Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols?

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Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols? Empty Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols?

Post by Pyrene 21.10.12 16:22

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if there is a possibility to use the Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols. Would it be wise or productive to visualize the symbols of the Asetian Pillars while one 'recharges' each Chakra – as in Reiki application? The same to the other secondary Chakras, which also have corresponding symbols according to Asetianism (see Asetian Bible, page 277).

Thanks in advance! Smile


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Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols? Empty Re: Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols?

Post by Syrianeh 22.10.12 2:24

That is a very good observation. I believe you can indeed do that, as the Asetian Pillars are each deeply related and connected to each of the seven Chakras.

Sigils are doorways, and often they will work in the way that you feel most connected with. They open up different gates, and some times you just have to try what fits best, like using several keys to open a door. So I would say yes, it's productive and to try it.

You might want to take a look at this thread here:


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Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols? Empty Re: Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols?

Post by Jonathan 22.10.12 7:14

That's a really good question. I don't know, I admit I never tried to use them in that way, but your observation is very interesting. We have a symbol for each Shen center, from each of the Asetian Pillars, and also a symbol for each of the secondary Shen, properly documented in the Asetian Bible. That can open some interesting doors to energy manipulation directly on the body as Reiki and other metaphysical disciplines.

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Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols? Empty Re: Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols?

Post by Kalb 26.10.12 17:57

It's always interesting to use the Asetian symbolism in our magical practices - Adds a special touch.

Your question is really important, Pyrene. Let's talk a little about Reiki. In the beginning, the system of Reiki was called Usui Teate which means healing by hand. The name Reiki comes after. In fact, there is a long tradition of hands-on healing in Japan and this is one of the traditions who Mr. Usui perfected over time. There is many omissions by the masters of reiki that change the system to a simple technique to impose hands, losing on the road a number of growth techniques of spiritual self empowerment.

Keep in mind that Reiki symbols are limited in their symbolism, It has nothing to do with the Sacred Pillars of Asetianism where the Seven Pillars are connected with Kabbalah and with the secrets and mysteries of Universe and Life and for what I know, the Reiki symbols are just a connecting channel to focus Universal Energy - Just that.

It is also important to remember that the Shen energy system of Asetians is completely different from our own (chackra system), working at different levels and speed. There is great complexity when we use the Asetian symbols.

Please, let me share a thought about the connection between Mikao Usui and Reiki. I learned that Mikao Usui spent 21 days on the mountain to discover the technique of Reiki. But I believe the 21 is connected to the letter of tarot XXI (Card: The Universe). If we look at the chart, we see the woman involved in the Serpent as an act of transformation and healing.

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Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols? Empty Re: Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols?

Post by Pyrene 05.11.12 15:05

Greetings Stalker,

Thank you very much for your insightful answer.

I understand that Reiki symbols and Asetian symbols are very different in their meanings and application. The "Ka" Sacred Pillar, for instance, always reminded me of "seeing things in both sides of the Veil", both in the material world and in its spiritual counterpart. Reiki symbols are much more simple and linear. The "Cho-Ku-Rei" and "Fire Serpent" symbols, as an example, represent the awakening and ascent of the spiralling force of the Kundalini, while the "Raku" symbol resembles the idea of "cutting" or "separating", like a flash, which makes sense in view of the way it is used.

I like your explanation of the 21-day cycle, it makes sense. Smile

Warm regards,


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Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols? Empty Re: Asetian Pillars as Reiki symbols?

Post by Kalb 06.11.12 16:32

Em Hotep,

Each symbol of Reiki is focuses on meaning. The Cho Ku Rei is demonstrated to work with physical things and force, Sei He Ki issues for emotional and sentimental, the Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen to utilize the healing process distance (among other things) and Dai Koo Myo, the Master symbol. The Dai Koo Myo is the first contact to study, feel and understanding the Kundalini. The Traditional Reiki as we know it today does not give much importance to the Kundalini.

The symbols Nin Giz Zida and Dummo are not traditional symbols, were created to "feel connected" in Buddhist Reiki and Karuna Reiki by William Lee Rand. In fact, those symbols are associated with the deity Ningizzida. wrote:
Ningishzida is the earliest known symbol of snakes twining (some say copulation) around an axial rod. It predates the Caduceus of Hermes, the Rod of Asclepius and the staff of Moses by more than a millennium. One Greek myth of origin of the caduceus is part of the story of Tiresias, who found two snakes copulating and killed the female with his staff. Although Wadjet 'the Green One', the serpent Goddess of Lower Egypt from the Pre-dynastic period demonstrates the earliest known representation of a single serpent entwined around a pole – in this case a papyrus reed (refer to first glyph): Wadjet Hieroglyph[unreliable source?]

Which brings us to Ancient Egypt. I believe that having a greater understanding of the mysteries of Egyptians we can understand more about our energetic system. Reiki is based on "representations" and Asetianism is based on "symbolism". I just love the symbolism that exists in the Kemet book where there is a photo about energy flow.


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