NIGHTVEIN member introduction

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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by Nightvein 13.02.18 7:18

Hello, I am Nightvein, I am a vampire with the need to drink blood, in order to bring health back to the body. (Meaning, by this, I have the vampiric condition of an individual whose ability to heal -partially, because of blood needs, types of science, and severity of condition- is based upon the intake of blood. (Rarely can a vampire like myself fully complete their health and science without A LOT of processes before this and steps until the final stages). I use “partial” in regards to health for a reason Wink . I only mention this blood - type of vampirism and other details following so one can understand what I’m getting at regarding my type of vampirism, why I’m here, what I have knowledge in, how I might be able to help, and to truly draw the fine line between THIS very specific form of the illness and other kinds. For example I have no need for tantric energies EXCEPT for small doses themselves but am in NO WAY a tantric vampire. I’ll give a following example; if I go without tantric energy I lack some wild disruption in energy fields which causes something of an iron-like field from my own natural aura to go up and generally gets solid all the way to the core. This is not a good thing for my science.... next is the reality of what actual participation in sexual tantric acts would do to my body... likely to cause infections, parasites, weaknesses in soul and shields and ON. This is the severity of my vampiric condition- yet without the tantric taking place somewhere (or love or clinging) - and on.... but in a non-physical form... I would still be less-off in health than before. My own self-made Empathic energy is something I can also benefit from... tears, laughter, strong emotions... other sources I use small amounts from but don’t benefit too much from except as just some extra comfort to my depleted existence, is: Elemental, Chi/Prana and Hot/Cold.... even some kinetic/moving energies lift my energy up a tiny bit. I’ve learned so much more than I thought I ever would since I was a newly awakening vampire. I consider my vampirism to be partly ancestral, partly a transformation(transformation as “affect” from a cause)... and of course as something of a struggle/condition to be managed. As usual, the movies are not all-too realistic. The only similarities real vampires have to any film-versions in history would be sensitivity to sunlight, the need for blood, and honestly I can’t think of much else except possibly the impending feeling of doom we sometimes experience 😂 ... I’ve found much of what vampires experience is due to the “illness” of the state of our existence rather than something which is gruesome in an acceptable way or worth glorifying. Another example to help explain what I’m talking about: crucifixes and the inability to enter ones house(is most likely caused by your body being unclean; parasites, infections, and on) - after taking parasite cures and learning some things about bodily cleansing, I found that I did not have so much of an issue with my gaze happening, unwarned, upon a crucifix nor did the strange feeling telling me I must leave a home quickly become overwhelming. A lot of things may be easily explained. I’m here to contribute to the collections of information and knowledge we have regarding vampirism as an illness, state, etc. for future use in cases(however severe or simple the case may be). I would like to add to the vast and detailed library of types and conditions broken down scientifically to add even more to these discreet but severe GREY AREAS. I am working on a lot of things right now so it may be a year or two before I publish any articles, I have SO MUCH I must do, but am looking forward to helping. For now though I am here to at least leave important tips for people struggling with the illness or anything similar... Hmmm, what else can I say about myself? Well, I am (if I’m truly being honest that is) really neither male nor female. Yes physically I’m a certain gender but as a vampire I’m rather Asexual or something similar to this... I guess it’s a phenomenon in the world of vampires you won’t really find anywhere else. I do not dwell TOO MUCH on the dark world of vampirism as I do see much of the trends being more from the illness and used as a dark escapism. I never really give fully to these things as I can see them as being borderline parasitic(and I’ll pretty much always advise vampires to consider the reality of any given “vampy” labeled activity as possibly derived from a parasite rather than safe fun) for example spreading blood across a floor and rolling around NAKED and WILDLY in it might immediately satiate some vampires inner desire but clearly this is derived from something parasitic - so I stick to staring at the color red or black and trying to keep it THAT simple (if I ever start truly craving blood). LOL... It’s pretty standard though, I’m still young, I still like to go out and experience the thrill of the night, I still love goth culture, I still love some vampiric tones in fashion... this is just the way it is for vampires who haven’t completed their science yet - most of us need a bit of an outlet, and as much as these small
Quirks are considered to be an strange they do tame some inner part of us as far as I can tell. Thank you if you’ve read this far and responded,

Number of posts : 66
Location : Alaska
Registration date : 2018-02-02

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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by Lynskha 13.02.18 9:27

Welcome and that k you for sharing your opinion. I have to say that I do not think about vampirism being an illness, at least the way "I" see it. I see there is some research being done in the biological side, and there are people who consider different types of vampirism. However, in my opinion, liking it to "just" the need of feeding does not make an individual a vampire, nor embracing the goth, fangs, fashion side.

