Reiki healing and Chakras

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Reiki healing and Chakras Empty Reiki healing and Chakras

Post by Lewella Spade 25.01.17 1:28

I have been searching for some one to teach me Reiki. I found a Reiki master, within my own family. I know there is a lot training invovled. I found three set book set which takes you from beginer to master and able to teach Reiki yourself. I am starting this training next month. I know what the chakras are and I know they come in handy when you are using it to balance someone's energy center (aka Chakras centers). I am wondering if there is some kind of grounding exersise that I can do to prep for the training.
Lewella Spade
Lewella Spade

Number of posts : 51
Age : 39
Location : Waiting in silence
Registration date : 2016-11-23

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