Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.08.19 8:39

Got interesting ideas for topic relating the Seven Pillars to Three Lineages. Tiet in all three; remaining six divided by three with the outcome of two pillars to, most predominant in, each of the Three Lineages respectively. Serpent: Ankh and Ba. Scarab: Ka and Khepri. Scorpion: Was and Ib. What do you think? Also there was the element of the Asetian Kabbalah, based upon this understanding, that the Tiet is in the center of the Cube as described in Book of Orion whilst these Three Lineages could take up length, height and depth dimensions respectively within the formation of the cube with the remaining pillars corresponding to those dimensions, being placed on either side of the cube, and this could go into profound elaborations. Which Lineage do you think would take which of the three dimensions of length, height and depth, if so?

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Pyrene 23.06.20 6:22

Greetings Mystic,

MysticLightShinethForth wrote:Got interesting ideas for topic relating the Seven Pillars to Three Lineages. Tiet in all three; remaining six divided by three with the outcome of two pillars to, most predominant in, each of the Three Lineages respectively. Serpent: Ankh and Ba. Scarab: Ka and Khepri. Scorpion: Was and Ib. What do you think? Also there was the element of the Asetian Kabbalah, based upon this understanding, that the Tiet is in the center of the Cube as described in Book of Orion whilst these Three Lineages could take up length, height and depth dimensions respectively within the formation of the cube with the remaining pillars corresponding to those dimensions, being placed on either side of the cube, and this could go into profound elaborations. Which Lineage do you think would take which of the three dimensions of length, height and depth, if so?

Sorry for “resurrecting” your topic, but I am quite surprised that it didn’t get any attention from the forum members… so here’s my take on it.

I had also thought about something along those lines, but in my case I thought about relating the three upper pillars (Ankh, Ka, Khepri) to the three lineages and the 3 stars in Orion’s belt, while the other four I would relate to the elements and the other four stars of Orion (Bellatrix, Betelgeuse, Saiph and Rigel). In doing this I was following the elemental correspondences for the Shen centers as given in the Asetian Bible (pgs. 184-190) which follow the traditional correspondences for the Chakras, but contradict the correspondences given in the same book, pages 281-287, and were thus revealed to be, like other things in Luis Marques’ books, “diversion maneuvers”...

I also noticed that in Sigillum 333, Bellatrix (the Amazon Star) is near the symbol for Air, which corresponds to Neith, the hunter and creator Goddess. Other details also got my attention, mainly the fact that the order of the three lineages is different in the Asetian Bible and the Book of Orion (which I wrote about in another topic), so I thought that as there were these two very specific orders for the lineages, and there are two sequences given for the pillars, maybe the sequences Ankh-Ka-Khepri and Ankh-Khepri-Ka would also reflect the different orders of the lineages in both AB and BoO. Confusing?...

Anyway, this didn’t bring any satisfactory results. If Ankh was the Serpent/Viperine, Khepri would be the Scarab/Concubine, but then Ka would be the Scorpion/Guardian, while that simply didn’t seem right. Your hypothesis, however, is quite satisfactory, because you’re following a different model. Tiet, the Blood of Aset, being the center of the cube, is logically connected to the 3 lineages. The other correspondences all make sense.

Following this trail of yours, and answering to your question about the directions of the Pillars, I also don’t have a definitive answer. However, I can say that by observing the Cube in VT pg. 595, there are three pairs of opposites:

- Ankh opposite Was;
- Ka opposite Ba;
- Khepri opposite Ib;
(and Tiet at the center)

On a first analysis I would equate Ankh with “up” and Was with “down”, for obvious reasons. The others I’m not quite sure... but if we equate these with the Lineages as you said, we would have:

- Serpent (Ankh/Divinity) opposite Scorpion (Was/Earth);
- Scarab (Ka/Spirit) opposite Serpent (Ba/Fire&Water);
- Scarab (Khepri/Air) opposite Scorpion (Ib/Water);
(with Tiet/Fire at the center)

So these appear to be perfectly symmetric correspondences, where all the three Lineages are perfectly balanced. I also suspect there is more to this than meets the eye. Have you got any other intuitions on this that you would like to share?

I still have many things to share in this forum. However, at the moment I don’t have a computer to use, and I hate writing on my phone. Today I wrote because I finally got able to use a computer. So as soon as I can, I will share more things here.

Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts!
I’m looking forward to bring more attention to this topic as I think it deserves it.

