I am a vampire - and now?

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Lynskha 08.12.17 6:39

"I am a vampire" - That is a sentence that has been very open around some facebook groups, and its meaning has been the most diverse, as we have been discussing it in another post.
I confess that I get a little surprised by the modern behavior related to what is a vampire, and how do these people tend to act.

But, today I was wondering, about the situation when people get to - " I am a vampire" , and now?
What do people usually think after getting to this conclusion about their identity?

What are they going to do with that information? A friend just found a text that he wrote about many years ago, and I noticed that, when reading it, my view and opinion about vampirism has changed.
Maybe the mistake is when we get just attatched to the idea of vampirism as it is : "I am a vampire, a feed, I manipulate energy, I am the king of the night".

There is a sense of power, ego, the archetype.

But then, the vampire won't change or evolute. Just finding his identity is great, but what to do with it?
What Paths of evolution to be followed? What are the lessons to be learned? What uses of the "gifts" can be done?

Is it being a vampire the only thing that matters? I mean, adopting this style and embracing it, but just this first layer of the predator?

I don't think so. But that is my opinion. I like observing how there are different reactions to the subject.
I appreciate even more when the approach to vampirism topic comes aligned with something deeper, something that through love or pain, makes us grow, and makes us act according to our Will.

So studying LHP, RHP, magick, kabbalah, being part of groups or Orders, reading, being a solitary learner, studying, practicing, but most important, being able to know yourself is what matters. Through real experience we build our Path, through hard work, we seek for mastering.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Lynskha 08.12.17 6:41

Vampirism - a word that could be simple to describe a being, but that goes beyond the basic layers it is related to, specially depending on the point of view and level of understanding from the person dealing with it.

For some , just the mythological creature, the ones they know from books, and movies. The "regular" archetype of the "monster" , evil that kills, drink blood, suffer with sunlight, garlic...

For others - also this archetype, but a more romanticised or modern one, related to games, recent literature and movies.

For the ones dealing with some specific religions related to Spiritism- entities that affect humans by draining their energy, causing the person to maybe drain too.
For some people - vampires are the ones that can affect others in a negative way, emotional vampires. The ones that make people feel bad around them, because they actually affect them, draining their energy, so they are the kind of people fo keep distance from, like the ones Dion Fortune describes in her book.

And for others - beings that need energy, that either drink blood, or drain energy from ambient, or people, but they live their normal lives, or pose with fangs, in goth style.

These are very basic things people understand when faced with the word vampire/vampirism. Basic, very basic things, that for "the general public" that's all.

There is also something interesting that it is how the "vampires" see themselves.

In this case, the different ways of understanding this "Condition" as some call , "vibration/ alignment/ transformation..."

Some see and live it as a fashion/pop style, with all those fangs, and parties, and role play. Just a transfer from "regular humans" ways of living and fantasy to a "vampire environmnet" - so for them, posing this style "makes" them vampires.

There are others that see just as a condition of draining/feeding/manipulating energy, and remain there. "That is what it is about - feed, and period"
There are those who believe that it is possible to "turn" someone by rituals or something.
There are others that just believe in the awakening process, and that it is a condition that is already there.

There are those who follow specific "groups", traditional or more modern.
And there is a different one, that I consider to be, unfortunatly, rare. The ones that may identify with a vampiric "condition" , but understand that this does not MAKE them what they ARE. Specially because their concern is not about who is the king or queen, who is the ruler, what is the next party, or if the fangs are fashion.

This rare group, is indeed, concerned about what, for me, is what is really important in any being, vampire or not.
Spiritual evolution.

This one, tries to understand things, specially about oneself. He uses his "gifts/abilities" in order to seek for a better way to become better.

The "vampire" in this case is part of what he is and not what only what he is.
There are many things linked to the vampire nature, as many know, but each one feels it in a different and particular way. But for me, I understand mature and serious beings, vampires, the ones that look for this evolution, that understand his condition in a much deeper way, and seek for Spiritual development and inner grow.

Every person, being human, otherkin, vampires, that are connected to this frequency of growing, is somehow in a Journey that will lead to this evolution.
Keeping in this illusion of "wannabe" and roleplay, unfortunatly is just a trick from the mind, from the "matrix" , something to escape reality, and give the false impression of power.

The Self work is hard, a Path that many just do not want to walk. But my admiration and respect lies for those who dare to do it. And the vampires that just understand their condition in a natural, deep and powerful nature and way.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Nightvein 19.02.18 5:33

You are incorrect about the inability to evolve. Some types of vampire would specifically be called “evolutionary”... As far as “posing” with fangs goes... sometimes fangs were taken and the fangs may be necessary (in some cases). Or a vampire feels better with them. Some vampires feel no connection it just depends. And so this is why the individual would have them. I think everything else you’ve said is accurate... but, commonly vampires are abused creatures. Stripped of everything, sometimes left in poverty, or other similar situations, a lot will experience slavery by the same people who act as if they are under suppression... When typically they are just satanic or parasitic.
Even in places of law, or security the majority of existence will look down upon a REAL vampire and truly if the door opens on such a being(vampiric being) that ANYONE can do WHATEVER THEY WANT to them, the likelihood of RAPE, torment, abuse, slavery, mis-use, and stripping of the being’s nature will NEVER end. This has gone so far in times past that a being who is not vampiric and has quite an opposite form of existence(is abusive) will possibly end up with many of the vampires qualities (a vampire, in general, is non-abusive... the only time a vampire might begin to approach crossing the line to become abusive is if pushed or possessed or in compulsion - not sure how that last one works)

