Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw

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Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw Empty Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw

Post by Lewella Spade 11.02.17 7:44

Vampirism: An Psychology view
By Lewella Spade
Vampirism, what is it? The definition of Vampirism is the actions and practices of a vampire. No, kidding. There is also a medical term for Vampirism, what is it? Why is there a medical term or definition for Vampirism. Some people have the Medical condition of Vampirism. But, let's first begin to define the medical term for Vampirism. The medical term or definition is excessive blood test that cause iatrogenic anemia. Iatrogenic anemia is a condition caused by a lowered hemoglobin count, usually due to large or frequent blood removal by blood testing. Iatrogenic anemia is usually found in clients who have bone marrow depression; they can become comorbidity. What does it mean when they become comorbidity? It means that they can pick up other disorders, usually mental; if you like psychology you would like that bit. Okay, enough of the medical stuff it is giving me a headache. On to what is Renefield Syndrome? We all know the story of Dracula, and of course the mental patient Renefield, who eats spiders and flies. You get my point. Renefield Syndrome is a little different from Iatrogenic anemia, it is Clinical Vampirism and the people who are diagnosed with this syndrome are obsessed with drinking blood. Ah, Psychology; something I can work with. So, Clinical Vampirism...I can see this article that I am writing might take more then two weeks that I have planned to take from the forum. There where crimes committed by people who have the disorder of clinical Vampirism. The most famous case I think is with the Countess. Countess Elizabeth Bathory, she was Hungarian. She is going to be my example as I talk about clinical Vampirism. Before, I begin I would like to state there are different types of vampires, that will be the next article I write; don't get me wrong I am a awakened vampire. But as a psychology major, I look at things logically and in reality. Countess Elizabeth Bathory was noblewomen, and the first female serial killer. Okay so what does Clinical Vampirism and Countess Elizabeth Bathory? She was obsessed with staying young so she tortured and killed hundreds of young women, she would bathe in the young women's blood. Clinical Vampirism is basically the Renfield's Syndrome. The Psychology part of this is that it was not reconzied as Renfield's Syndome or Clinical Vampirism till a psychology professor Ramsland and a Clinical psychologist Richard Noll coined the term Renfield's Syndrome after an interview. Psychologist Noll wrote a book in 1992 on clinical Vampirism. Clinical Vampirism got into the DSM (a book listing all the Mental illness). There where many shows that aired when Psychologist Noll wrote his book, for example “Committed” a show about people with mental illness, but the esposide twenty two season five showed people who stuffered from Renfield's syndrome.
Now, there have been murders committed and people saying that they are vampires, a famous and more modern case was the one of Rod Ferrell who claimed to be a five hundred year old vampire name Vesago. He beat the parents of Heather Wendorf who he was helping run away because she was unhappy in her home. Rod Ferrell and his friends called themselves a “Vampire Clan”. There is actually a movie based on these murders, it is called the vampire clan. He was obsessed by the role playing game Vampire: The Masquerade. He had a “V” on his body followed by a dot of everybody in his vampire cult. The murders happened the week of thanksgiving November of 1996. There was two other girls who drove Heather to her boyfriend's house to say good bye before the clan left for New Orleans. Rod and Heather where friends before all this happened. His in jail for life without the chance of parole.
In my opinion, Vampires exists but in some sense the real ones remain hidden and live in secrecy. I also consider myself an awakened vampire. I just think that the Psychology field is interesting when comes to vampires, werewolves and other supernatural beings. I love this kind of stuff it gets my blood going and it makes me pay more attention in my college psychology classes. I would like to meet an actual vampire and sit and talk and ask him what he thinks about these people who claim to be vampires, especially those of the Saber tooth clan. I don't know what my next post will be about, maybe the types of vampires that seem to exist today in the modern world.

I have some questions for you, my friends on this forum:
Why do you believe you are a vampire, witch or werewolf or any other type of supernatural being?

What does feel like when you take the form of the supernatural being?

Do you believe you have some mental disorder or is it just life you want to live?
I would like to close this post with hope that it brings many conversations and helps those who are learning to be a vampire or any creature of the night. May I let you on a little bit of a secret, When I put on all black it makes me feel connected to each and everyone of you; Of course in different ways. I hope this article that I wrote does not offend anybody that was not my intention.
Lewella Spade
Lewella Spade

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Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw Empty Re: Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw

Post by Nightshade 11.02.17 8:30

I would like to point out that the field of vampirism explored in this forum has nothing to do with mental disorders, clinical conditions and it's not the result of psychological conditioning. Surely that those cases do exist, in fact most people online claiming to be vampires can be explained under the light of psychology and many are just confused individuals who want to belong, but those aren't true vampires. As it has been pointed on so often in different threads vampirism is a condition of the soul. That is something spiritual and metaphysical. It's no disease, disorder or even something that someone can just turn you into one. Vampires are just an entirely different type of being, bound to a society that has existed in secrecy since the ancient times and that still roam our society today.

