Asking Questions

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Asking Questions Empty Asking Questions

Post by Maxx 20.07.19 9:34

I want to ask the question do you think there is any difference between the Aset Ka Vampire description and what you think you are as a Vampire (those that are professing to be vampire here on the forum)?

As a sublet, with the powers you may proclaim by being a vampire, (and you must have some or are developing some) how is this different from the powers a human can develop not even being a vampire?

For instance, I can take a plain human and put them into a trance induction and have them read a page of a book through a brick wall while having never seen the book prior.  By working to develop this subject, one can actually become adept at doing this without being hypnotized.  Similar to remote viewing but not the same.

I am asking because I want to know personally what your status is?  If it is even worthwhile to work being born into the next life as a vampire.  I am getting my travel documents put together now and I always like to plan ahead.  So might you be so kind as to enlighten me to the benefits you experience here and now in your vampire existence over being human?  Is there anyone here that can list their accomplishments while living the life of the vampire and show me how it could be a plus over being born a human.  

PS. I already carry a full supply of blood around in my physical body so I do not need to stop at filling stations along the way.

Many thanks for enlightening me.

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Post by A.Nightside 01.10.19 15:09

Maxx wrote:I want to ask the question do you think there is any difference between the Aset Ka Vampire description and what you think you are as a Vampire (those that are professing to be vampire here on the forum)?

As a sublet, with the powers you may proclaim by being a vampire, (and you must have some or are developing some) how is this different from the powers a human can develop not even being a vampire?

For instance, I can take a plain human and put them into a trance induction and have them read a page of a book through a brick wall while having never seen the book prior.  By working to develop this subject, one can actually become adept at doing this without being hypnotized.  Similar to remote viewing but not the same.

I am asking because I want to know personally what your status is?  If it is even worthwhile to work being born into the next life as a vampire.  I am getting my travel documents put together now and I always like to plan ahead.  So might you be so kind as to enlighten me to the benefits you experience here and now in your vampire existence over being human?  Is there anyone here that can list their accomplishments while living the life of the vampire and show me how it could be a plus over being born a human.  

PS.  I already carry a full supply of blood around in my physical body so I do not need to stop at filling stations along the way.

Many thanks for enlightening me.

I feel like this is a trap. I sense snark or sarcasm in your words, Maxx. But I'll bite and entertain you with an honest response.

Difference? Yes, some. It's been some time, I'll have to reread it, but there is a small difference. I do not believe I am a vampire as defined by the Aset Ka, though it resonates.

I have no "powers". I'm not super human. I see little to no benefit in being a vampire. I consider some things may be innate to vampires, various metaphysical workings, energy manipulations, etc. might come more easily, but must still be developed and can still occur in any human individual. I am not special.

Will I be reborn? Am I, in some way immortal? I really don't know. I hope so, but I can't say. I have no definitive thoughts or beliefs of that, for myself. My vampirism could just be the side effect of this life (or some detail[s]/factor[s] of), be it my only, or one of many.

No benefits, that I'm aware of. Perhaps perspective a different point of view, can be considered one. I'm just another living being, trying to survive until I die.

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Asking Questions Empty Re: Asking Questions

Post by Troublemaker 18.04.20 1:11

Valid questions. Well, the label of vampire is pretty useless. All it entails is that someone takes energy from external sources somehow. It's not a very empowering or relevant on its own, though of course VCN preaches differently. 
Well, most using the label don't have many abilities beyond that which can commonly be learned. It is strange that it would be considered more empowering than, say, actual evolution.

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 18.04.20 2:45

I think the word "vampire" is merely a symbolic representation of a deeper nature than that which most humans can comprehend. Not useless intrinsically, in that regard, but made apparently or relatively useless due to its obsessive adoption by certain communities where parading as some creature of the night has become a fad in roleplaying and dressing up, going to parties. They don't seem to have any respect for what it actually means or what its deeper symbolism entails. Consequentially, they're actually the ones who have most gravely failed to see what its true meaning is and made a blatant mockery out of it to any serious mind.

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Post by Maxx 18.04.20 7:56

I admit that A. Nightside made an honest reply on that and it does show that from what she feels personally, there can be no difference in that "special" association and accomplishments of hers than any human can and does accomplish.

Then for the Aset Ka and ROS, I believe, we can say that would become much different from the human and "special" vampire inhabiting the earth at present. This fact I have been trying to point out here for ages. Much thanks to A. Nightside for clarifying.

