Advanced Espionage in the Occult

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Nightshade 03.06.16 4:02

I have been frequently told about secret operations and large espionage networks that are controlled by occult orders. That influence is stronger in Europe as the most powerful occult organizations stem from here but it happens all over the world. Working in law enforcement and tying together some of the things I have witnessed in my line of work I’m inclined to agree with that assessment. However I would like to investigate further and learn more. Some say that the scope and degree of espionage used by these black cells goes way beyond the power of the CIA, NSA and FBI in the US.

What are your opinions about this subject?
Do you think it’s true or mostly an urban legend?
Have you heard similar things in your circles?

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Maxx 03.06.16 5:34

what you are describing is more than likely a fact.  My friend was involved with interaction in another state with a type of group I never heard of before.  It seemed to have some kind of connection with a form called bon from the Buddha sect.  They were into drugs, prostitution as well as mind control on a large scale.  It is the only time I even heard of this in any location in the states but it was mentioned they had connections in other areas.  I cannot understand how drugs would be connected to a Buddhist group but there it was.  Interested to see other comments.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Kalb 03.06.16 6:40

I am surprised by your post, Nighshade. You shows a stable person, mature, and you know what you say, But this theme is "hovering" over the air.. It is possible to detect that something bad is going on with the secret services and occult Orders .. I'm surprised because I expected this post from an unstable user not by you. Seems you were "caught" by dust.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Maxx 03.06.16 7:38

Nightshade is completely in touch with reality.

That should imply its own meaning.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Maxx 03.06.16 8:02

Calling Nightshade out of touch with the security industry when that is her vocation as well as saying I am dishonest with my statements and misrepresenting facts....both of these on an open board, says there may be something out of wack here with you.  You are way out of place attacking Nightshade.  I know she can take care of herself, but you certainly have hacked me off.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Nightshade 03.06.16 8:42

I’m not sure I even understand what’s unstable about my post?

It’s a subject that has been debated with colleagues that surely know what they’re saying and I asked for different opinions about it here.

Maybe you’re just not aware that occult orders do take a keen interest in espionage?

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Troublemaker 03.06.16 10:34

I am quite certain that occult orders, especially the elite ones like the ROS and AK, take espionage very seriously and have advanced departments in that area. With all the stories floating around about CIA and FBI corruptions/etc, it is very hard to believe that this is not a very real thing. Is the control of certain law enforcement sects firmly in the hands of humans on this planet? I definitely do not think so, but then again, I'm not involved with any of it so I cannot say for certain. I only have intuition and what my senses are telling me, as well as opinions gathered from what I have read. But I will say, there are plenty of rather compelling arguments to support what Nightshade is saying. And I do not want to stir anything up here but I rather enjoyed this post, it got me thinking and it actually has been discussed before on this board so it is not unfounded at all.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Jonathan 03.06.16 11:35

Actually I agree with your speculations Nightshade. It’s quite clear to me that occult organizations have developed complex networks of international espionage. As you say, that’s even more evident there in Europe but happens all around us. Spies aren’t only a thing of politics and governments, they have their place in the occult as well especially when those orders are faced with enemies everywhere and other forces that seek to destroy them. Being well informed is a very powerful weapon. Occultists know this really well, never underestimating the power of information.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Kalb 03.06.16 12:48

CERN is also involved with Orders, is forgotten by many, but a very important field of knowledge.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Maxx 03.06.16 14:48

Nightshade....  In reading, I just now came across the mention of a group which is described as an external instrument of a group of powerful Tibetan black magicians.   This struck me as being a close description of the group the individual made reference to.  They practiced thought control and sending astral beings into places at night while the individual was sleeping.  I had forgotten about this Buddhist sect which was closely connected to the Thule society and the Lodge 99.  They were strong in Europe and are probably still there at this time.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Nightshade 04.06.16 2:36

Jonathan wrote:Spies aren’t only a thing of politics and governments, they have their place in the occult as well especially when those orders are faced with enemies everywhere and other forces that seek to destroy them. Being well informed is a very powerful weapon. Occultists know this really well, never underestimating the power of information.

Well said.

Kalb wrote:CERN is also involved with Orders, is forgotten by many, but a very important field of knowledge.

You mentioned that this subject was immature and unstable but now you seem to be agreeing with it.
So are you joining the unstable bandwagon?

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Kalb 04.06.16 3:33

Not the subject itself, these things are very real. T

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Troublemaker 04.06.16 17:10

Kalb wrote:I am surprised by your post, Nighshade. You shows a stable person, mature, and you know what you say, But this theme is "hovering" over the air.. It is possible to detect that something bad is going on with the secret services and occult Orders .. I'm surprised because I expected this post from an unstable user not by you. Seems you were "caught" by dust.

Why say this, and then this:
Kalb wrote:CERN is also involved with Orders, is forgotten by many, but a very important field of knowledge.

First you attack another user in an extremely rude way, telling them they are "caught by dust", and that their post is something that should have come from an unstable person when in reality it was a very legitimate and previously discussed topic. And then you make a comment after, attempting to contribute to the topic in a productive way? Would you mind enlightening me on your thought process here, so that I might understand the reasoning behind your posts? I found the attack to be in poor taste, but perhaps there is some kind of language barrier problem here?
To everyone in general: don't get me wrong, the individual in question certainly does not need my defense and I'm not trying to rile anyone up here or contribute to drama. I value the mature atmosphere here in the discussions.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Maxx 09.06.16 13:31

hoping it will just go away.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Maxx 09.06.16 19:11

 5.  A good time to keep your mouth shut is when you're in deep water.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Victor 30.06.16 16:53

Kalb you would be surprised to learn that even the Aset Ka, the order that you admire and seek to protect, has a respected (read feared) department of espionage. One of their highly-ranked security members has records of retrieving classified information from the Interpol many years ago in what almost caused an international incident. An Italian girl with an impressively high IQ, I’m sure you know of whom I speak.

