Asetian World Science and the Pillars of Eternity

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Asetian World Science and the Pillars of Eternity Empty Asetian World Science and the Pillars of Eternity

Post by Pyrene 03.07.13 17:59

Em Hotep,

I'm very glad to share this topic with you all, as I'm certain it will be a surprise – and a good one. It serves as a supplement to my previous topic The Three Lineages – below and above the Abyss and, I hope, as an incentive to all students of Asetianism.

After a deep study of the Book of Orion and several researches on the internet, I'm proud to present an extraordinary pattern all over the world which is deeply connected to Asetianism. But first of all, I should begin at the beginning. Smile

Everyone who has started to deepen their knowledge on the mystic science of Asetianism and the mysteries of Orion, has learned that there is a connection between that which is above and that which is below. This single sentence has a wide variety of meanings and answers the majority of the questions put, now and then, by any student walking the path of Gnosis and self-discovery.

Passing the first veil of the meanings found in this initiatic formula, in the context of Asetianism, one finds out that the Three Asetian Lineages as represented by the Three Pyramids of Giza are a reflex of their celestial counterparts, the Three Stars in Orion's belt: Alnitak (Zeta Orionis), Alnilam (Epsilon Orionis) and Mintaka (Delta Orionis). Although apparently simple, this equivalence is worthy of deep study and admiration... but it becomes extremely significant when we discover it is repeated on other sites all over the world, and following exactly the same pattern and meanings. It's fascinating.

Following is an image illustrating this:

Asetian World Science and the Pillars of Eternity 7h31

In the chinese city of Xi'an, known for its terracotta warriors, three pyramids (yes, there are pyramids in China) follow the pattern formed by the three stars of Orion's belt. And in the pre-Columbian Mesoamerican city of Teotihuacan, there are three other pyramids that were aligned with the stars of Orion:

Asetian World Science and the Pillars of Eternity Arz2

Surprised? You'll be more when I tell you some names and important symbolisms:

- The pyramid in Teotihuacan corresponding to Alnitak (=Khufu=Serpent) is the Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent;

- The pyramid corresponding to Alnilam (=Khafre=Scarab) is the Pyramid of the Sun;

- And the pyramid that corresponds to Mintaka (=Menkaure=Scorpion) is the Pyramid of the Moon.

Asetian World Science and the Pillars of Eternity 6t64

This conjugation of meanings from two places distant by approx. 12.345 km ( scratch ) is very curious and worthy of another explanation. First, we have a confirmation of the equivalence between Alnitak and the Viperines, as it is conncted to both the Lineage of the Serpent and the mesoamerican Feathered Serpent, Quetzalcoatl, the Lord of the Dawn. The Scarab and the Scorpion as the Sun & Moon are an image of the two Pillars in the Tree of Life: the Pillar of Mercy represented by the masonic column called Jachin and the Sun, and the Pillar of Severity represented by the masonic column called Boaz and the Moon. The Serpent as the Giver of Life through Death and Lord of the Dawn, is represented in Freemasonry by the Sanctum Sanctorum, the Temple in the East, the kabbalistic Middle Pillar of Equilibrium. Hiram dead and reborn.

And now, for a nice ending, I'll use no words to conclude my brief discourse:

Asetian World Science and the Pillars of Eternity Mkdk


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Asetian World Science and the Pillars of Eternity Empty Re: Asetian World Science and the Pillars of Eternity

Post by Jonathan 04.07.13 13:17

Another great post Pyrene, you're publishing great contributions lately! Thank you, I enjoyed all that symbolism and correlations between cultures.

Very interesting details found in other places of the world and following with attention what you just shared the connections with the Asetian teachings clearly are not a coincidence and may have a much deeper meaning behind it. Asetianism really is universal!

Fascinating study...

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Asetian World Science and the Pillars of Eternity Empty Re: Asetian World Science and the Pillars of Eternity

Post by Kalb 08.07.13 20:42

Em Hotep, Pyrene.

Clap Clap

Very good article. I Loved it! I have learned good things with you, my old friend.

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Asetian World Science and the Pillars of Eternity Empty Re: Asetian World Science and the Pillars of Eternity

Post by Noctis 05.08.18 4:04

Although it is an old publication of the forum it brought to my memory a book (you will find the information about the author in the documentary) and the subsequent documentary made about that text. I think that in some way it can validate what was stated in the AB about the antiquity of the Asetian culture. I would like to see your opinions on this.

"The Revelation Of The Pyramids takes an indepth look into one of the seven wonders of the world, the Great Pyramids of Egypt. Mystery has surrounded these fascinating structures for centuries with theories varying from the scientific to the bizarre.
However with over many years of indepth research taking in the world’s oldest, most enigmatic and beautiful sites from China to Peru, from Egypt to Mexico, a team of independent researchers has, at last, managed first to understand and then to reveal what lies behind this greatest of archaeological mysteries: a message of paramount importance for all mankind, through time and space.

A great odyssey along a breathtaking route rich in staggering imagery, an extraordinary scientific leap and finally a revelation as unexpected as it is spectacular…"

The Revelation Of The Pyramids™ / La Révélation des Pyramides™


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