Introducing me. (The asetian)

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Introducing me. (The asetian) Empty Introducing me. (The asetian)

Post by Vladimir6666 09.08.16 13:46

Hello everyone hope your having a lovely day as lovely as you possibly can. What lead me here i can say was just one day i woke up and just could not take anymore the situation i was in and or had placed myself in. I Just woke up and wanted to change you could say i awakened or realizied. I Wanted a profound change within me. It started with my Psychologist and then my intense spiritual search to heal myself to find who i was. I Do not believe i was lead here by any dint of fate or by mere coincidence. It's okay to believe it coincidiences but this was no coincidience. I Then came to wonder if i was just through looking at this website it seemed to resonate with me. But i wanted to know 100% So i could not delude myself. It turns out that i am Asetian (My friend scanned my core and his friend confirmed it). More specificially i am of the Viperine Linegage. I Hope to learn more about asetians or what you guys think about them i being asetian barely know who they are.(Not a member of the order Just so you know).

Number of posts : 7
Location : kingston
Registration date : 2016-08-01

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Introducing me. (The asetian) Empty Re: Introducing me. (The asetian)

Post by Jonathan 09.08.16 14:20

Your friend can't detect if you're Asetian or not. Only the Aset Ka can do that. So first news is your friends were playing you. That's not the first time we get people that were deceived like that so fear not.

With that said, welcome to the forum.

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Introducing me. (The asetian) Empty Re: Introducing me. (The asetian)

Post by Vladimir6666 09.08.16 14:42

I Disagree with your statement my friend would have no reason to lie to me. Infact i believe they told me things even you wouldn't believe. I am asetian i have little doubt. They have no reason to lie to me and seemed very serious. Heck you could confirm it yourself however few people know where to look.

Number of posts : 7
Location : kingston
Registration date : 2016-08-01

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Introducing me. (The asetian) Empty Re: Introducing me. (The asetian)

Post by Vladimir6666 09.08.16 14:44

Let me just say this All is Not well. An the things we believe to be true are torn apart.

Number of posts : 7
Location : kingston
Registration date : 2016-08-01

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Introducing me. (The asetian) Empty Re: Introducing me. (The asetian)

Post by Nightshade 09.08.16 15:31

Jonathan is right. You're obviously being tricked.

To make such statement your friend clearly knows nothing about the Asetians. That much is obvious even to a newbie. The ironic thing is you come here saying Jonathan is wrong when you admitted not knowing much about the Asetians and Jonathan here has been researching that for many years being knowledgeable with proven knowledge.

You should follow his advice but in the end being a puppet so that your friends can have fun and laugh it's really up to you.

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Introducing me. (The asetian) Empty Re: Introducing me. (The asetian)

Post by Vladimir6666 09.08.16 15:45

What is obvious is what is obvious. If there was a puppet then we all have strings.

Number of posts : 7
Location : kingston
Registration date : 2016-08-01

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Introducing me. (The asetian) Empty Re: Introducing me. (The asetian)

Post by Kalb 09.08.16 17:33

Vladimir6666: I have to agree with Jonathan and Nightshade. Do not fall into this trap. Does your friend confused Asetianist with Asetian? An Asetian has divine energy and transmits his divine knowledge. An Asetianist is anyone who feels attracted by their knowledge and energy. In all case, these questions must be answered with time by yourself and you own take away the conclusion of who you are.

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Introducing me. (The asetian) Empty Re: Introducing me. (The asetian)

Post by Heruset 09.08.16 21:29

I can tell just by your energy that you are not Asetian... You are not stable, energetically, or mentally. You were seeing a psychologist before all of this?


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Introducing me. (The asetian) Empty Re: Introducing me. (The asetian)

Post by Vladimir6666 10.08.16 11:31

Wait your an asetian and Yes i was. I Thought asetians only came from the aset ka haha. Oh That's a funny one. Yes i was. None of your Buisness My friend and you can tell that from here really That's some nice scanning. Anywho were not agreeing on asetianism anyway so i don't see the Use of Replying any Further or anyone else doing so Have a Nice Day all.

Number of posts : 7
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Introducing me. (The asetian) Empty Re: Introducing me. (The asetian)

Post by Vladimir6666 10.08.16 11:56

Wait a minute how would you know you would have to be an asetian and then be a Member of the Aset Ka? Unless you are an Aset Ka how could you just tell that by my energy? I Thought aset ka don't go on this website.

Number of posts : 7
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Introducing me. (The asetian) Empty Re: Introducing me. (The asetian)

Post by Heruset 10.08.16 12:32

Asetians are wherever they incarnate... You are confusing a condition of the soul with an Order that you are initiated into. An Asetian is a child of Aset, and the Aset Ka is an Order that includes others that are not children of Aset, but definitely allies of them. I can tell you're not an Asetian because Asetians have a unique energy mark; that which you do not have.

It's not my business, you're right, but if you were seeing a psychologist already, that tells me you were unbalanced and shouldn't so easily take the word of others-- do some real soul searching. If you feel close to the Asetians and/or the Aset Ka, start studying about the path.


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Introducing me. (The asetian) Empty Re: Introducing me. (The asetian)

Post by Vladimir6666 10.08.16 12:43

Thank you Heruset for explaining that to me about the Energymark. Alright Have a Nice Day. An yes of course studying the asetian Path.

Number of posts : 7
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Introducing me. (The asetian) Empty Re: Introducing me. (The asetian)

Post by Heruset 10.08.16 12:47

Vladimir, I do not mind helping a mind grow, but take my advice seriously: not so many people in the occult world are friendly, and they won't make light of such claims. Of course, be careful in everything you study not to let your ego fool you, and don't be fooled by others. Allow your experience to guide you, but not control you. Have a great day!


Number of posts : 298
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Registration date : 2015-10-24

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