It can take time for things to go back to normal, if they do at all. Most vampires have a different definition of them-self, likely no two vampires have the same definition unless they are the exact same kind... and usually it will vary a bit from each personal story/account/state/condition/breed/origin/form.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Lynskha 19.02.18 6:46

As far as “posing” with fangs goes... sometimes fangs were taken and the fangs may be necessary (in some cases). Or a vampire feels better with them.

psychodrama ?

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Jonathan 19.02.18 6:55

Nightvein wrote:the fangs may be necessary (in some cases). Or a vampire feels better with them.

That's not a vampire.

That is a completely mistaken notion of what is a real vampire.

A real vampire doesn't need psychodrama, fangs and pretending to be a fictional character. Actually, that's an easy way to tell who isn't a vampire.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Lynskha 19.02.18 7:10

A real vampire doesn't need psychodrama, fangs and pretending to be a fictional character. Actually, that's an easy way to tell who isn't a vampire.

Good point Jonathan. When using psychodrama we see that what is brought up to the surface is a character, an interpretation not even a real thing.

So, I agree. fangs are not necessary. They become a crutch for those who need to feel they are vampires, convince themselves through the use of elements that brings them some sense of identification when in reality we understand that true identity can be found in other "rooms" inside the self.


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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Nightvein 19.02.18 7:19

I did not say that is necessarily a vampire, or that it makes a vampire... I am simply saying for some they may feel it’s necessary. Please read more carefully. And no, nothing as simple as style or clothes can label someone as a vampire, or not a vampire...

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Lynskha 19.02.18 7:30

the fangs may be necessary (in some cases). Or a vampire feels better with them.

Again... hummm . no.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Maxx 19.02.18 9:16

she has written enough here on the site to plainly see she is just trying to interject self here as a learned person regarding vampires.  This is correct, but it is plain that she is referencing delusional, movie, wannabee cases and this is what she has knowledge of.  Nothing unusual with her as we see this kind come through here all the time.  Just a physical being wanted to draw attention to self.  Another fool on the loose.  Probably got run out of the VCN and she is just looking to be a problem here.  lol.  Appears to have mental issues.  Nothing she has presented here demonstrates she is anything but a common human playing games with no profound knowledge on anything out of the ordinary. Seems to be accustomed to writing about the nature of common human conditions so I do not see how that can relate to anything here.  We can view monkeys in the zoo as being more entertaining than this poor soul.  She does have issues it appears but most everyone does at some point in life.  Maybe no interaction with real people in the far north.  Needs to get out of the igloo more often.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Lynskha 19.02.18 10:46

Maxx... oh Maxx... you made me laugh so nicely in this crazy afternoon I am having! Thanks!

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Nightvein 19.02.18 11:05

Alright. If you FEEL vitamin C is necessary on a specific morning when you wake up, this may be necessary, it may be you really need vitamin C... obviously you have no scientific proof that it was 100% necessary at this particular time. There wasn’t a doctor and you didn’t run any tests, regardless, you took vitamin C and you felt better. Better in a way which crossed into the physical and was effective. This is the kind of necessary I’m talking about. But the fangs are in relation to the vampire’s ability to be in their own element. . . The element is key sometimes. Hard to explain and I suppose there’s details missing but I’m not going to waste a whole lot of time on this detail because it’s clearly not the end of the world if someone disagrees.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Maxx 19.02.18 12:21

sounds as if we all disagree as you are in the midst of a different type of group than you mentally gyrate with. We have no need of fangs here. And blood is not an issue for a real vampire. Not the importance you think it is. It appears the Asset Ka books you have not paid any attention to. Just your play vampire games and movies. But look around and find something else you do not agree with and everyone will discuss it with you. Keep your feet warm.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Maxx 19.02.18 12:22

oh....and We are always HERE.,.....

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Lynskha 19.02.18 12:32

oh....and We are always HERE.,.....


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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Maxx 19.02.18 12:34

Jonathan wrote:[quote=

A real vampire doesn't need psychodrama, fangs and pretending to be a fictional character. Actually, that's an easy way to tell who isn't a vampire.

But I need psychodrama because I am only a human and pretend to be Uncle Fester but do not need the fangs.....   Isn't that the way you can tell i am not a REAL vampire, Jonathan?    