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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by Nightvein 14.02.18 3:40

Oh I see that is interesting. I hope to get more of your feedback in the future on this forum regarding this? Thanks for the warm welcome and response,

Number of posts : 66
Location : Alaska
Registration date : 2018-02-02

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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by Lynskha 14.02.18 6:20

Thank you for sharing *
Correcting a mistake I made above

Number of posts : 476
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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by TaurusDevil 14.02.18 11:51

Nightvein wrote:
Hello, I am Nightvein, I am a vampire with the need to drink blood, in order to bring health back to the body. (Meaning, by this, I have the vampiric condition of an individual whose ability to heal -partially, because of blood needs, types of science, and severity of condition- is based upon the intake of blood.  (Rarely can a vampire like myself fully complete their health and science without A LOT of processes before this and steps until the final stages). I use “partial” in regards to health for a reason Wink . I only mention this blood - type of vampirism and other details following so one can understand what I’m getting at regarding my type of vampirism, why I’m here, what I have knowledge in, how I might be able to help, and to truly draw the fine line between THIS very specific form of the illness and other kinds. For example I have no need for tantric energies EXCEPT for small doses themselves but am in NO WAY a tantric vampire. I’ll give a following example; if I go without tantric energy I lack some wild disruption in energy fields which causes something of an iron-like field from my own natural aura to go up and generally gets solid all the way to the core. This is not a good thing for my science.... next is the reality of what actual participation in sexual tantric acts would do to my body... likely to cause infections, parasites, weaknesses in soul and shields and ON. This is the severity of my vampiric condition- yet without the tantric taking place somewhere (or love or clinging) - and on.... but in a non-physical form... I would still be less-off in health than before. My own self-made Empathic energy is something I can also benefit from... tears, laughter, strong emotions... other sources I use small amounts from but don’t benefit too much from except as just some extra comfort to my depleted existence, is: Elemental, Chi/Prana and Hot/Cold.... even some kinetic/moving energies lift my energy up a tiny bit. I’ve learned so much more than I thought I ever would since I was a newly awakening vampire. I consider my vampirism to be partly ancestral, partly a transformation(transformation as “affect” from a cause)... and of course as something of a struggle/condition to be managed. As usual, the movies are not all-too realistic. The only similarities real vampires have to any film-versions in history would be sensitivity to sunlight, the need for blood, and honestly I can’t think of much else except possibly the impending feeling of doom we sometimes experience 😂 ... I’ve found much of what vampires experience is due to the “illness” of the state of our existence rather than something which is gruesome in an acceptable way or worth glorifying. Another example to help explain what I’m talking about: crucifixes and the inability to enter ones house(is most likely caused by your body being unclean; parasites, infections, and on) - after taking parasite cures and learning some things about bodily cleansing, I found that I did not have so much of an issue with my gaze happening, unwarned, upon a crucifix nor did  the strange feeling telling me I must leave a home quickly become overwhelming. A lot of things may be easily explained. I’m here to contribute to the collections of information and knowledge we have  regarding vampirism as an illness, state, etc. for future use in cases(however severe or simple the case may be). I would like to add to the vast and detailed library of types and conditions broken down scientifically to add even more to these discreet but severe GREY AREAS. I am working on a lot of things right now so it may be a year or two before I publish any articles, I have SO MUCH I must do, but am looking forward to helping. For now though I am here to at least leave important tips for people struggling with the illness or anything similar... Hmmm, what else can I say about myself? Well, I am (if I’m truly being honest that is) really neither male nor female. Yes physically I’m a certain gender but as a vampire I’m rather Asexual or something similar to this... I guess it’s a phenomenon in the world of vampires you won’t really find anywhere else. I do not dwell TOO MUCH on the dark world of vampirism as I do see much of the trends being more from the illness and used as a dark escapism. I never really give fully to these things as I can see them as being borderline parasitic(and I’ll pretty much always advise vampires to consider the reality of any given “vampy” labeled activity as possibly derived from a parasite rather than safe fun) for example spreading blood across a floor and rolling around NAKED and WILDLY in it might immediately satiate some vampires inner desire but clearly this is derived from something parasitic - so I stick to staring at the color red or black and trying to keep it THAT simple (if I ever start truly craving blood). LOL... It’s pretty standard though, I’m still young, I still like to go out and experience the thrill of the night, I still love goth culture, I still love some vampiric tones in fashion... this is just the way it is for vampires who haven’t completed their science yet - most of us need a bit of an outlet, and as much as these small
Quirks are considered to be an strange they do tame some inner part of us as far as I can tell. Thank you if you’ve read this far and responded,