Warm regards,

Number of posts : 73
Registration date : 2010-03-31

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Troublemaker 23.06.20 6:46

To the other members of this forum, I would avoid Pyrene if I were you. He presents himself as a student genuine about Asetianism but hiding underneath that is serious dishonesty. He threw a tantrum in our Discord server not long ago, announcing that he would be deliberately distancing himself from the Asetianist community and "associating himself with better people". I believe the community deserves better than the type of lowly trash to act like this, pretending to be so into the path only to throw an epic fit and claim he wishes to get away from Asetianism like a small child when he doesn't get his way.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Troublemaker 23.06.20 6:52

The community deserves better than these types of vile liars. Insulting the community and even the path of Asetianism itself only pretend here as if he is supportive of its members and their discussions. I say he should follow through with his tantrum and leave, quit with this dishonest act, but some people cannot live without constantly trying to gain attention through drama.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Troublemaker 23.06.20 6:58

By the way, Mystic is smarter than you're giving him credit for. He has been discussing these higher topics with the community for a long time now in other places, so your dishonest attempt at manipulating this into looking like all good topics are ignored (sniffle sniffle) is not going to fly. You should quit while you still can, and before you dig yourself more of a hole.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Maxx 23.06.20 7:53

I am not familiar with anything of the discord nature but I was thinking that if this did happen with the criticism of the Asetian nature as you state, the words of Mr. Marques explain it rather clearly on page 50.

"The stronger someone condemns and criticizes the Aset Ka the more power and self-confidence the Asetians can achieve.  Asetians are true spiritual adversaries; the nemesis of vulgar and stagnated society.  The antagonists want that opposition and challenge, the Asetians actually are feeding on it.  Growing from it. Conquering through it."

Since none here are really Asetians but mostly Asetianists, I thing the embers from the fire would glow and give off some of that heat. lol.  

My own thoughts regarding many things that are in upheaval all over the world are really being caused by the placement of the planetary alignments and the push/pull of these effects being felt by everyone on the planet.  The Sun entering cancer for the next 30 days just doubles the energy thrown onto this mess where most everyone is dealing with twice the emotional feelings ordinarily present such as anger, resentment, revisiting past memories to enable the negative past to be thrown off, etc.  All told, it is a very eventful time in our history, not only group-wise but personally.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Troublemaker 23.06.20 7:56

Certainly, if I am being honest I find people like this to be rather enjoyable. Those ridiculous behaviors only end up feeding that higher growth in a way.

Pyrene made himself into a woefully easy target. His avatar also does not help matters. Lol.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 23.06.20 8:07

I agree it was quite perplexing seeing you with that leave message all of the sudden, saying you were renouncing or severing bonds with both the Aset Ka (not that you were in it, though) and the community or anything Asetian-related, yet here you are. I guess you saw a certain disappointment with that part of the community in some way, however, and maybe it didn't meet your expectations as people are sometimes bound to have a bit of fun at occasion - joking and laughing about various things - even though there have been rich and bountiful discussions regardless and there have been hardly any issues at all, but why should that go out over your whole path with Asetianism? That doesn't make any sense to me at all. None of us here are representatives of the Aset Ka and you should know better than that, having been around for such a long time. And, if you had any concerns with that part of the community, in any way, would it not have been better to simply address it instead of leaving a 'goodbye, I'm leaving' message out of nowhere and so randomly when you hadn't even been participating much in the discussions? This all seems a bit inconsistent, and now showing up here with this message. I thought you had moved on? Mind explaining why this inconsistecy?

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Pyrene 23.06.20 8:08

I thought you would understand that that was a harsh and unnecessary attitude of mine towards your community. I have no problems in confessing my own errors when I make them. Apparently you aren't able to live the present without letting go of the past, which is particularly true in the case of Rhea Kaye. So this is my final post, even though I didn't want it to take this course of action.

All the best to you, and until a next lifetime.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Pyrene 23.06.20 8:09

Also, feel free to delete my account.
That's a favor you make me.

Number of posts : 73
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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Troublemaker 23.06.20 8:12

I think ego is the motivation. Nothing he says can likely be trusted anyway since he has been showing his dishonest nature repeatedly over the years. I have started to see this guy as a complete joke, since he has not changed in, what, how many years? Years ago he was insulting Asetianism in threads here, bragging that he's proud not being associated with it. He did not grow any maturity even in the years that passed and is still the same person. Especially in his highly ignorant wording, during his recent tantrum saying that he was severing "bonds with the Aset Ka". That's funny considering the Discord is not a branch or outlet of the Order. Perhaps despite his attempt at discussing advanced metaphysics, he still cannot even read.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 23.06.20 8:17

Pyrene, it was a concern about you because there was an inconsistency. Otherwise I'd see nothing wrong with this feedback upon the original post on the thread itself. There's a difference, however, between holding oneself accountable to truth, integrity and honesty, and not letting go of the past. In my view one should do the former first and the latter second.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Troublemaker 23.06.20 8:18

You could try growing an actual spine and apologizing for your dishonorable behavior and tantrums, that would surely be a more effective route than the piteous deflection attempts and victim-playing by announcing you'll just hide instead. But then again, after watching people over the years, I've come to lower my expectations.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Pyrene 23.06.20 8:38

Rhea Kaye wrote:You could try growing an actual spine and apologizing for your dishonorable behavior and tantrums, that would surely be a more effective route than the piteous deflection attempts and victim-playing by announcing you'll just hide instead. But then again, after watching people over the years, I've come to lower my expectations.

