Approaching Asetians and the Aset Ka.

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Approaching Asetians and the Aset Ka. Empty Approaching Asetians and the Aset Ka.

Post by Talibah 01.06.09 9:42

Although I have my own opinion on this, I'd like to ask everyone else a question I am sure many have thought about at some point.

Which way round do you think it happens: Does the Aset Ka approach an aware yet unawakened Asetian, or do they wait for individuals to approach them?

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Approaching Asetians and the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Approaching Asetians and the Aset Ka.

Post by Daniel09 01.06.09 12:09

Individuals can't approach them as far as I know, and they seem to imply strongly that they'll seek you out, so I think the Aset Ka would approach the Asetian.

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Approaching Asetians and the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Approaching Asetians and the Aset Ka.

Post by Jonathan 02.06.09 10:11

Very hard to answer... since none of us has any true solid way of knowing. Personally I believe they allow the individuals to pre-awaken and to evolve in the Asetian way first, without approaching them, making it like a natural evolution for them... and then they watch them, from afar, allowing for them to fight to reach back to the Aset Ka and to find their family, and this process may be long and hard... until the AK finally accepts them back. Like an initiation. It also helps to prove the value, truth, loyalty and dedication of that same Asetian.

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Approaching Asetians and the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Approaching Asetians and the Aset Ka.

Post by Aghrab 02.06.09 18:53

It would make sense for them to be watching the unawakened Asetian from afar, giving them a small door to walk through, all by themselves, alone... and if they manage to, it would prove they are worthy of being closer to the Asetian Family. Perhaps this would be a test that the Asetian has to go through.


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Approaching Asetians and the Aset Ka. Empty Re: Approaching Asetians and the Aset Ka.

Post by Lynskha 30.08.17 17:53

I felt an interesting thing while meditating about this. A sense that the person, first , should wait. The "Order" would find the person, it would "contact" him/her when and if the correct time comes.

Second, part of the contact with the Order would be not in the physical world, but held as you allign yourself with its energy.

You may face the door. Closed. If, by any chance you find it is slightly open to you, and you walk in, then you will find yourself in the "anti chamber" .

Then the sense of being observed.

I don't know, just sharing things I felt... =)


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