Honoring the Neteru other than Aset

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Honoring the Neteru other than Aset Empty Honoring the Neteru other than Aset

Post by SeekerOfTheFlame 17.04.16 9:48

Just curious, does anyone here honor any of the Neteru other than Aset? Perhaps Her husband, Ausar/Osiris? Or Heru/Horus? Amon? Since reading the Asetian Bible, I've been feeling more drawn to work with the Neteru in my spiritual practices, and I'd just like anyone else has been doing the same thing.


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Location : Batesville, AR, USA
Registration date : 2016-04-06

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Honoring the Neteru other than Aset Empty Re: Honoring the Neteru other than Aset

Post by Troublemaker 17.04.16 12:59

I suspect some other occultists who study this path are also Kemetic and worship/work with many different deities. There are infinite possibilities.

Which ones are you drawn to, other than the Holy Trinity? If I might ask.

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Honoring the Neteru other than Aset Empty Re: Honoring the Neteru other than Aset

Post by Troublemaker 17.04.16 13:00

I feel the need to add, I think referring to Aset, Osiris, and Horus as the "Holy Trinity" might sound kind of weird to some. It was due to the copying of these three by Christianity... Mother Mary, Jesus, and God.

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Honoring the Neteru other than Aset Empty Re: Honoring the Neteru other than Aset

Post by Jonathan 17.04.16 14:36

I think many other Asetianists honor the Neteru. As seekers of the ancient path we respect the greatness of the pantheon and explore their facets and pathways fiercely.

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Honoring the Neteru other than Aset Empty Re: Honoring the Neteru other than Aset

Post by SeekerOfTheFlame 17.04.16 18:51

I also find myself drawn to Amun in the sense of a Gnostic First Consciousness, and Ra as almost a "face of Amun". Anubis is an interesting deity, and definitely Thoth. He was actually the first Neter I worked with.


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Location : Batesville, AR, USA
Registration date : 2016-04-06

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Honoring the Neteru other than Aset Empty Re: Honoring the Neteru other than Aset

Post by Troublemaker 17.04.16 19:41

Ammit is a rather interesting deity that I am particularly drawn to, as well as Thoth. They are all interesting to study, however. It is nice to see people talking about working with other Egyptian deities.

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Honoring the Neteru other than Aset Empty Re: Honoring the Neteru other than Aset

Post by Minaethiel 06.05.16 23:20

I do a lot of work with Bastet/Sekhmet Smile She made herself known to me (as Bast) when I was very young, and so I think of her as a surrogate mother. As I got older I began working with her leonine incarnation too, and then she brought me to Aset and Anubis once I was old enough to know them.


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