Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Lewella Spade
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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Naoom 15.01.17 21:51

Lewella who are you asking how did one become Vampire?I took back my statement of being a vampire since I wasn't good when I said that.Don't worry that you have a few good friends most people have many but not true friends Lewella.

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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Lewella Spade 16.01.17 2:14

Excuse me....I was asking Strangelove; not you. You need to get off this power trip that you think you have on this site. Strangelove needs a better teacher in the art of being a vampire. Enough said.
Lewella Spade
Lewella Spade

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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by strangelove 17.01.17 16:30

Lewella Spade wrote:Excuse me....I was asking Strangelove; not you. You need to get off this power trip that you think you have on this site. Strangelove needs a better teacher in the art of being a vampire. Enough said.

Well said.

George Gosdas wrote:I told her to 'Invoke' me and she did.I visited her and I can tell you that she is not a vampire and her soul is fine.I told her that she is pretty and she smells good and she said stuff like firefly. Sirius. Particle. Decibel. Socrates.Please don't take her seriously.

Are you talking about me?

You most certainly did not visit me.
You did tell me I smell like flowers, along with some other simple lines to try and make me feel uncomfortable or "freaked out".

There are no Fnords here. Your power-trip and mind-games are not welcome; please stop trying to hijack my thread.
If you'd like attention, please start your own.

I'm not going to judge you.
This train is hard enough as it is without me concerning myself with where or how you get off.
I'd just appreciate if you could take a step back and stop blocking my light.

My issue here
is I've effectivelly turned into a black hole. I can feel myself unconsciously sucking in energy from anything around me.
This could be dangerous, especially to children or the elderly, if I don't work out what I'm doing I could cause damage to someone or something without meaning to.


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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Lewella Spade 17.01.17 19:00

dearest Strangelove, please seek out Nightshade. George, stop attention seeking. I am trying to help Strangelove as best i can. if you have a personal problem with me,George, i am right here. You need to stop acting like you know everything. strangelove does not need you saying that you visited him and that he smells like flowers.
Lewella Spade
Lewella Spade

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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by strangelove 18.01.17 12:16

George, most spiritual paths involve separation from Ego.
This is to avoid bravado, pride, and arrogance.

It is something I think would stop you from having to troll through this forum, trying to mess with peoples heads and make believing that you can astral project.

The fact you would tell me that you "visited me", to me at least, has highlighted your inexperience in the subject,
and cast your true shadow at me, allowing me to see you for who you really are.

Please consider meditating on your shadow, and perhaps reading some Jungian psychology to learn more about your self.


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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Heruset 18.01.17 12:24

Strangelove did you google from my posts? Lol 

First you say ego
Then shadow
Then "allowing me to see who you really are" (Self)
So... I think you should read more on Jung. 

But good try. Seems like everyone here pretends


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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Naoom 18.01.17 12:30

Strangelove you can admit everyone you are a girl because I did see you and I know that for certain.You also admited that on a private message.I didn't do it for ego and I admit I am partially insane and have unconsious controll over my thoughts.If an admit wants to ban me for lying he will have to check my pm's with others and see and know for certain I can do what I said and have done it with others but I don't think we have to go that far.

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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Heruset 18.01.17 12:37

Honestly I think an Admin should close this nonsense thread


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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Naoom 18.01.17 12:37

I agree,I regret posting the previous.

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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by strangelove 18.01.17 17:53

I made a post asking for help with a genuine concern.

you've hijacked my thread, turned it into a farce, and knowing you've derailed my original post about a 'pump and dump', you're telling the admins you think they should close it?

You turned this thread into what it is..
I think personally, if youre not contributing anything, you should just stop posting in this thread?
That's the third time I've asked now..


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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Heruset 18.01.17 18:00

No one here is responding seriously because 1. they aren't serious or 2. they don't take you serious.

You need to research more about vampires. Read the Asetian Bible and more then come back crying about your soul being gone... You aren't a black hole. You have an emotional problem. Look elsewhere for solutions like books and psychologists than strangers who rejected you Three times now


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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Lewella Spade 18.01.17 18:01

Dearest Strangelove; I am concerned you not for the people who keep responding. I keep saying try to reach out to Nightshade. I need a break from this forum, here is the number to the national suicide hotline- 1-800-273-8255. Please, dearest strangelove-call if you need be. blessings, little one.
Lewella Spade
Lewella Spade

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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by strangelove 18.01.17 18:09

National suicide hotline?

Okay that's weird...


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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by strangelove 18.01.17 18:36

look I get it.

Kids today are growing up in a fast, cerebral world.
They watch twilight, get all flustered with the smouldering looks and long suspense driven scenes where it's just oh-so-sexy to be a vampire; I get it.

They read the Asetian Bible - perhaps the Zohar and maybe find a bit of the Egyptian book of the dead on the DarkWeb. They think they're dark. They think it gives them edge.
They get bullied in school for having acne: they have social anxiety, and are afraid they're just average people, doing average things, who'll never truely make their mark on the world - and it's reassuring to retreat into an online fantasy.
Somewhere where THEY'RE in control.
Where they feel like they're powerful and dark... it makes sense.

But they're not.
They're just kids, at the end of the day. Some of the things I've seen would frighten those little kids to their core.

Now obviously you're different: you really ARE the big dark super-villian vampire. I get it.

