Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings?

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Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings? Empty Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings?

Post by vampis 04.10.16 15:42

First thing is first.
I address this question to the people/vampires, that have an advanced, true understanding of how energy and vampirism works.
This question is not for "wanna be vampires".

I cant clearly understand the necessity for a vampire to feed from living beings.
A vampire is a creature, that feeds from the other person's energy (Chi).

An ordinary person recieves this energy during the deep sleep or the deep meditation. In those moments, the brain switches into the delta wave state and connects a person to the Source. The Source of infinite energy. The connection between the outer infinite energy (that holds every molecule in the Universe together) and the inner energy (wich is flowing through the nadi) is achieved, when the crown chakra is opened. The energy starts spilling into the body at enormous rates, and ten seconds is enough, to substitute about two hours of ordinary sleep. In deep meditation this process is counscious, therefore this Force cannot be ignored, but in deep sleep it is uncounscious and is not being observed.

True vampires (as far as I know) feed only from the living beings, and not from the Source itself. Why?
I have read different books about vampire magick and vampire nature, but I cant understand, why do they feed from the living beings instead from the Source (which is much easier and seems to be much more powerfull).

I have heard, that a person becomes a vampire only when his crown chakra is broken and he has no other choice. But in this case, why wouldnt he heal his chakra and return back to normal, instead of becoming a vampire forever (for example becoming a vampire only in order to get energy to heal, and then returning back to normal)? Does he break it himself (for some reason), or is it broken in a fight with some other astral (aetheric) entity? How does one astral project, in order to find a victim and feed, if he has this chakra broken (and this chakra is basically the gateaway from the body)? Also, becoming a vampire, seems to be a choice (when reading books and stuff about vampirism), but in this case, it is the only way to survive. I guess, you see, where this is going... I dont think, that broken chakra is the case.

I am starting to lose understanding, why would one want to become a vampire... All of it's qualities can be achieved through practice and meditation. And in order to become a real vampire (and not a wanna be vampire) one must also have will and practice a lot...

So can you please explain me the purpose of becoming a vampire (from this perspective) and why do they feed from the energy of living beings, instead from the infinite Source?

P. S.
I am quite sure, that a person can be either a vampire or a regular one. I dont believe, that a person can be both at the same time. You are either a predator or a prey.

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Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings? Empty Re: Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings?

Post by Jonathan 04.10.16 16:04

You posted a good question but the answer is rather complicated. It has to do with the vibration of universal energy that as you pointed out everyone absorbs naturally and how that can be used to empower specific magickal abilities. Vampires still have access to this energy and they still use it.

Have you read the Asetian Bible? The author goes into detail why there are differences in how energy is absorbed concerning different energy types and why vampires use universal energy but don’t rely on it for feeding purposes.

However not all vampires rely solely on living beings. That notion is incorrect. Vampires use other forms of energy as well like for example the energy of nature during a storm, charged spiritual locations, etc.

You mentioned the cases of broken chakras which is also a good question because those don’t represent real vampires but just people with subtle damage. That was a theory that started with Michelle Belanger but as with most of the stuff she writes it isn’t generally accepted by those with metaphysical experience. Vampires have no damaged chakras. It goes deeper than that as it has to do with energy metabolism that is quite different from that of ordinary people. Keep in mind that there are a lot of misconceptions out there.

I see that you're new to the community, would you mind introducing yourself in the off topic section? Tell us about your occult background and such so that we can see where you're coming from. Many in this forum tend to be wary of outsiders so it's always beneficial to do so.

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Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings? Empty Re: Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 05.10.16 14:08

You may want to read the article on asetka.org on "Vampirism" as that is highly informative. It answers some of your questions in regards to vampirism and subtle damages to chakras which also Jonathan filled in on.

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Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings? Empty Re: Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings?

Post by Naoom 17.11.16 13:09

First of all it is necessary for survival.If you are a member of the Family if you don't feed you don't evolve and you can't thus defeat death.In the TOV Priests as they are called and Vampires above this rank cannot use their flesh to sustain the astral thus they are forced to feed from others to remain visible and most importantly not dissolve.I personally since having achieved the highest rank in the TOV require to take liforce from others because without it,i can't take another body or exit my own to say.

Leviathan,the dragon

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Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings? Empty Re: Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings?

Post by UberSite 26.11.16 18:23

Not sure in either or, nor predator or pray. Seems solely source feeding may lead another Jesus Christ type occurrence. Beings seemingly begin believing one may be source and attempting body ingestion.


