My first encounter with Aset Ka...

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My first encounter with Aset Ka... Empty My first encounter with Aset Ka...

Post by Noctis 02.08.18 14:52

.Greetings to all.

I think it is appropriate that my first publication be an exercise in sincerity.

I found the first references about Aset Ka in my many searches about vampirism, LHP, dark orders and related lodges. I confess that at first I do not call my attention too much. I thought: oh, another dark lodge trying to validate itself through a supposed antiquity that goes back to pre-Dynasty Egypt! At that time I had not even visited your website ...

A short time later I found this forum and began to read with interest what was mentioned in the purpose of the Aset order. It was the content of his publications that started to catch my attention, since it was far from the kind of comments on vampirism that I found elsewhere.

As a result of this visit the Aset KA page and I stopped to read its content; My late mother always fascinated Egypt, me too, but never in the aspect of its hidden or magical side. I think it was at that moment, after that reading, that something started cooking in my head ...

I discovered that I could not get the cover of the Asetian Bible from my head in the following days. I do not want to venture anything with this, since my subconscious could spend a trick creating this obsession, (it would not be the first time) so for now I want to put aside any attempt to give the phenomenon a "supernatural" dimension, or "Mystical", since it is very possible that it is not at all and everything is reduced to a mental game.

However, I found myself acquiring the Asetian Bible (I will be sent home tomorrow morning), with the difficulty that I will have to translate it with patience given my level of English, since it is not available in PDF, I will have to transcribe Many of its parts by hand, to help me with the translation tool with the parts of the text that resist me.

I have had occasion today, to read the publications in which reference was made to the effect that the Bible caused in many people, something that made me remember once more the obsession with the cover that I mentioned in the paragraph above .

The case, and this is what I find most interesting of all, is that I am looking forward to start reading. However I have discovered myself realizing that in fact the part that least calls my attention to all this is the vampiric or predatory part, being on the contrary the allusions to the development and evolution of the Soul and the person that most powerfully call my attention

Given my current state of knowledge I imagine that I will participate little in the forum, and when I do it will be to ask. I hope that the publication is legible for you and has not been too extensive.

If someone wants to ask me something in particular I will try to respond gladly.

Simply add that I do not believe a vampire, much less someone "chosen" for nothing at all, is more I believe I am a fairly ordinary and common occultist.

Greetings to all


Number of posts : 44
Age : 54
Location : Spain ( Caesaragusta )
Registration date : 2018-08-01

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My first encounter with Aset Ka... Empty Re: My first encounter with Aset Ka...

Post by Lynskha 02.08.18 20:54

That was nice of you to share your experience with us. I hope you can understand and translate the Asetian Bible, it has a special content. It is quite interesting how you got attracted to Asetianism.
Please keep posting your thoughts about it.

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My first encounter with Aset Ka... Empty Re: My first encounter with Aset Ka...

Post by Noctis 03.08.18 1:49

Thanks Lynskha.
Translating it will take me time without a doubt, but it will also force me to a deeper reading. Everything has a positive side. I will continue publishing my impressions as I advance in its reading and analysis, I am curious to see that it awakens in me at all levels.

Number of posts : 44
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Location : Spain ( Caesaragusta )
Registration date : 2018-08-01

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My first encounter with Aset Ka... Empty Re: My first encounter with Aset Ka...

Post by Noctis 03.08.18 5:19

Well, the delivery company faithfully fulfilled its deadline, the book is already here. Now the real work begins ...My first encounter with Aset Ka... Img_2010

Number of posts : 44
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Location : Spain ( Caesaragusta )
Registration date : 2018-08-01

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My first encounter with Aset Ka... Empty Re: My first encounter with Aset Ka...

Post by Troublemaker 03.08.18 8:29

Thank you for sharing your experience with the energy of the Sigil on the cover. Very interesting... I enjoy reading those experiences from others.

I saw that you mentioned the vampirism as being the part that calls to you the least? I hope I am understanding properly. If not, feel free to correct me. I find this perspective quite interesting as well, and not one I see very often. In this case, I feel that you might really enjoy the Book of Orion. Just a work to consider for the future. Its study is very satisfying when approached from the right perspective.

