Ancient and Asetian music ?

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by AmirAlzzalam 12.08.18 11:19

Victor wrote:Come on guys let us all pretend we didn’t know that he was another of Robert Sushko’s fake characters, the Great Hierophant of the Herald of the Dawn, according to actually no one but himself because it’s a scam order that doesn’t really exist. This "leader" of a fictitious organization, pretending to be all experienced and mysterious online, is a poor old guy fixing guitars for a living in New Jersey, entirely uneducated on occult theory and practice who spends his free time plagiarizing content on forums and facebook. Can’t get more cliché than that. Twisted Evil
Victor, let's hear your full name? Or is this a fake name? I'm sure it is, are you a hypocrite, yes you are.
In fact, the very accusation of using fake names, is prevalent throughout this forum, isn't it?

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Troublemaker 12.08.18 11:28

Why hello there Victor! Thanks for jumping in! Smile
Hope you are well these days.

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by AmirAlzzalam 12.08.18 11:48

Gee, look what I found on the internet . . . A'nen Khem Sedjet

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Sybil Mason 12.08.18 12:17

In the service of transparency the claims were investigated by our technical team and the user was verified as being another fake account of Robert Sushko, which violates the Terms of Agreement and has since been banned from this platform. Again.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
Vampirism Forum Administrator
Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Victor 12.08.18 12:26

Never gets old. Devil

Thanks for the laughs, Rhea. I hope that your road remains strong and healthy.

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Troublemaker 12.08.18 12:35

Thank you Victor.
And to Sybil as well for her quick action.
Let's keep this place clean and in integrity for serious and mature discussions. Smile

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 12.08.18 12:39

Absolutely. Nice to see an old face such as Victor here. Smile

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Noctis 12.08.18 12:56

How much free time people have ... lol! By the way Viktor, nice to meet you. Wink

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Lynskha 12.08.18 15:35

Oh it seems some of the same old problems. It is nice the admins took an action.

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Noctis 13.08.18 2:55

From what I see, entering with problematic accounts to this forum for some reason that is beyond my comprehension, is a habitual dynamic. From what I have seen in other threads it is not the first time. Someone would have to explain to me what happens ... scratch

Meanwhile, I will try to recover the spirit of this thread.
Trobar de Morte -" Summoning The Gods"

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Jonathan 13.08.18 4:36

Thank you for exposing Robert Sushko once again, Rhea Kaye.

He has caused trouble in this community for years, pretending to be different people and manipulating the younger audience alongside some “gothic dancer” rejectee, with tons of fake accounts here and on facebook. Actually that girl was exposed for creating an impressive horde of fake accounts pretending to be fans and fabricating content in places like youtube, instagram and facebook, a very similar strategy.
During all these years he has continuously attempted to register and participate in this community, which is actually quite surprising as anyone else would have simply moved on by now, however we could even forgive his past transgressions and dishonesty if he wasn’t caught frequently bashing this community in different social networks, attacking its credibility and adding lies alongside insult. It’s obvious that he seeks our validation and company, so insulting everyone here really isn’t the way. I would have overlooked his past and maybe even be willing to accept an apology if he just acted more honorably.

Is he also ganging on the Father Sebastiaan Sabretooth circus these days as those desperate others? People need a life.

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Troublemaker 13.08.18 8:45

I believe I know who you are speaking of. Funny thing is, that person still takes advantage of Asetian symbolism for whatever reason- be it attention seeking, ignorance, or any other dishonorable intention. One of these examples is a silly "violet dragonskin handbag, the perfect handbag for any vampire" which looks like a simple purse... Violet, with an ankh in the center, a clear copy of the cover of the Asetian Bible, in my own opinion....

She also calls herself "The Seed of Aset" now, which is another blatant mimicry of terminology found within the works of Luis Marques, roleplays as Aset Herself in Father Sebastiaan's idiotic roleplaying Balls, has a bladed ankh tattoo (now covered with embellishments) on the left wrist that is frequently flaunted all over social media and the internet, the intent being to copy the Asetian Dark Mark. Not to mention the past abuse of taking the name "Nefer" on social media, in a copy of two quite highly regarded Asetian women who were mentioned in the works of Luis Marques.

Some may see this and become confused- 'why are these occultists on this forum always stirring up drama, leave people to do as they wish!' But I feel differently. This crap STILL fools people. For example I have seen one such individual, from this forum, who once had phenomenal contributions and seemed mature but was later seen flaunting a set of Father Sebastiaan's fangs, constantly gloating about being in his Sabretooth Clan, and behaving in a way that seems quite disrespectful toward Asetianism indeed.....

