Proof the Aset Ka Exists and Asetians are Real

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Proof the Aset Ka Exists and Asetians are Real Empty Proof the Aset Ka Exists and Asetians are Real

Post by Phoenix 03.04.09 18:15

Would some of you more knowledgeable forum members please help me here? Does anyone know for fact that the Aset Ka exists and Asetians are real? I mean absolutely, without doubt, hardcore evidence/experience kind of knowing.
This is not a challenge to the beliefs expressed herein, but a version of the basic, honest questions that have to be asked whenever using the internet. Is it real? Will you show me the proof? Are you certain?
I have only found references to the AK going back to 2007 when word of Luis Marques publishing the AB posted on the net. For all we know, the AB could be a wonderfully appealing fiction, without a shred of truth. The AB does appear to be a self-published work, which means it is outside the ethical scrutiny of a mainstream commercial publisher.
Some of the things I would like to know are:
- Does anyone know Luis Marques personally, and that he did write the AB under the guidance and approval of the AK? Has anyone written to Sr. Marques and received a response back? Has anyone emailed the AK and received a response? (Written mail and email addresses are in the AB)
- Has anyone, for sure, actually met an Asetian, observed some of their rituals or been in one of their temples?
- Does anyone have a book or other document that references the AK in years prior to 2007?
- Has anyone read a scientific Egyptology account of the Sep Tepy that is similar to that in the AB, or of the wars between the ROS (if they exist) and the AK?
Anyone with a yes answer to one or more of the above questions, could you please respond with details. Let me know if you have all no's for answers, too.
If I can become comfortable that most things about the AK and in the AB are truthful, I shall be an unwavering seeker of their knowledge. Thanks, Phoenix.

Number of posts : 197
Location : Sonoran Desert, USA
Registration date : 2009-03-28

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Proof the Aset Ka Exists and Asetians are Real Empty Re: Proof the Aset Ka Exists and Asetians are Real

Post by Ankhhape 03.04.09 19:09

Why do you ask?

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Proof the Aset Ka Exists and Asetians are Real Empty Re: Proof the Aset Ka Exists and Asetians are Real

Post by Victor 03.04.09 19:23

My answer would be yes to several of the questions, but not to all.

I have also heard about the Aset Ka priorly to 2007. And by priorly meaning decades. Not online, though. Have also seen references to Asetian knowledge and tradition in several occult works, although probably nothing as public as a book that you would find on Amazon.

Am I willing to give proof about any of it? No, I am not, and most certainly never online or to someone I don't know live for an amount of years.
Do I care of what others may think about it? Never.

Looking for some sort of validation is perfectly understandable, but also might have its drawbacks. Many things about the occult go deeper than direct proof, but concern more something spiritual and invisible. I mean, there surely is proof of the Asetians and the AK's existence, but that same proof will not unveil to everyone merely asking for it. As themselves commonly say: for everyone else, they will never exist... and it rather stay that way. We are not talking in here about a new age group or an occult order seeking publicity, we are talking about something that although having a published book also has deep roots of secrecy, involved in mysteries and goals that even us that know about their existence for long are not really sure about.
Most of all... what I mean is simply that it is not online or in forums that you will find such answers. If you ever even find them at all. If this to some people means that the AK does not exist or that it is a scam, then so be it, they don't exist... Twisted Evil

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Proof the Aset Ka Exists and Asetians are Real Empty Re: Proof the Aset Ka Exists and Asetians are Real

Post by Phoenix 04.04.09 0:22

Ankhhape, thank you for replying. I only asked for honest answers from those who may have explored the AK deeper than I have. It is immature and foolish for me to pursue any path--occult, metaphysical or otherwise--without separating the volumes of charlatans and frauds from the few possessing real knowledge. My post was to simply request verification from knowing people whether the AK and the information in the AB is real or not.
The AB resonated with a deep, deep chord inside me. I wanted a reasonable degree of logical surety that I am about to pursue a reality and not an hallucination. No disrespect. I would speculate that others might have asked similar questions at some time.

Victor, thanks for your response, also. I appreciate knowing you have independent experience of the AK's existence. I meant no offense as to wanting proof. While proof is desirable, I would likely reply as you did were our situations reversed. We do not know each other and caution is well warranted.
I generally agree with your last paragaph, excepting that I believe internet or e-communications will ultimately be an important means of sharing knowledge--knowledge being different from practice and application. Wisdom is earned, not merely asked for or downloaded. Would you be willing to reference one or two of your non-Amazon books that discusses the AK, that I can independently research? For what it's worth, I am definitely not pursuing some new age fantasy or trendy vampiric fad.

Number of posts : 197
Location : Sonoran Desert, USA
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Proof the Aset Ka Exists and Asetians are Real Empty Re: Proof the Aset Ka Exists and Asetians are Real

Post by empress2k 28.06.09 4:45


I think you did ask a very legitimate question. But just like the AB says do not take anything on blind faith. Even if there are many sources out there about a cetain path or organization it will not make it worthy or valid. It is about your personal experience after all.

I have tried to read several books on Vampirism and due to my psychometry ability plus what I've read, I felt repulsed. Now, as I am reading AB it also resonates with me and profoundly closely describes who I am, inlcuding my metaphisical abilities. So when I read it, I can tell you that even if the organization did not exist, the simple fact that what I read describes who I am is good enough for me. As for the rest, I think all we can do is to allow our lives to unveil and be prepared. Hope that helps.

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Registration date : 2009-06-22

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