I don't apologize to an ego-driven piece of shit.
And no, I'm not talking about the Aset Ka or anyone in here but you, Rhea Kaye.

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I offend you?

Maybe if you read again my topic on Seshat and Serket you will understand my harsh tone in the Discord server... if you can read it without being absorbed by your already gigantic ego.

Good luck next time, you fuckhead.

Number of posts : 73
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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Troublemaker 23.06.20 8:41

Thank you for fully exposing your vile insides. You're only proving my point, which isn't about me or about being offended (you are not nearly important enough to offend). No, the point is that people like you do not deserve to be in the community with your dishonest and lower inner natures. It was rather nice of you to show that so elegantly. Wink

Anyway, I respectfully suggest to the administration that maybe this guy should be banned? Given his abusive language which is hardly mature and directly violates the rules of this forum.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Naoom 23.06.20 8:47

Pyrene, it is ridiculous how profoundly you've projected your issues to a personal level, especially towards Rhea Kaye, who has been nothing but welcoming to you despite thinking you might have not been worth the chance, yet still giving it. When people say big words about Aset and Asetianism, but then drop all of it and their supposed feelings, simply because they faced opposition, it illustrates quite clearly those people were never truly following the Path. It is not a path that is treated lightly, and it is actually extremely common seeing all kinds of such people come in, expressing how committed they are and all, only to drop all of it afterwards once their expectations are not being met. Pyrene, if any part of you truly follows Asetianism, I would suggest working on the need you feel for acceptance and support in order to follow the path, because in reality it is always individual. The feelings of Family shared between certain Asetianists are sacred, but only because they all share them deeply and not dependent upon anything other than themselves. This is the root and basis of true loyalty, which comes after honesty. It is saddening but also fascinating observing how different people who identify with the tradition feel like they have the best approach and noone else deserves their respect due to that. This clearly shows a one-sided view which is probably the lack of actual study and research of many different paths, which serves a greater purpose and equips us with better perception.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 23.06.20 8:51

"Gigantic ego" I hear from someone who's losing his mind, due to an offended ego who's wondering if he made any offense. I hardly think Rhea Kaye takes offense at any of this even one bit nor was she even referring to an apology to herself but to the dishonesty in relation to the community and the lack of integrity for owing up to your faults and thinking you can just turn a blind eye to it and think it will go away.

Now calling someone on this forum this many obscenities and swearing at them probably won't go that far.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Troublemaker 23.06.20 8:54

By the way, in case anyone is curious as to what I was talking about I'll just leave a couple of small examples. Wink This is not about me, he is just chickening out and rage-quitting at being challenged. He has indeed been insulting the Aset Ka for a long time now and it is rather loathsome to see him pretend here as if he is genuine about the path. No amount of childish screaming and infantile insult will change that or somehow cover his rotten dishonesty.

Here is what he recently wrote in Discord. Very recently I might add.

"Hey peeps. It was a pleasure to meet some of you here. I'm getting out of this server, and severing all bonds with the AK or anything Asetian-related. I have better fields to explore, with better people to work with."

As you can see, his dishonesty doesn't just extend to this community but also to the pretentiousness of claiming to be involved with the Aset Ka. I say he should be removed but that is just my opinion.

Thanks for the show, though.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Naoom 23.06.20 8:55

I also wanted to add, that despite Pyrene saying they are leaving, a ban would be well deserved. This type of language is unacceptable, not to mention the actual intent. This lack of elegance doesn't present well on your behalf, especially as an Asetianist as you claim, which is a path of true Elitism that is beyond ego and such silly arguments, if you could call them that.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Jonathan 23.06.20 8:56

Pyrene, you actually made some good contributions around here throughout the years. Why the sudden hostility?

This wasn't balanced at all.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Troublemaker 23.06.20 8:56

Oh, and very well said, Naoom and Mystic.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Maxx 23.06.20 10:15

I keep laughing sitting here watching all of this knowing how the planetary influence is affecting all of this.  It is happening all over the planet.  Unrest, anger, past memories resurfacing, one needs to dump the bad parts and feed the positive in order to develop a more enlightening future.  But all of this is going to get worse before the end of the year and it will be next year before you really see some relief in all the confrontations.  Be prepared.  It will get worse.

Some personalities are being affected to a greater degree than others... but everyone is feeling it.  

Better watching than the cartoon network.

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Maxx 23.06.20 10:17

Mystic, do you think those seven pillars have anything to do with all of this????? Look at those seven icons!!!

Could this be a prime illustration????

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Maxx 23.06.20 10:18

The BA and the KA only rejoin after the passing over????
Or do they?????

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Seven Pillars and Three Lineages Empty Re: Seven Pillars and Three Lineages

Post by Troublemaker 23.06.20 10:29

Unpopular opinion, I think this guy had issues regardless of any planetary influence, given that he has acted weird prior to all of this. Also I think my own intolerance came after some of the experiences that have occurred while dealing with certain people, and is going to be there whether the planets are aligning or not. Although astrology is definitely an interesting area, one I appreciate the significance of.

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