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Post by EdwardCullen 29.06.16 13:19

Hello, nice site... I have not had enough time to read through it thoroughly but very interesting so far. I know very little about Aset Ka... I'm currently joining a few forums about vampirism to better understand the realm of vampires as a whole - there seems to be a sea of individuals who claim vampire as a personal title to describe themselves and yet each has a different description and understanding of vampires, some even have different versions of history. I am actually an alien-human vampire/demon... I dislike the complex title I just typed which sounds messy and unfinished so I will try to explain better: I suppose traditional understanding/way of thought would simply call me an alien who has human genetics in the mix and by first glance if you did not know I had alien and human genetics you would probably call me a "vampire". (this is a good example of how historically strange vampiric creatures have been witnessed and are automatically labeled "vampire", "demon", "strix" and sometimes even "witch", when, truth be told, much of these strange creatures are likely part alien or full or sometimes under extreme trauma and stress and untreated physical ailments a human can even develop strange characteristics of vampirism. I come from a huge, vast, and diverse group of elite and advanced humans who have mastered science and technology beyond what is presently even exceeded on our planet. It would be too detailed and complex for me to explain it all, so I will just tell you a bit more about me. Being separate from home puts me in a place where much of my memories and knowledge of who I am and where I came from is black as the night and void (for safety purposes yo... Lol). So much of what I say I'll have to add in that some info is lost as I'm still here on earth. We are the most advanced technological and scientific race in existence. Period. Possibly not my specific group but our entire race at whole. We are directly connected to the light bowl/pleroma... I think some call it the central sun... I suppose we are a blessed race in the sense that we are gifted with wisdom and knowledge, a deep understanding and love for humanity despite the many flaws, (we are practically obsessed with you adorable little bipedal germs... Ahem- excuse me for that)... We are also given much control over humanity. Not bad control, good control. For example: roger is down the street and roger has suddenly contracted rabies and has gone mad and ran out of his house looking for the nearest person to attack and consequently Betty is on her morning jog just a block away. Betty is the kindest sweetest lady who wouldn't hurt a fly and who follows the Ten Commandments(yes we revere God and his law- there are real reasons for this pls ask if you're curious) and who is a very emotionally and spiritually clean person and actually has never been attacked in her whole life so she's not ready for this kind of encounter. So instead of letting roger attack Betty, we put up a powerful technological wall. When Betty walks through it she enters the street on the same day but a year earlier when it was empty, and when roger passes though the wall he enters a time from the activity on that street two days ago when it was empty... But we did allow Betty to hear a recording of a dog growling which was very startling and caused her to buy some pepper spray Peter on. So with our abilities in time and technology we have some "control" over humanity. Betty had one of her first encounters with that kind of danger but was not attacked... If that makes sense (as to why control is sometimes needed)...
There are many different groups within our huge race of beings. Some we bring with us just because they're interesting...
A bit more about me personally:
I am about 100 years old- give or take. I do look seventeen and will remain this age forever unless killed which is unlikely.
I am five feet, five inches and 1/2 tall
Weight always changes based on whatever species of blood I consume and transfusions... But I have lean muscular build
Eyes are all black- similar to the sclera contacts. and when looking at me it will appear my eyes almost steer my being.. Hard to explain it almost looks as if I am a floating demon inside a human moving around the human.
I am a pale-ish white with blonde hair but actually my skin and my hair has something of a chrome metal undertone... Hard to explain as well.
We are highly allergic to the sun unlike some other species from our race who can bask in the sun. I will hive and bubble very quickly.
We have a bit more black genetics (black as in African American ... )than our brothers and sisters from the same alien race, this is noticable by looking at our eyes. There are some others from our race who have much more black genetics and some up here are fully "homo sapien" - black/African American (sorry there's never been a real good term or label for black genetics as sometimes certain alien species also can be listed as being all-black in genetic makeup but are completely different than a human on planet earth with very dark brown skin... )
We are mostly involved with spiritual matters on earth and are holy demons... I'm using Edward Cullen as my name because actually this story- if written about anyone - would be written about our particular group. Many parts of the story I found humorous because of the similarities. The name Edward Cullen means "rich guardian - holly" - we are rich holy guardian demons. I thought that was funny. We are kind of like marble in a way as the description says. We have extremely advanced air craft and "cars" which are similar to the way the smoothness of the car Bella receives in the last book is described. Except that we have made these technological "cars" ourselves and are probably 100 times better. There is no Bella or wolves or volturi though in my story I am just a male guardian demon from a high society.
Nice to meet you all - thank you for your time and please ask me if you have any questions or want to know more.


