explorations and learning which may aid a better understanding. These archetypes are not set in stone. That’s properly underlined in their literature, since the Asetians tend to be against strict categorizations of anything, so they describe psychological traits, characteristics and potential abilities of each Lineage but explain that those may overlap as each Asetian is one unique individual and just like humans there are no two alike, so for example you may find a Keeper that bears some characteristics that you would normally associate with Scarabs or any other complex connection you may imagine.
My point is, even an Asetian might not exhibit all traits of his or her Lineage and most likely won't be a "perfect" representation of the archetype as that is the ambiguous nature of trying to categorize something that can't be accurately categorized just by words and concepts, according to author Luis Marques. As you'll find out, the Asetian culture is very much against raising limitations in any form, as long as it doesn't fall into the realm of fiction and delusion of course.

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by A.Nightside 17.07.17 20:18

Heruset wrote:What I meant was,

If one wishes to discuss the Aset Ka, one should at least read their works. Why discuss their beliefs if you don't know anything about their public display of them?

I understand what you're saying. I more appreciate the way you put it in you second comment though, thank you. I'm working on it. For now I've only gone through the descriptions shared in the forums (I assume we're both referencing the bloodlines)

Jonathan wrote:so they describe psychological traits, characteristics and potential abilities of each Lineage but explain that those may overlap as each Asetian is one unique individual and just like humans there are no two alike, so for example you may find a Keeper that bears some characteristics that you would normally associate with Scarabs or any other complex connection you may imagine.

Oh, I figure as much, and believe I've read such in these forums. I suppose that causes me to wonder how Asetians know exactly which bloodline they are/come from? Unless it's just something they "know", like an innate knowledge/understanding whether they awaken to it or actively know it throughout [re]incarnations/lifetimes?

I'm sure my queries are answered in some text, be it the Asetian Bible or in these forums. If this is the case, would it be too much trouble to reference it? I can't afford to spend money on the bible, so any free-to-access resource would be appreciated. I am a bit slow in finding things, as I don't have much free time, and sometimes even slower at remembering things, so it may take time to truly "learn", but I'm certainly curious.

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by Jonathan 18.07.17 5:13

A.Nightside wrote:
Jonathan wrote:so they describe psychological traits, characteristics and potential abilities of each Lineage but explain that those may overlap as each Asetian is one unique individual and just like humans there are no two alike, so for example you may find a Keeper that bears some characteristics that you would normally associate with Scarabs or any other complex connection you may imagine.

Oh, I figure as much, and believe I've read such in these forums. I suppose that causes me to wonder how Asetians know exactly which bloodline they are/come from? Unless it's just something they "know", like an innate knowledge/understanding whether they awaken to it or actively know it throughout [re]incarnations/lifetimes?

I'm sure my queries are answered in some text, be it the Asetian Bible or in these forums. If this is the case, would it be too much trouble to reference it? I can't afford to spend money on the bible, so any free-to-access resource would be appreciated. I am a bit slow in finding things, as I don't have much free time, and sometimes even slower at remembering things, so it may take time to truly "learn", but I'm certainly curious.

There is an awakening to it, in the sense of finding lost knowledge and new awareness, and I’m sure that many do have that innate “knowing” you mentioned, although the Aset Ka has developed their own techniques for more precise validation beyond things like just gut feelings and intuition that can be biased. One of those techniques is something they call Triangulation and it uses accurate matching of verifiable data related with past-life work drawn from different sources, I believe from different Lineages but not entirely sure on that detail. It’s a lengthy process and partially even scientific for an occult technique I would say since it’s very methodic and analytical.

Anyways I don’t think you’ll learn everything you’re seeking about it just on a forum, especially an unofficial place such as this. You say that you can’t afford to study and research their books as others recommended, but there are things that can only by unveiled by that Asetian design, not because the knowledge can’t be found online but because some of those books aren’t just books and they pass learning not only through words. But that’s a subject for another day.

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by A.Nightside 18.07.17 10:57

Jonathan wrote:
A.Nightside wrote:
Jonathan wrote:so they describe psychological traits, characteristics and potential abilities of each Lineage but explain that those may overlap as each Asetian is one unique individual and just like humans there are no two alike, so for example you may find a Keeper that bears some characteristics that you would normally associate with Scarabs or any other complex connection you may imagine.

Oh, I figure as much, and believe I've read such in these forums. I suppose that causes me to wonder how Asetians know exactly which bloodline they are/come from? Unless it's just something they "know", like an innate knowledge/understanding whether they awaken to it or actively know it throughout [re]incarnations/lifetimes?

I'm sure my queries are answered in some text, be it the Asetian Bible or in these forums. If this is the case, would it be too much trouble to reference it? I can't afford to spend money on the bible, so any free-to-access resource would be appreciated. I am a bit slow in finding things, as I don't have much free time, and sometimes even slower at remembering things, so it may take time to truly "learn", but I'm certainly curious.

There is an awakening to it, in the sense of finding lost knowledge and new awareness, and I’m sure that many do have that innate “knowing” you mentioned, although the Aset Ka has developed their own techniques for more precise validation beyond things like just gut feelings and intuition that can be biased. One of those techniques is something they call Triangulation and it uses accurate matching of verifiable data related with past-life work drawn from different sources, I believe from different Lineages but not entirely sure on that detail. It’s a lengthy process and partially even scientific for an occult technique I would say since it’s very methodic and analytical.

Anyways I don’t think you’ll learn everything you’re seeking about it just on a forum, especially an unofficial place such as this. You say that you can’t afford to study and research their books as others recommended, but there are things that can only by unveiled by that Asetian design, not because the knowledge can’t be found online but because some of those books aren’t just books and they pass learning not only through words. But that’s a subject for another day.

That is pretty interesting. I can sort of relate to innate knowledge of what one is, but it's little and debatable I suppose. Not so much the Asetian subject, but related to a part of my personal identity, and then of course the awakening part of it too.

Perhaps I'll get lucky one day. I tend to stumble on a lot of online pdf copies of books (which I think might be illegal since many of these books are for sale by the authors/publishers), or perhaps I'll find one at a good price second hand (only got THAT lucky once, but it's happened - then my collection of books were stolen because I was stupid enough to leave them in a bag in my car - I guess bagged books look appealing, maybe like bagged dvds or something).

I don't expect to learn everything, but a base of knowledge is nice and it seems achievable between this forum and the primary website(s) at least. (:
I'm in no rush really.

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So lets start with the stupid questions... Empty Re: So lets start with the stupid questions...

Post by Jonathan 18.07.17 11:48

I believe that there aren’t PDF copies of the Aset Ka books, primarily because people rather own a physical copy due to the reasons I mentioned above. They aren’t even available as ebooks for sale because of the very same reasons. The public edition of the AB has been around for a decade and I haven’t seen someone find a PDF of it even once, but do let me know if you find something. I have access to a few underground and restricted torrent networks that gather occult books and they have massive collections, I often see AK books requested but no one ever finds them. On the other hand finding a promotion online or a secondhand copy might be easier to come by. Now getting your hands on the magister edition whether digital or used that might be next to impossible, but the public edition is a great place to start.

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