I personally feel these things should be exposed. People still fall for the crap to this very day... It would be safe to assume that for those under the oppressive rule of Ego and desperately craving attention, the Order of Aset Ka's blistering Silence is most unpleasant and agonizing, so they seek for people and groups that will feed their desperate thirst for ego gratification and attention, oftentimes centering around embarrassingly childish and shallow vampire myths/misrepresentations.

But some of us still carry the sacred banners high and proud in our hearts despite Silence, embracing the absolute Fire of unconditional dedication. Silence gives the priceless treasure of Self, a gift that the loud will never wield or remotely comprehend....


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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Troublemaker 13.08.18 8:56

**Correction** "The Blood of Aset."

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 13.08.18 9:47

Beautifully and well said, Rhea Kaye. I agree. Sometime the foot needs to be set down against all roleplayers and pretenders who only feed on attention but, it would be alright if they were just roleplayers or pretenders who feed on attention in general as such would not need to be minded; however, the case is that they are being blatantly disrespectful and so that is why.

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Noctis 13.08.18 12:09

I can not understand ... When I looked for information about vampirism, the pages of Belenguer, the Sabrethooth clan, TOV and the like, only managed to awaken in my person feelings of repulsion and rejection. I approached the Aset Ka precisely because it was very different from all of them. I guess there are many people with attention deficit syndrome in the world ...

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Nightshade 13.08.18 14:00

Rhea, I will not even get into those girls. They’re so desperate. The one you mentioned is clearly obsessed about the Aset Ka and keeps trying to make a profit from it. I believe that’s also the one Jonathan referred that is known to fabricate her own fans and followers. Pathetic.

Noctis, I know what you mean because those same feelings are often expressed by others who find this community and feel that it’s like a breath of fresh air. It's actually a good thing that there are those other groups with merely a commercial side and no spiritual wisdom because they highlight the beauty of real and ancient traditions. Groups like Sabretooth (Sebastiaan), Strigoi Vii (Sebastiaan) and Kheperu (Belanger) have tried to copy and draw inspiration from the Aset Ka for many years but failed, so ended up becoming nothing more than glorified goth parties. There’s nothing occult or spiritual about it, very much like this girl Jonathan and Rhea mentioned that makes a living off ignorant people online pretending to be some performer and bashing the Aset Ka at every chance when everything she does is drawing inspiration from it. To anyone with awareness it’s like so obvious that it’s cringy.

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Nightshade 13.08.18 14:06

- Robert Sushko -

Some of his known aliases and fake accounts are: Etu Malku, Ankhhape, Robert Sushko, Bob Sushko, RL Sushko, Tarkhem, Lidia Cyn, Herald of the Dawn, Aleina The Bitten, SiriusB, Mercurean, Eni Alihm, AmirAlzzalam, among others.

He’s considered a troll in both the American and European occult scenes as well as the vampire community, has zero credibility in every esoteric organization, initiatory order or structured community one can find. Also a known ass-kisser. Literally even the people he vehemently tries to promote online describe him as just an illiterate tool. Their own words, not mine, including a certain American author he so loves to praise.
Chastised from simple organizations such as the Temple of Set and failing to join more prominent Orders he decides to fake a group for attention, calling it Herald of the Dawn and Mercurean path, an alleged egotistic branch of self-deified Luciferianists, describing himself as its mighty founder and demanding for people to call him Magus or Hierophant.  


He enjoys pretending to be different people, creating arguments, trolling debates and for the most part just fabricating knowledge he doesn’t have and knowing people he doesn’t actually know. He is also incredibly easy to track with the simplest of Google searches as there are tons of documented material about his frauds.

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Ramla-Meryt 13.08.18 14:12

I came tangentially to here via Sebastiaan, in an exceptionally long-winded way. I came back to considering the vampiric aspects of myself more intensely - aside from passing acknowledgement - around this time last year. Fangs to me, have always been merely aesthetic - a look that I wanted to curate, that fitted my particular self-perception, unrelated to vampirism. A quick Google and F.S was one of the few semi-regular UK makers listed for that particular style of dental acrylics. However, the ceremonial elements of the fang-making meeting itself baffled me intensely. I do recall retorting to the paraphrased statement of 'you are now a vampire' with '10 years too late for that'.