Also, the reality of espionage and intelligence in the occult scene shouldn’t be strange thoughts to you. Several years ago the MI6 had an elegant liaison that operated as bridge of intelligence and top secret information between European occult orders and the secret services that we’re both familiar with. Lets just say that she's someone that shines brighter with the light of dawn…

Nightshade, you have now a little gift in your private inbox that I'm sure you will appreciate.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Maxx 30.06.16 17:08

Victor.....that is too open.....even I caught what you are

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Victor 30.06.16 17:11

Maxx wrote:Victor.....that is too open.....even I caught what you are

That is because you are well informed. Devil

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Maxx 30.06.16 17:12

You, buddy, are a joker.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Maxx 30.06.16 17:16

Some Indian Tribes speak of their tribal leader as the Jester...or Clown...... They are the wisdom masters of their tribe. The tribal elders know me as the Village Idiot.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by EdwardCullen 01.07.16 3:45

Maxx wrote:...They were into drugs, prostitution as well as mind control on a large scale. It is the only time I even heard of this in any location in the states but it was mentioned they had connections in other areas. I cannot understand how drugs would be connected to a Buddhist group but there it was. Interested to see other comments.
When it comes right down to it -it is mind control that is sought much in the past years than anything else -being right up there with money and drugs and certain kinds of power... religion is commonly misused and manipulated into a power source for control and the desire to control usually comes from what they want or plan to take after control over someone has been harnessed.

Rhea Kaye wrote:I am quite certain that occult orders, especially the elite ones like the ROS and AK, take espionage very seriously and have advanced departments in that area. With all the stories floating around about CIA and FBI corruptions/etc, it is very hard to believe that this is not a very real thing. Is the control of certain law enforcement sects firmly in the hands of humans on this planet? I definitely do not think so, but then again, I'm not involved with any of it so I cannot say for certain. I only have intuition and what my senses are telling me, as well as opinions gathered from what I have read. But I will say, there are plenty of rather compelling arguments to support what Nightshade is saying. And I do not want to stir anything up here but I rather enjoyed this post, it got me thinking and it actually has been discussed before on this board so it is not unfounded at all.

I agree. In just about every organization of people whether it be religions or orders/hierarchies there is some kind of "espionage" taking place behind closed doors.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Kalb 01.07.16 15:06

I still think I have been misunderstood by you and everyone decided to find that I do not consider this as something relevant and important.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Maxx 01.07.16 15:38

that may well be the case with you living on paradise island and you have a different view of the world and what is going on in it than most others living in an urban society.  You may have no pressure like many others live in day in and day out and enjoy your afternoon nap in the hammock along the rolling coastal beach with the slow tide drifting in and out.  I think you live in a different world apart.  How fortunate you are.  As for the others, I can only say that you are judged by the words you say rather than sitting in front of you with a verbal conversation.   We only know what your words tell us and cannot attribute other thought different to those words that you say you actually mean.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by Nightshade 02.07.16 13:58

Victor wrote:Nightshade, you have now a little gift in your private inbox that I'm sure you will appreciate.

Thank you. Much appreciated.

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Advanced Espionage in the Occult Empty Re: Advanced Espionage in the Occult

Post by thenerdiestwitch 02.07.16 16:58

For the sake of my survival, I can't go into much detail, but according to what a friend told me there were supposedly people tailing me at one point in my life. He was from their particular sect, and he had a bit of an insider's scoop, I guess. I suppose they were considering me for membership, but I guess I didn't make the cut. lol Which I'm not particularly upset about, considering I've always been the more solitary sort. I've never really played well with others, honestly, when it comes to religious practice. I mean, I have the ability to work with other people, it's just the majority of the people I've had the misfortune of meeting over the years have been deluded and power hungry, convinced they were more or less all powerful and were completely wrapped up in their own imaginations and ego.

Most of the bad experiences I've had with 'cults' and and individuals were actually of the above persuasion - they were only dangerous because they were mentally unsound.

The other side of the spectrum exists, for sure. I firmly believe that there are actual groups with actual power and influence, and probably less than good intentions. The thing about power is that it has a way of corrupting people, and if there is a group of one mind with one goal, that power has a way of spreading and growing. And there is always at least one person that gets hungry for it and strays from the original goal, and drags the others down with him.

Maybe I'm just being cynical there, but I digress.

Espionage is probably the most useful tool there is for groups like that. Knowledge is power - the only power that counts really, because knowing is half the battle. I can't even begin to imagine why they would need espionage though. If they were actually a true secret society I imagine they wouldn't have many enemies, considering they were...well..A secret. But I imagine there are slip ups and deserters and shit just happens, so it's possible.

I don't really think it happens on a wide scale though. Few groups have the numbers, influence, and resources to actually exist on an international, espionage basis.

Or at least, I hope that's the case.

I just want to go on the record and say I have very little experience or knowledge in this area - I just know that supposedly one group of such individuals exists. The rest is purely speculation.

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