Oh wait.   Maybe that is how we can tell that this nightvein is not a real vampire, as well.    ?????    hmmmmm.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Nightvein 19.02.18 18:38

Just posting what I feel is necessary regarding vampirism... I do not read Aset Ka, I’m not in Aset Ka and I do not appreciate, practice, respect nor have reverence to your gods. I find them to be false, seeing as those whom are in these kults behave as you and all of your forum buddies do. As much as you would like to believe you are the only vampires out there, there are physical breeds of vampires. There are vampiric animal types, why would there be no vampiric bipedal species as well. I can see you’re always here as most of you are spending your time behaving this way. It’s really no different than the pagans and rapists and murderers outside... your religion is in no way worth anything. Less actually. When it is said “I AM ALWAYS HERE.” I mean it positively for those who may need guidance and have the need for information regarding the transformation the physical part of existence undergoes upon the awakening of the sanguine vampires reality... this is why I am here. When I was sixteen I had not a clue as to where I should go. The forums were the only place in Alaska I could find and sadly there were mostly people who were more interested in bullying on these forums... I was rather trashed... I am here for anyone who needs either the words of Christ or a person with the same physical problem as the real vampire community. They would be stuck in the midst of abusers, rapists, horrific scenes of online bullying

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Nightvein 19.02.18 19:00

If no one were there to deliver them. It says in biblical scripture that although their enemies camped round about them god delivered them, and it says although Pharoah followed them on chariots, this same pharaoh was I demise by the waves and the pillar of fire as a warning. I am here to make sure anyone who may look here knows they are not suffering solo and that God can still speak beyond the bullying. Beyond this I will say that what I am saying is not a reflection of the law. Law, and the Natural Laws of vampirism night not say what I am saying. This is just what I felt like saying in response to your rude mocking of my previous post, that “I AM ALWAYS HERE”, which was meant to be a gift. Within the realm of Vampire Law it is true though that there are many kinds of us, and anyone can choose to shut the others out but this doesn’t change the fact we all exist. Forums and real-life vampires do not need to be enemies. Fighting and arguing doesn’t give the whole world of vampires a good name. Forums are a place for real vampires too. Well I will continue to argue my points for a while then I’m going to do some of my own work and I’ll be back later during my week break, before I return to work.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Maxx 19.02.18 19:38

you are an example of exactly the way I called you. Unread and uneducated as to the topics you try to present yourself an expert on. Sorry, Now everyone here knows how you feel about the books this forum is built on. Just another ignorant human trying to convince yourself you are vampire.

Also, the reason why I call you ignorant, is that you are presenting the background of the Christian story as being real. There is absolutely no historical evidence of anyone in the bible as being a real person except John the Baptist and Simon Magus.

We certainly do not mind opposite views and love to talk about the difference but not with a person that has and shows no respect for anyone here on the site by the statements above. And the fact you come in here to openly contradict primary views here in your first post without even viewing what this site is all about, shows you have no respect for others and you will not be treated with any from this site at all.

Go peddle your trash where they love the phoney crap your repfresent.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Nightvein 19.02.18 21:11

According to the site, you do not represent Aset Ka. I personally am what some would call “prejudiced” towards other religious views regardless of how Aset Ka, or any particular viewpoint which goes against the only compassionate savior known to human kind has... But you too are behaving ridiculously so, and many others. In my viewpoint. I can and will post here what I feel is necessary and will not simply walk away. Again much of what I say does not represent Vampire Law.... I will try to make sure it is specific where I’m coming from. But within the Vampire Law it’s clear there’s many kinds, and there is really no one with the power to say this person or that person is a vampire. One either is or isn’t. People that do not have vampirism though likely will not make the mistake of partaking in vampirism, and if it is foreseen one can harm themself by participating in it then it can simply be stopped.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Maxx 19.02.18 22:22

as I said you have studied nothing from this site other than just coming in here trying to set yourself up as an authority on delusion.

Anyone is welcome here that comes in a non hostile way. But you did not.   You are the one that advanced unfriendly words towards me directly so I am not one to lie down because of some dilly headed chosen frozen.   Good luck anyway but you are not welcome here at all.  I can see others feel the same.  

It is well known what my feelings are toward delusionals that enter here.  I am human.   Nothing delusionals talk about here cannot be accomplished by humans. And most humans are more capable with their  ability than the loose nutjobs.   So you are as silly as dilly dally with that crap.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Maxx 19.02.18 22:25

And good luck with that "saviour crap". It is nothing other than a thought form fed continously by idiots. and that makes sense completely with you.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by A.Nightside 19.02.18 23:17

Did you seriously list paganism alongside crimes such as rape and murder?

Dude/dudette. Seriosly. Gtfo and take your bigoted narrow mind with you.

My mother is a serious Christian (jehovah's witness to be precise) and she isn't nearly as offensive as you

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by A.Nightside 19.02.18 23:21

And don't worry your little head about sanguine vampires, the one's who actually drink blood because they need to rather than stare at colors on a screen (actually come to think of it this claim sounds familiar).. I've got the real sanguine feeders covered.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by Nightvein 20.02.18 0:36

In either case this behavior is satanic and I will not partake in it, I will also speak against it. I argue from a perspective which is well-educated and I do not speak backwards as it is not safe. You might like to believe so but it actually invites something wicked and it opens the doors. This is what the same wickedness wants and you are acting as a conduit.

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I am a vampire - and now? Empty Re: I am a vampire - and now?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.02.18 6:32


High level of research.


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