But if you truely understood the Asetian bible, or any of the esoteric arts, you'd realise a HErmetic drift when you saw one.
You'd also know what it is I said happened to me.

I think the truth is you saw what I said as a threat;
You read something you didn't understand and your ego made you want to challenge this, because if you don't understand how what I'm saying is possible, then you're not the big bad vampire you want to be seen to be.

This forum isn't a popularity contest, or a beauty pageant.
Get off your high horse trying to tell me I'm wrong.
I've witnessed many people having their lifeforce energy stolen. It's not pretty, it's not fun, it's one of the more sinister things you can ever experience, and it's not something you ever forget.


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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Heruset 18.01.17 18:40

Rolling Eyes


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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by hikaze 07.07.17 15:57

Most energy feeding that you might need will be both subconscious and automatic, you do not need to try to drain people for that will only cause problems, thus i suggest reading the black veil to see the suggested guidelines, secondly I will say that indeed you need to have a soul, and to think otherwise or think that you are missing something is absurd, whether or not you are a vampire, you need to pay attention to your life at hand, the stress you are putting yourself through just to show strangers that you can jump through hoops doesn't prove anything and will only do worst to you, you're body and soul were made to work in unison, as well as those that surround you. We are all in a big bowl of energy, you get your share of that bowl, in that you will work fine in just living, you over complicate your circumstance. Just tune your body and soul to work better together and to control your energy.

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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Jonathan 07.07.17 23:26

hikaze wrote:Most energy feeding that you might need will be both subconscious and automatic, you do not need to try to drain people for that will only cause problems, thus i suggest reading the black veil to see the suggested guidelines

Red flag there. The Black Veil is made by roleplayers for roleplayers. It's not a genuine vampire document. It was created from a computer game and it's used by those who like pretending to be vampires and dress-up for parties, not living vampires. You will find no real vampires following or respecting the Black Veil. Even limited research will easily show this.

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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Jessamine 08.07.17 0:13

hikaze wrote:Most energy feeding that you might need will be both subconscious and automatic, you do not need to try to drain people for that will only cause problems, thus i suggest reading the black veil to see the suggested guidelines, secondly I will say that indeed you need to have a soul, and to think otherwise or think that you are missing something is absurd, whether or not you are a vampire, you need to pay attention to your life at hand, the stress you are putting yourself through just to show strangers that you can jump through hoops doesn't prove anything and will only do worst to you, you're body and soul were made to work in unison, as well as those that surround you. We are all in a big bowl of energy, you get your share of that bowl, in that you will work fine in just living, you over complicate your circumstance. Just tune your body and soul to work better together and to control your energy.

Don't be so sure. Here you look pathetic, not knowledgable.
And stop with the sebastian crap, we all know of his "works" and know exactly what they are worth.

If you are interested in true vampirism read the Asetian Bible.

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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by hikaze 08.07.17 2:30

I understand the stance on Sebastian, for he isn't worth very much, but even though I didn't know of the fact that true vampires don't already follow such guidelines, may I ask why? Modern day would lead me to believe that maybe you wouldn't want to be from such an angle, as the past has proved that.

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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Jessamine 08.07.17 3:20

You must find your own answers.

I suggest you to read the Asetian Bible.

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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by Heruset 08.07.17 7:16

Asetians aren't the only type of vampire, but it could teach you a thing or two about what it means to be vampiric...

Other publications aren't very reliable.


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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by hikaze 08.07.17 12:29

Heruset wrote:Asetians aren't the only type of vampire, but it could teach you a thing or two about what it means to be vampiric...

Other publications aren't very reliable.
yeah, other material is hard to get a hand on but I guess it's worth it

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Newly turned Vampire - [need assist] - Page 2 Empty Re: Newly turned Vampire - [need assist]

Post by A.Nightside 08.07.17 18:05

Well, I wanted to comment but the jist of what I wanted to say seems to have been said.

At the risk of reviving something that is done. This caught my eye:
drained of my 'Ba' or immortal soul, robbed of my immortality, and now am parasitizing the energy of those around me to try and Live.

I'm not too familiar with Vampirism on the Occult(?) side of things, as seems to be the focus of this forum (Regarding Aset Ka and other groups), still learning, but I am familiar with almost a different "subculture" of vampirism.

Regardless of my limited, and slightly unbalanced knowledge, I'm pretty sure there are many vampires who believe their souls are immortal, and it's because of their soul (be it reincarnation, some spiritual lineage, soul damage or function, etc) that it's their soul itself that leads to, or explains, their vampirism (whether they consider it a condition/difference or somehow a species other than human).

Without your soul, you're not vampire (though I suppose not all believe in a soul, and still believe they're vampire *shrugs* so I suppose you don't need a soul to be vampire, but that depends on your definition of a vampire). If you subscribe to spiritual concepts, not having a soul means you don't exist physically or otherwise.

.. it sounds however, as though you subscribe to religious concepts of vampirism, like the Revenants of Europe and the New England corner of The United States who would rise from the dead, steal one's "soul" (I think witches were accused of this too) and damned their victim to hell. Also, my memory is very very foggy, as it's been well over a decade or two since I had any involvement, but this belief might also coincide with the story, or main character's feelings in Vampire the Masquerade. If I'm not mistaken, Kristoff(?) gets turned early in the story line and struggles with the acceptance of having his soul lost or damned..

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