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Member Introduction. Empty Member Introduction.

Post by Amunet 23.01.10 17:05

Never having been the kind of individual who is either fond or confident in exactly how one would go about with introducing themself inside of an online community, I will simply put aside my personal feelings and doubts on the matter, and continue explaining my reasons for becoming a member on this website, my interest in the Kemetic Order of Aset Ka (as well as the entire occult society) and how/when I came about in discovering everything that was once hidden from sight.

As far as when and how I discovered the paranormal side of this world for the first time, you could say that I have always had this solid knowing inside of me, but that knowing manifested when I was approximately six years old. I had been lying down on my mother's bed watching a show on television when I saw a matured, old man standing near the window; I had no idea who he was, but I remember being curious instead of fearful, and when I asked him what he was doing he looked over at me and smiled somewhat before walking away. To tell you the truth, I was more aggravated with the fact that he interrupted my show. Member Introduction. Icon_rolleyes Needless to say, when I told my mother that "some old man was in the bedroom near the window" and that "he walked through the wall to leave", she told me I was just seeing things (I didn't believe her, I'm far too stubborn to be given a simple answer without proof or at least an adequate reason).

I got into the full swing of the occult when I was twelve years old and began studying Paganism, as well as ancient history (I had a fascination with Egypt long, long before this), which lead me toward becoming tied into the dark arts at fourteen as I had grown tired of almost all of the literature I read stating that black magick and the dark arts were evil -- I could never understand the reasoning for this as I have always felt that you cannot have one without the other, everything needs an opposite so that they can keep each other in balance. Studying the dark arts became a significantly important part of my life and continues to remain so.

I stumbled upon this website and the Asetian Bible by "coincidence", which just-so-happened to take place seven months after I became fully aware of my energy abilities and related abilities that ran in my family (my great-great grandmother was a healer in Cuba, she healed those that were mentally ill). I am almost finished reading the AB and will re-read it once I am finished.

That's all I have to say about myself. Despite finding out a significant amount of invaluable information on my true nature and the true nature that surrounds our existence, I am still on the endless journey of finding out more, but I assume we all are....Member Introduction. Icon_smile

Number of posts : 1
Age : 30
Location : United States
Registration date : 2010-01-22

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Member Introduction. Empty Re: Member Introduction.

Post by Daniel09 23.01.10 17:36

Welcome. I can relate on some points, such as not understanding why dark arts were bad. Of course, it just never registered in me that something that caused no harm to others while giving one valuable abilities could be bad or dark. The other thing I relate with is the history of energy capabilities in my family. We have a few generations with tales of precognitive dreams and the appearance of divine intervention. The union of my mother and father this life is a tale in itself. One wouldn't believe the set of coincidences and chance survivals that allowed it to take place and bring forth four very different children. I seem to have inherited every talent my family genes possess as well.

Number of posts : 850
Age : 32
Location : Nowhere
Registration date : 2009-01-17

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Member Introduction. Empty Re: Member Introduction.

Post by Jonathan 24.01.10 6:21

Hello and welcome to the vampire community. That was a very nice and detailed introduction, I thank you for taking your time to write it. Many people don't do it and that is a good way for we all to get to know some basics on your background and about you.
I hope to read more of your opinions and insight soon across the threads in the forum.

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Registration date : 2008-06-05

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Member Introduction. Empty Re: Member Introduction.

Post by Kahina 24.01.10 7:33

Welcome to the Vampirism Forum Amunet.

Number of posts : 75
Location : River
Registration date : 2009-04-21

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Member Introduction. Empty Re: Member Introduction.

Post by Kotaro 23.02.10 20:13

Welcome Amunet to the forum.

Number of posts : 152
Location : somewhere
Registration date : 2009-01-17

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Member Introduction. Empty Re: Member Introduction.

Post by Nebibi 24.02.10 6:09

Welcome to the forum Amunet.

Number of posts : 179
Age : 33
Location : New York
Registration date : 2009-11-10

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Member Introduction. Empty Re: Member Introduction.

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