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Post by Troublemaker 01.05.20 22:03

This leads me into a question. 
Do you think a true vampiric being would have an infallible sense of intuition or pinpointing as to which sources and people are legitimate, and which ones aren't? 
It may seem like a painfully obvious question. 
Well, I believe there is a bit of wiggle room... Everyone makes mistakes, and has their own lapses in judgement at times as they grow and learn. I suppose the issue comes when people pretend to be very powerful, to be incredibly gifted from birth for instance, and then fall into deceptive ego pits just like any average, limited mortal being.  
It is strange how common this is. First someone is deadly, ancient, powerful, dangerous... Always knew they were special and incredibly gifted from an early age, then next thing you know they've fallen into oblivion, chasing the high of peer approval and outside recognition/validation. I've had a chance to quietly watch these things over the years that I've been aware and accepting of the subtle world, which, while it has been under ten years, has still been quite a wild ride. 
The original post got me thinking, I guess.
I can't pretend to be some expert in Asetianism, but it certainly is the path that calls me home. And in my time around, I've picked up on a lot of things. 
Asetian magick is very elusive and the path holds a rather peculiar danger that I routinely observe but struggle to pinpoint with words.
The original post made me think about the stark contrast between average vampire claims and real Asetian initiations. 
There is a certain drop-off point where most seem to fall, and fall hard, never to reach higher. To reach higher would require a strength that not many souls possess. One of the common falls involves the herd, getting approval and validation. It's a force that keeps one grounded, never reaching the stars..
I have been clumsily moving around the point, I suppose, which is that, on some level, the initiate must have the strength, eye and attunement to separate the real from the false, otherwise they are no true "vampire" at all. 
That layer of initiation is starting to look extremely solid and real. It's also almost disturbing how many false masks initiation wears in these modern times, and how seductive those masks are to the crowd.

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Post by MysticLightShinethForth 02.05.20 3:20

Beautiful post, Rhea Kaye. I'll let someone more knowledgeable or more experienced comment on this but I'd say to your first question, which also runs through the whole post, that I don't think they have an *infallible* sense of intuition but a very strong, keen and sharp sense thereof.

This is although why I find it so funny when even I am able to sense that things are wrong with certain people, groups and organizations. I always view myself as a novitiate, and so to be able to sense that kind of thing from them I view as a jokeful thing to the disdain of those whom I sense it from, haha. Razz "When even MysticLightShinethForth can sense this..."; then you know you are in trouble, haha. Razz


Good and eye opening thoughts, however. I think it holds enormous value for the path of Asetianism and for any vampiric being at all. I've personally been struggling with and working upon this for some time but even if solidified to a greater extent I might sometimes end up relapsing to old ways and making failures. But one thing I've learnt is that the classical or traditional form of morality of being all nice and so on and so forth should be utterly discarded in order to sense accurately from a truly balanced place of self-integration because it necessitates listening to all the feelings, subtle signals and impulses that you will receive but otherwise repress due to that false, arificial and unnatural morality of being all good, light and holy and not listening to the darkness. I do remember I made a thread in the past about how certain forces might potentially utilize that false construct to manipulate and control the masses. Sadly that's the kind of mentality I originally entered this forum with. However, I think it's interesting to analyze the contrast between this particular type of morality and how the Ancients might have viewed it, as I don't think they had such notions at all but were far more intuitive, sensing, balanced and integrated than that. This was before the times in which we now live; the times in which we now live where young monotheistic religions of Christianity and others have severly impacted and affected the world in this direction of a false fabrication of light whilst destroying the remnants of the ancient world. A disaster of hugely monumental proportions.

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Asking Questions Empty Re: Asking Questions

Post by Maxx 02.05.20 10:58

All this material is good conversation and great insight of thought revealing additional

One thing I would try and add to the last part of what Mystic is saying is that we are way overwhelmed by the bombardment of microwaves, electronically produced interference that is designed to shut down our connection to the things we seek and search for in those other dimensions.  Those in ancient times did not have to deal with such things when using intuition to connect and answer their inner questions.

Even walking out to view the heavens at night in ancient times was certainly very clear and easy to do.  Now, one cannot even see the stars because of the reflection of light produced from the towns and big cities nearby or within.  We are dealing with a much more difficult situation nowdays to accomplish what we truly seek.

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Asking Questions Empty Re: Asking Questions

Post by Maxx 02.05.20 12:33

What's the difference between vampire consciousness and human consciousness?  A. Nightside speaks of being born with slightly more awareness or innate ability may come more easily or a vampire may be born with a different perspective.  

Whereas I say that a perspective is developed by what we are influenced by or by what we see in front of us in a repetitive process (over and over again==this is programming).  But born with natural ability for metaphysical exercises I can see no difference in the vampire to human comparison.  

Below, after watching this ask yourself how do you compare the vampire vs. human consciousness???  Is there any difference at all???

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Post by Troublemaker 02.05.20 15:19

I have seen many people who are probably just normal but have a higher consciousness and are less broken than "modern vampires". 
This play archetype is a little dangerous toward Self for some people. I am speaking generally of course.

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Post by Maxx 02.05.20 15:34

Rhea Kaye wrote: 
This play archetype is a little dangerous toward Self for some people. I am speaking generally of course.

Agreed. It seems as if the focus is entirely directed into a constant problematic scenario. Of course, if the focus of the mind is in tune with dark and foreboding subjects, that is exactly what one will create with that thought process.

What one focuses on will be created around them. We have created our entire life situation by our thoughts.

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