How do you practice?

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How do you practice? Empty How do you practice?

Post by Ini-herit 14.05.17 2:59

Em Hotep,

I am new to this forum but not new to the Asetain path. I'm interested in learning how you all practice Asetianism in your daily lives. This can be seen as a very personal question and if so I apologize.

My daily practice includes 30 minutes of meditation at sunrise and sunset (or as close as I can get), and daily reading from the Asetian Bible. No matter how many times I read it, I keep learning new things.


Number of posts : 3
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Location : Boston, MA USA
Registration date : 2017-05-14

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How do you practice? Empty Re: How do you practice?

Post by Heruset 14.05.17 11:51

I think many Asetianists use techniques that vary greatly amongst themselves.

That being said, there are things common between them.

I think all Asetianists do, or should, practice daily meditation, grounding, and energy manipulation, to say the least.

I use Tarot for reflection and meditation.
I also use automatic behaviors.

I refer to the Asetian Bible and Book of Orion daily, not by choice but because when I need to check something they always have the answer I am seeking.

That's all I will go into my practices, as the others are more personal.


Number of posts : 298
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Registration date : 2015-10-24

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How do you practice? Empty Re: How do you practice?

Post by Ini-herit 15.05.17 8:23

I need to get a copy of Book of Orion. I've never thought about using Tarot to reflect. Do you use a specific deck or have a recommendation?


Number of posts : 3
Age : 36
Location : Boston, MA USA
Registration date : 2017-05-14

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How do you practice? Empty Re: How do you practice?

Post by Heruset 15.05.17 9:38

I used to have the Aquarian deck. Now I have the Rider-Waite deck and the Thoth tarot from Crowley.

I have another deck that I like the art on but I don't use it for practice... "The Wild Unknown" -- which was gifted to me by a family member


Number of posts : 298
Age : 24
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Registration date : 2015-10-24

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How do you practice? Empty Re: How do you practice?

Post by Radu Krescu 22.05.17 17:17

I utilize runes instead of the tarot.
Radu Krescu
Radu Krescu

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How do you practice? Empty Re: How do you practice?

Post by Heruset 22.05.17 21:08

Runes are not the same as the tarot.


Number of posts : 298
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Location : Xalkida
Registration date : 2015-10-24

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How do you practice? Empty Re: How do you practice?

Post by Ini-herit 23.05.17 1:53

Since my first post, I've ordered and received Liber Aeternus. It's now part of my daily reading. i will admit I'm going to read it through at least once before placing it on my alter table.


Number of posts : 3
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Location : Boston, MA USA
Registration date : 2017-05-14

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How do you practice? Empty Re: How do you practice?

Post by Radu Krescu 23.05.17 14:06

I'm aware of that, thank you.

The question was regarding our daily practice.

I stated that I utilize runes. As a part of my daily practice. Get it?
Radu Krescu
Radu Krescu

Number of posts : 10
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Registration date : 2012-10-12

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How do you practice? Empty Re: How do you practice?

Post by Heruset 26.05.17 14:08

Everyone got that, Radu


Number of posts : 298
Age : 24
Location : Xalkida
Registration date : 2015-10-24

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