No you're not! Rolling Eyes Laughing

Number of posts : 47
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Registration date : 2016-06-17

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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by Nightvein 16.02.18 3:35

I do not need your approval or anyone else’s. Some people really are vampires. This is just an introduction to this forum that I wrote. It gives you - or anyone who reads it - a pretty good idea of what vampirism is. If you don’t mind me asking, what do you feel is an example of what a “real” vampire is, and do you know what vampire law is?

Number of posts : 66
Location : Alaska
Registration date : 2018-02-02

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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by Lynskha 16.02.18 4:59

Hello Nightvein, what do you mean by vampire law?
And about your introduction I may say it would give anyone a good idea about what vampirism is under your personal view, that could differ from others opinion, don't you think?
Looking for hearing more from you.

Number of posts : 476
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Post by Nightvein 16.02.18 6:17

I will make a post about it one day. This will have to be later on when I have a better computer and better security. It’s not a simple topic. It would describe the CONDITION, and how this is by law, but specifically the natural law of vampires... I’m not sure why this forum would be called “vampirism” forum specifically if no one understands the basic law of how the condition even begins... unless many do but it’s simply not spoken of on this forum? What other kind of “vampirism” is there? What do you think makes a vampire? That’s a question for both you and TaurusDevil...

Number of posts : 66
Location : Alaska
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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by Jonathan 16.02.18 9:12

Nightvein wrote:I do not need your approval or anyone else’s. Some people really are vampires. This is just an introduction to this forum that I wrote. It gives you - or anyone who reads it - a pretty good idea of what vampirism is. If you don’t mind me asking, what do you feel is an example of what a “real” vampire is, and do you know what vampire law is?

I sure hope that by this alleged "vampire law" you're not referencing anything like the Black Veil or a similar nonsense, which is well known in the community as being nothing more than a role-playing guide made for role-players and based on an old computer game. It has nothing to do with actual vampirism.

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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by Lynskha 16.02.18 10:41

I sure hope that by this alleged "vampire law" you're not referencing anything like the Black Veil or a similar nonsense, which is well known in the community as being nothing more than a role-playing guide made for role-players and based on an old computer game. It has nothing to do with actual vampirism.

I was really hoping the same, Jonathan.

Number of posts : 476
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Registration date : 2017-08-25

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Post by Lynskha 16.02.18 10:51

especially because he mentions "vampire law" (the Ten Commandments)...

Number of posts : 476
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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by A.Nightside 16.02.18 17:47

It doesn't sound like the black veil at all but more their take on a vampire's very nature.

Holy crud. Having trouble reading the OP but I think I gathered the fist of it from the responses.

Personally I consider my vampirism to be a condition or like an aspect to myself. There are some physical blood drinkers who believe their vampirism is indeed a physical and yet unidentified medical condition.

However, mind you I should probably read this thread more thoroughly (which I intend to) and post a better response, this sounds more like some supernatural sort of illness like the V5 or K17(i think that's what it was) that you'll see references in the movie Ultra Violet and a particular "Vampire Website" of which (to my understanding) was created by an arrogant, full-of-himself young man looking for followers and to spite the general Vampire Community after being called out on his BS. Both of these [retro]viruses have been debunked last I can recall .