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Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw Empty Re: Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw

Post by Lewella Spade 11.02.17 10:40

Nightshade wrote:I would like to point out that the field of vampirism explored in this forum has nothing to do with mental disorders, clinical conditions and it's not the result of psychological conditioning. Surely that those cases do exist, in fact most people online claiming to be vampires can be explained under the light of psychology and many are just confused individuals who want to belong, but those aren't true vampires. As it has been pointed on so often in different threads vampirism is a condition of the soul. That is something spiritual and metaphysical. It's no disease, disorder or even something that someone can just turn you into one. Vampires are just an entirely different type of being, bound to a society that has existed in secrecy since the ancient times and that still roam our society today.
Nightshade, I know it has nothing to do with this forum, but...I need to look at all angles as a second year Psychology major. I did not choose to do this topic for my midterm, the professor wanted me to because he knew that i would come back with Mulitple opinions. I have to present this. I know what vampires are bond too. Like I said before in this term paper online verson.I did not want to offend anyone. I am sorry.
Lewella Spade
Lewella Spade

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Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw Empty Re: Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw

Post by Heruset 11.02.17 13:29

Even as a psychological aspect you are going in with the wrong thinking.

Thought is intricate. Thought intertwines throughout realms. Psychology major with no connection to esotericism is a medicine major


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Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw Empty Re: Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw

Post by Heruset 11.02.17 13:34

There are "vampires" and there are vampires.
Those who run around drinking lots of blood are probably suffering some type of psychosis and are not vampires but claim to be, or are called such by others.
Those who are vampires are not suffering such conditions without cause (it is not their nature) but they are susceptible to the same psychoses if they do not feed, or are unbalanced in other ways.

Point being, what you describe as vampire isn't vampire and what you describe as mental health isn't mental health so why are you majoring in psychology and why are you writing about vampires if not for your own egoistic fulfillment (since you are content in spreading false information)


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Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw Empty Re: Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw

Post by Lewella Spade 11.02.17 20:44

omg, I was just trying to strike up an intellegent converstation
Lewella Spade
Lewella Spade

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Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw Empty Re: Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw

Post by Kalb 12.02.17 3:19

Lewella Spade: There is no how to have a decent conversation and clever with what you write, you're so out of touch with reality that I don't even know how to argue this subject. However, what Nightshade said is very mature and real. Listen her.

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Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw Empty Re: Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw

Post by Lewella Spade 12.02.17 6:43

I am out of touch with reality...I am more intouch with realitiy, I am just going to delate my thing on here and leave. I don't need this bull. I am fine with whatever nightshade said. I am a psychology major. I look at both things logical and in the present momment. You are all bullies.
Lewella Spade
Lewella Spade

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Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw Empty Re: Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw

Post by Heruset 12.02.17 11:45

Take a step out of societal thinking. We are not bullying you but trying to tell you that this is not the place nor is any for that type of vampirism talk if YOU are serious about the vampire community.

No one here is taking you seriously, guarenteed.

No one wants societal perspective on vampirism because vampires are not part of society.

The truth is, the historical figures you discuss were dark or psychotic but not vampires. The medical conditions are unrelated to real vampirism.

The TRUE vampire is MORE (not less) psychically advanced (coming from the word psyche) than a human so it is an understatement when I say you are spreading misinformation.
Their souls are energetically different.

How do you want to explain THAT through psychology?
(Ps. You aren't the only person who has done college level research)


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Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw Empty Re: Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw

Post by yamji 12.02.17 15:12

"Why do you believe you are a vampire, witch or werewolf or any other type of supernatural being?"

I do not believe it is necessary, for me, to know precisely what I am. That I am, in the world, is enough for me to act.
It seems to be an increasing trend to medicalise opinions on all manner of topics. Some people say Donald Trump is mad because of what he believes. Others say anyone who voted for Hillary must be insane. Many hold that gender is a social construct, others that it is insane to believe you are not simply the gender your genitalia suggests. Doubtless, predictive utility will always be the test of how true one's opinions are. If one claims to be exactly like the vampires in movies, one can expect to be marched out on a sunny beach and the test is rapidly failed or passed. Not many would make such an easily disproved claim. But in a world where so many people hold unfalsifiable beliefs about the merits of communism, the operation of the markets, the existence of deities like the Emperor of Japan, that fly in the face of contrary evidence, how 'unreasonable' does such an unfalsifiable belief have to be before we label those who hold it insane?
Or is it just a question of how common your delusions are, how powerful your believers, and when in history you hold that belief?


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Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw Empty Re: Vampirism: An Psychology Veiw

Post by Lewella Spade 12.02.17 16:31

yamji wrote:"Why do you believe you are a vampire, witch or werewolf or any other type of supernatural being?"

I do not believe it is necessary, for me, to know precisely what I am. That I am, in the world, is enough for me to act.
It seems to be an increasing trend to medicalise opinions on all manner of topics. Some people say Donald Trump is mad because of what he believes. Others say anyone who voted for Hillary must be insane. Many hold that gender is a social construct, others that it is insane to believe you are not simply the gender your genitalia suggests. Doubtless, predictive utility will always be the test of how true one's opinions are. If one claims to be exactly like the vampires in movies, one can expect to be marched out on a sunny beach and the test is rapidly failed or passed.
Not many would make such an easily disproved claim. But in a world where so many people hold unfalsifiable beliefs about the merits of communism, the operation of the markets, the existence of deities like the Emperor of Japan, that fly in the face of contrary evidence, how 'unreasonable' does such an unfalsifiable belief have to be before we label those who hold it insane?
Or is it just a question of how common your delusions are, how powerful your believers, and when in history you hold that belief?
Thank you.
Lewella Spade
Lewella Spade

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