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Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings? Empty Re: Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings?

Post by Naoom 16.05.17 5:25

I completely disagree with my previous post on this thread.
A Vampire is a being whose psyche is isolated and thus does not produce its own energy. A soul of a real Vampire has a much higher frequency than that of a human and a higher energy metabolism. They require to feed in order to sustain their subtle bodies and fuel their abillities. Vampirism isn't a disease nor a curse, it is a condition of the soul. The Vampire's soul and flesh are loosely connected, unlike humans who are not vampiric in nature who only in the deepest of dreams, astral projection and death itself will experience liberation of the two.

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Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings? Empty Re: Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings?

Post by Lynskha 26.08.17 10:53


I came to work today thinking about somethings I have been reading here. I joined the forum yesterday, but I am trying to keep up even with old posts.

About feeding, and the necessity, I thought the explanation given here very interesting.

"A soul of a real Vampire has a much higher frequency than that of a human and a higher energy metabolism."

In another post I wrote about the balance we achieve through some practices like chi kung and tai chi, and sometimes the feeding changes its frequency, at least for me becoming less frequent.

However I feel , sometimes when there is a sudden fall of energy. I try to balance myself, feeding from my surroundings, and energy from nature, specially the beach, and other sources.

But, as you mentioned in this post, there is the frequency the soul of a vampire vibrates. So , the energy coming from the human would "fit".

The frequency a vampire soul vibrates is very intense, so the energy spent is much higher.

What I was thinking this morning, relates to me, and things I observe about myself. Whenever I open myself to new studies and practices, or just start revisiting things I used to read or practice, specially about vampirism, I feel sudden falls of energy. I believe it could be, because it would "demand" more energy to deal with these topics and subjects, being more active, consequently, spending more energy, and because of that, bringing me the need of feeding, in a stronger way.


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Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings? Empty Re: Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings?

Post by Charby 17.12.17 13:34

How to explain what I know in therms one who may not know would understand?

Imagine if you will, that each type of soul sings but one note of the chorus of the universe that is life. Each living thing sings a single note, be that a human, a vampire, otherkin, dog, cat, tree, even a blade of grass or, a thunder storm. Each thing with energy sings only one not and, each sings a different note.

Also imagine that higher notes take more energy to produce. A tree sings a very low note, an animal such as a dog or cat a higher note, humans and otherkin an even higher note and, vampires higher still but, not by much.

Now, as a vampire, I cannot produce the energy I need. Yes I use the Source but, it alone is not enough for the note my soul must sing. We all take from the Source, picking our note out of all the Source gives, which is all notes. But that isn't enough for us. We need to feed and any energy we take in, we must alter, or modulate to that which we need, tune it to our note, if you will.

Humans and, otherkin being those closest to our note, our frequency of soul mean it is a lot easier for us to alter that energy to meet our excessive needs. Yes we can take form other sources and, often do but, the further the energy from what we need, the more energy we actually have to expend in modulating or tuning it to meet our needs.

Yes a tree will suffice but, I would need to take four or five times as much from the tree to gain as much as a light feeding form a human would give me once it's modulated to my needs, to my note so that I can use it to power my being. So, we prefer feeding form humans and otherkin.

Some sources can actually be painful for us to feed from and, no being appreciates pain when they are only trying to sustain themselves. Those we avoid, either because it's instinctive not to do that or, because we have found occasion to override our instincts and have attempted such feeding. It's a bit like trying to eat a prickly pear cactus apple without first removing the thorns, not something you will soon repeat if you've done it once.

Many things can cause that fall of energy, driving us to feed more deeply and, more frequently. Stress, lack of proper solid food, damage or illness to our physical body, an event that woulds the soul. I think we've all experienced that, and, if like me, you happen to prefer blood as your conduit for feeding, it can get interesting with the strange ideas your mind will present you with as possibilities.


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Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings? Empty Re: Why is it necessary for a vampire to feed from living beings?

Post by Nightvein 19.02.18 19:18

Your question is a good one. 🧛‍♀️

I’m not sure why things are the way they are. In my personal experience, SOURCE was truly the best. Source was god, home, love & all things good. Somehow, the need to consume specifically blood was a part of my condition. Beyond this I don’t know why. You ended your post with your statement which addresses the reality of separating the two categories. I think it’s a positive idea, that anything and everything could be divided, but I’ve found this isn’t true. No one’s ever truly eliminated the middle ground. I didn’t used to believe this but I’ve found that the middle ground is there! 😉😄❤️

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