Number of posts : 10
Location : Mountains
Registration date : 2016-06-29

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Post by Nightshade 29.06.16 17:35

For someone pretending to be so advanced and evolved I can add that you're rather boring and uninteresting...

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Post by Troublemaker 29.06.16 18:12

I cannot help but wonder if you are actually being serious here in your introduction, or if you are in fact trying to roleplay or otherwise troll... especially with a name like that. I'm going to attempt to be kind here and redirect you to the other threads in the forum- please do some research.

This is is a serious forum, and basing your post on such an infantile, vapid novel as Twilight does not look the best. Please keep in mind here that I'm trying to help you.

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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Post by EdwardCullen 29.06.16 18:50

What can I say?

Number of posts : 10
Location : Mountains
Registration date : 2016-06-29

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Post by Maxx 30.06.16 7:01

I have often wondered about this site when it was originally formed and why the word Vampire was used and why it was formed with the blood red color.  Why was it not formed as site named with Aset...or Aset Ka instead of just the Vampire trash.  They should have known that sign up on the highway would draw nothing but delusional sickos to the mix.  Rather than intelligent conversation, this billboard draws nothing but the bedbugs from the other ordinary delusional nut freaks from the VC.   It is a constant hassle trying to stop flaming idiots from continuing to direct their pompous ignorance from entering.  It never ends.   Anyway, I have often wondered why they wanted to draw in this type of stooge as it is very apparent what happens.  To spend 90% of your time just buffering this type of fool is a total waste of time.

Excellent comments from Nightshade and Rhea.

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Post by Maxx 30.06.16 7:57

Now I remember.  It was said they are surprised this site still draws individuals to it.  They never expected it to last this long.  I suppose the constant display from the outside community exhibiting their adeptness to their friends on how they will maneuver their entry here is a big show as they all watch from outside what happens when the delusional ones or the out and out liars try to enter.  

Notice:  Since I am not going to Heaven.....I have been assigned doorman status at the gate.....and that means all of you sick ass viewers from the outside looking in will have to get by me first after you transition to the other side.  I can tell you, all you have to look forward to is your highway to that is the checkbox I will offer in my assessment for your life.   That guy Peter is no longer there....He got kicked off the gate for
spending too much time fishing and being too nice to delusional Vampires.....or shall I say Vampyres.  

Anyway, today is my NICE Day.  Tomorrow I will probably be very angry.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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Post by Troublemaker 30.06.16 11:42


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Post by Troublemaker 30.06.16 14:44

Well, I think it's clear there will be no shortage of this kind of thing on the forum.

I actually ended up learning some things from this forum, from valuable contributions by serious members, of which I'm grateful. Hence, the reasoning behind my attempts to keep the massive and still growing idiot horde at bay. But alas, there will always be trolls like the OP.

Something about this forum attracted me and kept me here, and it was the tendency of people to repel ignorance and misinformation. In other places, you can't mention darkness without dozens of idiots bragging about being super special snowflakes of doom, decay, and seething evil. Grab the black candles, heavy makeup, and pentagrams, my friends, because 'The Darkness' is waiting. Cool

No less common, apparently, are the people trying to stir the waters here and try to pass themselves off as something they are not. I have a sneaking suspicion that it's like a favorite pastime. But unlike other places, empty claims don't impress. This scathing review is not meant to stir drama or start a flame war, but to try, once again, to nudge things in a better direction... for the sake of the possibility that meaningful discussions might resume again.

If you are going to hijack threads and refute people who probably know plenty more than you, asininely acting like you are some kind of expert, you aren't going to last long here. No one is impressed. Rather than commenting on the threads in question, I'm attempting to confine this to one post. It's clear what you are here for.

Think of this not as an attack, but as a Public Service Announcement, because I'm such a nice individual.

Number of posts : 1629
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Registration date : 2013-12-18

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Post by Maxx 30.06.16 16:31

So you are always nice on Thursdays, as well. Ha.

Number of posts : 4334
Age : 109
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Registration date : 2008-06-30

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