Now this individual may not have come to his belief through these sources, and in not intending to offend you (nightvein), but this is at least how it comes across to me.

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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by Nightvein 16.02.18 23:17

rum. Change the negative behavior. It does not have anything to do with vampirism and I will simply inform you of the fact that you’re allowing something demonic to move through your posts...

Number of posts : 66
Location : Alaska
Registration date : 2018-02-02

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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by A.Nightside 17.02.18 6:02

Nightvein wrote:rum. Change the negative behavior. It does not have anything to do with vampirism and I will simply inform you of the fact that you’re allowing something demonic to move through your posts...

you sound like a kook.
You're from Alaska, though? hmm. I know a handful of OVC members up there. I'm tempted to see what I can dig up about you.. Not sure it's worth the effort though.

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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by A.Nightside 17.02.18 6:05

Jonathan wrote:
Nightvein wrote:I do not need your approval or anyone else’s. Some people really are vampires. This is just an introduction to this forum that I wrote. It gives you - or anyone who reads it - a pretty good idea of what vampirism is. If you don’t mind me asking, what do you feel is an example of what a “real” vampire is, and do you know what vampire law is?

I sure hope that by this alleged "vampire law" you're not referencing anything like the Black Veil or a similar nonsense, which is well known in the community as being nothing more than a role-playing guide made for role-players and based on an old computer game. It has nothing to do with actual vampirism.

As far as the Black Veil. Yes, it started with a Roleplaying game as an outline/frame work. Over time it's been modified and changed to try and grow farther from it's original incarnation. The black veil however, even by it's creator, is put off as common sense, it is not law nor rules, but guidelines presented because some people need to be spoon fed what appropriate behavior and respectable conduct is. Following it, or even touting it off as any sort of "law" is a choice, not even a suggested requirement by anyone who knows better.

Number of posts : 523
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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by A.Nightside 17.02.18 6:07

The Vampiric Ethos has since been created for much the same reason. Guidelines, spoon feeding common sense, a way to excempt the Community as a whole from those who might break the law or cause harm or otherwise act in poor manner. Behavior/conduct is individual, all this serves is to say "hey, they're a minority if part of the Community at all, the majority of us are not terrible monsters"

Number of posts : 523
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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by Nightshade 17.02.18 6:09

Nightvein wrote:I will simply inform you of the fact that you’re allowing something demonic to move through your posts...

Maybe we are terrible demonic influences just lurking in the shadows. Or not.

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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by Lynskha 17.02.18 6:51

"Maybe we are terrible demonic influences just lurking in the shadows. Or not"

I have to agree here...

Number of posts : 476
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Post by Jonathan 17.02.18 7:01

Can't reason with you two. Devil

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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by Maxx 17.02.18 10:14

"Maybe we are terrible demonic influences just lurking in the shadows."

So, I have been revealed, have I?   lol.

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NIGHTVEIN member introduction  Empty Re: NIGHTVEIN member introduction

Post by Lynskha 17.02.18 11:10

oh Maxx.. it seems the terrible demonic influences have been discovered...

I just remembered two nice quotes

" Do not speak of demons, evil and terror to instigate dread for the fabric of darkness is silent and nameless. ☥"

"Our daemons move silently through the unspoken dungeons of life with grace and elegance only found beyond the alleys of absolute darkness. ☥"

Luis Marques


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Post by Maxx 17.02.18 12:33

and they are my family. Demons and Angels are the same with me.


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Post by Maxx 17.02.18 13:13

Someone just sent me a note and asked was I feeling OK?  Reason:  they said I was "nice" in my reply to the above individual and that it was not my usual attitude.

All I can venture is that I must be turning into nothing but a nice guy instead of a wise guy.

But tomorrow is a new day..........

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Post by Lynskha 17.02.18 13:50

What about the uncle fester?

Number of posts : 476
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Post by Maxx 17.02.18 17:42

He hangs around for skype sessions. lol

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