I hate sunlight

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I hate sunlight Empty I hate sunlight

Post by NECROVAMP 18.05.18 17:45

I hate sunlight. Yes i go out in it, sometimes i even get a tan and it makes it feel a little more tolerable. But all in all, i hate it, its a fact, end of story.

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Registration date : 2018-05-18

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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by Nightshade 18.05.18 18:15

Is there some relevance to this?

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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by NECROVAMP 18.05.18 18:42

Nightshade wrote:Is there some relevance to this?

I would imagine there is, i mean after all, this is a forum for vampires. I'd say it's safe to assume i don't have xeroderma pigmentosum, but maybe it's just a some sort of photosensitivity. It's physical i know that, if your questioning its relevance as far as to wether you feel the topic is important or not, then why even bother to respond to the topic. Maybe others will find it relevant, i guess we'll find out.

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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by Troublemaker 19.05.18 13:33


The topic of dislike toward sunlight is pretty broad and can apply to millions of people. Just have a browse around social media... you can see many individuals talking about how much they utterly detest the sun, but have no interest in spirituality or even vampirism, and would laugh when the topic is brought up. If you look a bit deeper, you will find that the elements of true vampirism are not solely dependent upon the dislike of sunlight.

If you'd like to learn more, or participate in serious discussion, I'd encourage you to make an introductory thread, and of course to keep an open mind.

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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by NECROVAMP 19.05.18 13:53

Thanks for the advice, i have an open mind. I think many people that scoff at the idea for how and why they hate sunlight being attributed to vampirism are most likely those that are close minded. If your response is an indication of some disbelief in me being a vampire, then maybe your right, maybe i'm not a vampire, maybe i'm the king of broccoli, or maybe you should quit being close minded and contribute something positive to the topic.

Number of posts : 28
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Registration date : 2018-05-18

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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by Troublemaker 19.05.18 14:09

Please do not misunderstand me. I am not declaring what you are. That would be pretty erroneous of me, especially without knowing you and only after seeing a couple of posts. I neither believe nor disbelieve in what you are - as that is entirely irrelevant to me.

However, from your attitude I can already tell that you are trying to come in here loudly in a blaze of vamp glory. So are you able to explain why proving yourself and announcing yourself is so important in a forum of strangers?

Inflammatory snark isn't going to get you very far here. Who cares if people think you're a vampire or not? This indicates that you are not comfortable with Self. If you came here expecting for people to affirm your identity, you are not in the right place.

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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by NECROVAMP 19.05.18 14:34

The post was one sentence long. If you don't have anything positive to add don't post on this topic anymore.

Number of posts : 28
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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by Jonathan 19.05.18 14:55

Necroguy, they were both just trying to explain to you that hating sunlight doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with vampirism. There are vampires who can’t stand the energy or vibration of solar light but there are others who are perfectly comfortable in the sun.

At this point I see you being unnecessarily rude in every reply to both Rhea and Nightshade which only breathes insecurity.

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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by NECROVAMP 19.05.18 15:06

I here you man, so hating sunlight could possibly have nothing to do with vampirism.

(I just thought someone would provide more info on the topic... instead of the responses being, oh you don't identify with self, were not here to affirm you, maybe your insecure etc. etc. out of the blue thin air......)

anyway, i appreciate you letting me know that hating sunlight may have nothing to do with vampirism... thank you.

Number of posts : 28
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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by Niani 19.05.18 15:19

I know from first hand experience here that if you just ask for help, sincerely and free of ego, it's freely given.

No need to be a sarcastic snit about it, kiddo.

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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by A.Nightside 20.05.18 17:01

Yeesh, someone's haughty.
Might wanna take that chip off your shoulder, less it gets returned to you in kind.

This comes off as a vent post, nothing more. This is not Facebook, we.like to see posts of a little more substance than ridiculous whining and hypocrisy.. hence the responses you've received.

You posted in a forum, don't like the responses? Don't post.
You won't be coddled here. Grow up.

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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by NECROVAMP 20.05.18 17:18

A.Nightside wrote:Yeesh, someone's haughty.
Might wanna take that chip off your shoulder, less it gets returned to you in kind.

This comes off as a vent post, nothing more. This is not Facebook,  we.like to see posts of a little more substance than ridiculous whining and hypocrisy.. hence the responses you've received.

You posted in a forum, don't like the responses? Don't post.
You won't be coddled here. Grow up.

Thank goodness for curtains, kiss kiss. Devil

Number of posts : 28
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Registration date : 2018-05-18

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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by Zabet Aranyalma 17.07.18 22:00

Ugh, I went fishing with a friend and got so fried my shoulders cracked. At least i got more freckles...
Zabet Aranyalma
Zabet Aranyalma

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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by Zabet Aranyalma 17.07.18 22:02

Sorry for double post but yeah, Rhea is right. If you have to come in here screeching vampiric stereotypes hollering that you are indeed a vampire, you probably aren't and this probably isn't the place for you
Zabet Aranyalma
Zabet Aranyalma

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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by MR84 08.09.18 8:34

NECROVAMP wrote:I hate sunlight.  Yes i go out in it, sometimes i even get a tan and it makes it feel a little more tolerable.  But all in all, i hate it, its a fact, end of story.

So do a lot of people. For me, I have always had an aversion to sunlight. This aversion became rather strong recently. Prior to recently, I saw sunlight as a painful annoyance that could be tolerated. Now, it's intolerable. Intolerable to my skin, intolerable to my eyes. It makes me feel weak. It feels like a torch on my skin and knives in my eyes.

Due to how my local world works, I have to go out in it anyway. Luckily, I don't have to do it very often. Is this intolerance to sunlight related to me being a vampire? I don't know. Sunlight doesn't burn me or cause any visible issues, but it hurts rather badly.


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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

Post by CREdarkness 01.10.18 2:24

What about tanning makes you feel tolerable? Do you feel pretty? ^.-

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I hate sunlight Empty Re: I hate sunlight

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