It was the lack of depth and shallowness that I encountered there that led to more searching, and from there, I found this forum and became aware of the Aset Ka. I'd been searching for more for quite some time. The Aset Ka has a remarkable degree of resonance and click for me. I can definitely second the revulsion/repulsion and breath of fresh air sentiments.

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Nightshade 13.08.18 14:25

nachtzehren wrote:I came tangentially to here via Sebastiaan, in an exceptionally long-winded way. I came back to considering the vampiric aspects of myself more intensely - aside from passing acknowledgement - around this time last year. Fangs to me, have always been merely aesthetic - a look that I wanted to curate, that fitted my particular self-perception, unrelated to vampirism. A quick Google and F.S was one of the few semi-regular UK makers listed for that particular style of dental acrylics. However, the ceremonial elements of the fang-making meeting itself baffled me intensely. I do recall retorting to the paraphrased statement of 'you are now a vampire' with '10 years too late for that'.

It was the lack of depth and shallowness that I encountered there that led to more searching, and from there, I found this forum and became aware of the Aset Ka. I'd been searching for more for quite some time. The Aset Ka has a remarkable degree of resonance and click for me. I can definitely second the revulsion/repulsion and breath of fresh air sentiments.

Thank you for sharing another good example. It’s interesting that you found the Asetian culture after Sebastiaan and, being familiar with his work, still report the very same feelings. That is a natural progression of spiritual maturity I would say. Quite the opposite of this girl they mentioned above, who was caught manipulating people in the community and using fake accounts to fabricate a narrative but once exposed she ganged with Sebastiaan on defamation of Asetianists. Really ugly people, desperate for attention and comfortable with lying.

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Jonathan 13.08.18 14:35

Truth be told Sushko also got targeted by some group of lame Satanist wannabes sometime ago, who hacked and exposed his personal information online, including his family. No matter what he says about me on that case I’m with him since that’s harassment and shouldn’t have a place in a balanced society. However his issues with this community are very different and he has been genuinely wrong with these people and path for many years now. Very dishonest and disrespectful. We may be a tough and proud community with a very strict focus on wisdom and opposing delusion, but we’re also supportive, honorable and generous, if he would’ve only been more honest from the start everything would have been different.

Concerning the other girl, not much to add since that has been exposed years ago and it’s a well known case often used as example in the wide community. Never too much to raise awareness about it I guess. I’m just surprised that she’s still inspired and fascinated by the Aset Ka after such a long time. I guess that haters and these rejected fans are as drawn to Asetianism as its lovers and serious seekers.

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Troublemaker 13.08.18 14:50

There is absolutely no problem with coming into Asetianism with that background. We all have different backgrounds, histories and starting points. And the honesty lends you character. I am glad you found something deeper that resonates with you and I hope your journeys are inspiring and transformative.

Good reference, Nightshade. We all know this thread will be quoted and will draw more complaints but the transparency is most important and a worthy endeavour of upholding. Several old threads from many years past in here have greatly aided me in my walk, that were along the same theme of exposing lies.

Jonathan, I thought the same thing when I saw that article... It was in extremely poor taste to behave in such a way and in my opinion such people are really just limited and not the harbingers of great power like they think they are... The article made me cringe deeply.

P.S- if anyone has more cool music to share, feel free. I love some good tunes to lighten the mood. Smile

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 13.08.18 15:15

It is never too late for change. I do not know how people think though. Many people just puzzle me as I cannot relate to them whatsoever nor do I understand them at all. Maybe if they realized some knowledge within themselves and had insight into who they are they would not act in all random and bizarre ways. I won't diminish their potential by saying it is 'impossible' for them as it is possible for everyone but such awakening might only come after lifetimes. Until then, they should sit down and meditate as a river of sanity for an insane world inebriated with the madness of ego and its fake world and false light.

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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Noctis 14.08.18 2:44

"In Norse mythology, Gjallarhorn (Old Norse "yelling horn"[1] or "the loud sounding horn"[2]) is a mystical horn blown at the onset of Ragnarök associated with the god Heimdall and the wise being Mímir. Gjallarhorn is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional material, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson."


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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Troublemaker 16.08.18 20:18

I'll keep your thread going with some more neat stuff.

I do love Cryo Chamber immensely. They're great, in my opinion, for achieving a dark atmosphere in which to explore murky recesses of Self.

Maybe people can find a song they attach to in this thread and have an inspiring meditation session (or several) from it. Smile I would certainly hope for such a thing.


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Ancient and Asetian music ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Ancient and Asetian music ?

Post by Noctis 25.08.18 1:43


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