Anyway, I look forward to reading more of your experiences.

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My first encounter with Aset Ka... Empty Re: My first encounter with Aset Ka...

Post by Noctis 03.08.18 10:24

It's the fault of my poor command of English. In effect,iwill interest the part that concerns personal development more than vampirism itself, although I would lie if I did not confess that it is also interesting. I donĀ“t be a a vampire or a chosen or special person. I want this to be clear too, there is too much ego surrounding of the people (not all) who think they are vampires. Please, do not stop correcting me when you do not understand something of what I publish

Number of posts : 44
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Location : Spain ( Caesaragusta )
Registration date : 2018-08-01

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My first encounter with Aset Ka... Empty Re: My first encounter with Aset Ka...

Post by Lynskha 03.08.18 13:44

Noctis it is very interesting that what attracted you was not the vampirism part itself, specially because there are many crazy ideas about vampires and vampirism. I believe you will see interesting things in how Asetianism deals with the subject.

Number of posts : 476
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My first encounter with Aset Ka... Empty Re: My first encounter with Aset Ka...

Post by Lynskha 03.08.18 13:46

Also, like Rhea mentioned, since you are much more interested in the spiritual and occult subjects, the development of many things, Book of Orion will be very nice for you to study. Nice that in the Violet Throne grimoire there is a part in portuguese, which I believe it will be easier for you to understand since it is similar to Spanish.

Number of posts : 476
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My first encounter with Aset Ka... Empty Re: My first encounter with Aset Ka...

Post by Noctis 04.08.18 3:32

The reading of the Asetian Bible is very inspiring to me, and it is awakening in me the curiosity about many related subjects.

You have mentioned the Book of Orion on at least two occasions, I will keep it in mind to acquire it as soon as I finish reading the Asetian bible, something that will still take some time.

Anyway, I'm sure you probably get all the books of Luis Marques. It is true that vampirism awakens interest in people in many different ways, but for me, for example, the part of the bible in which it talks about the disciples (the human followers who practice Asetianism), has been beautiful for me.

The dedication and commitment of those who possess a mortal soul to something greater than themselves entails a special beauty, precisely because of the finite nature of their existence, it is like the beauty of the butterfly, which given its short life is something that can only be contemplated for a short space of time, that transience makes it doubly beautiful.

I confess that within everything that surrounds vampirism, the concept of "immortality", in any of its forms, is something that has always fascinated me. The nature of my person, which is essentially curious, makes me fantasize about the possibility of having a space to know the time because of all things, to be able to contemplate as a privileged spectator the evolution of time and changes in the world.

Excuse this little drifting exercise, I tend to daydream too easily.

Another thing that I find pleasant and inspiring is the reading of this forum, the testimonies, the information, the impressions of all of you, contribute greatly to clarify concepts and unclear points as soon as I am reading.

Greetings to all.


Number of posts : 44
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Location : Spain ( Caesaragusta )
Registration date : 2018-08-01

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My first encounter with Aset Ka... Empty Re: My first encounter with Aset Ka...

Post by Lynskha 04.08.18 10:40

I sent you a private message. I don't know if you know how to open it. When you enter the forum, right below the banner there is a menu


Probably it will be NEW PM.


Number of posts : 476
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My first encounter with Aset Ka... Empty Re: My first encounter with Aset Ka...

Post by Noctis 04.08.18 11:16

I have searched and the private message inbox is empty ...

Number of posts : 44
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Registration date : 2018-08-01

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My first encounter with Aset Ka... Empty Re: My first encounter with Aset Ka...

Post by A.Nightside 20.08.18 20:27

I saw that you mentioned the vampirism as being the part that calls to you the least? I hope I am understanding properly. If not, feel free to correct me. I find this perspective quite interesting as well, and not one I see very often.
I would like to echo, Rhea's statement here.

I think it's quite a special thing that Vampirism is not your primary draw into this.

You come off incredibly rational and, I'm not sure how else to describe it. I am in simple awe of your presence.

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