Proof of Egyptian Vampires

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Ankhhape 05.11.08 14:28

I am wondering if anyone has actually found any documented proof (other than the Asetian Bible) that the Primordial vampires are of Egyptian origin?
I am having trouble verifying any of this information.


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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Hellen 06.11.08 2:14

I am now studying the Coffin Texts , and I personally see it as very rich of proofs but I don't know if for common eyes these still could stand as proofs as long as many mysteries present even in the everyday life don't stand as proofs for them .
That's why we usually choose silence in front of profane eyes as it is the best way sometimes.

We also must not forget that the translation available is also interpretation of the texts .But even in the profane translation, one can clearly see the true meanings behind words.

For example you maybe have noticed that many spells are about feeding , and traveling , having 'power in your legs' to say just few of them , things that could be read literally , or could be read in an understanding which for me personally is very clear while i see things i've been experiencing myself .
The ancient egyptian texts mean for me a great metaphysical tool , just as Asetian Bible is .

I would very much like to know about other's oppinions on this .

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Victor 06.11.08 11:40

I fully agree with what Hellen just said. She put it quite simple and straight-forward, proof is all around us, but it takes a deeper eye to see it sometimes.

It is true that the old texts are profane translations of what should be magickal and spiritual, but with their own scholar minds, sometimes the translators lack the feel to fully translate the meaning or feel of some texts. Some are not even meant to be translated!

Anyways, although Ancient Egypt is rich in vampiric spirituality and idealism, which could be called as proof, I cannot say that there is a direct exposure of them being the primordial vampires. However, since we can trace most things back to this culture, it is not so terrible to assume some roots to vampirism there as well.

To see the presence of vampiric themes and spirituality in Ancient Egypt, highly and deeply present in things as the Coffin Texts and the Pyramid Texts, we don't even need to go to this complex and confusing literature. We can settle for something as simple and as widespread as the history of Sekhmet, a bloodthirsty deity with a natural inborn disgust to mortal mankind. Said by many to have been an Asetian during the time of the Sep Tepy, Sekhmet is a known example of a vampiric force in higher divine powers of Ancient Egypt, and in much more than a single thing, a great example of a being from the Guardian lineage.

Just as an ending note of my view on this, if we are all looking for direct proof in front of out eyes, we won't go very far. Not everything can be proven as people expect to. Proof is there, just not in the form and taste as people expect it to be. This applies also to history and science. Just look at the pyramids as an example of this. Even the most highly ranked scholars of the world base their beliefs over its construction in nothing more than mere conjectures and personal opinions. There is no proof. Some things are meant for a deep understanding, for a feel, for a mystery, for a magick. When this comes to spirituality becomes even more obvious... proof of Gods, Asetians, Sethians and vampires is all around us since times of written history to the modern technological days of today. Just not everyone pays enough attention to follow the clues and put the pieces up together. People expect not a puzzle to work with, but a direct simple answer. In spirituality, same as in religion, there is no such thing...

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Ankhhape 06.11.08 11:45

The only things I have come across so far is the story of Sekhmet and this story of Setem Ansi. Perhaps I am just too blind to see?

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Victor 06.11.08 12:05

A'nen Sedjet wrote:The only things I have come across so far is the story of Sekhmet and this story of Setem Ansi. Perhaps I am just too blind to see?
Setem Ansi, as far as I can tell, is not a real story but a cyber psycho-babble created by Michelle Belanger to give credibility to her "cult" and merchandising, that aims to give her more power and a higher position by presenting herself as the modern incarnation of that Setem Ansi kid. Pointless.

If you are interested in finding deeper and more meaningful parallels with Vampirism, I believe you will enjoy to research deeper into the Coffin Texts and Pyramid Texts, try to study different translations, to get a more wide and open-minded view of the contents, make parallels between several different translations, from renown and credible authors, not online versions. I believe you may find surprisingly rich information about what you wish to learn.

Most of those parallels, clues and hints are not fully and directly explained online, since many things are part of the vampiric tradition mysteries, and are supposed to be found, learned and mastered in a personal quest for enlightenment. It is part of the spiritual initiatory process!

Vampires are not to be understood by the masses. Their mysteries are hidden and secretive. And no matter how much new age people try to fight for a widespread vampiric cultural background among the masses, that is something that is merely there to fill their own egos and passes by completely unnoticed by the real vampiric society and its internal mysteries, that are not and never will be open to those empty minds.

Hope this helped.

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Ankhhape 10.11.08 5:54

Excellent, thank you Victor . . . I thought the Satem Ansi story was BS, now I'm sure.
Are the Coffin & Pyramid texts contained in the Book of the Dead or are they separate books?

Again thank you Victor,

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Saylamine 12.11.08 12:06

Weren't the coffin texts inscribed upon coffins beginning in the Middle Kingdom? I found this link with a little more information on them:

Now, the Pyramid texts were funerary writings on the walls of pyramids, correct?
Here's a link I found on the Pyramid texts:

I'd like to know much more on both the Pyramid and Coffin Texts as well. I appreciate all input.

Best wishes,


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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Jonathan 13.11.08 9:51

A'nen Sedjet wrote:Excellent, thank you Victor . . . I thought the Satem Ansi story was BS, now I'm sure.
Are the Coffin & Pyramid texts contained in the Book of the Dead or are they separate books?

Again thank you Victor,
Some parts may be included in the Book of the Dead as adaptations, however never fully or even close to that. The Book of the Dead is far more recent than the Pyramid and Coffin texts, which date from older periods. I believe the Pyramid texts to be the oldest, dating to the beginning of the Old Kingdom and some probably spreading to the Pre Dynastic. However I can't be fully positive at the moment, since I am not an expert on Egyptology, and will do a better research on that.


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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by lono676767 20.03.09 14:44

Sekhmet is a known example of a vampiric force in higher divine powers of Ancient Egypt

I'm glad someone here mentioned Sekhmet...

Could someone please explain to me(and im not being argumentitive) what Isis has to do with vampirism? wouldnt followers of the"mother" and energy, be more connected to"source" ?



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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Maktub 20.03.09 16:35

lono676767 wrote:
Sekhmet is a known example of a vampiric force in higher divine powers of Ancient Egypt

I'm glad someone here mentioned Sekhmet...

Could someone please explain to me(and im not being argumentitive) what Isis has to do with vampirism? wouldnt followers of the"mother" and energy, be more connected to"source" ?
Sekhmet is one the most obvious examples of vampiric tendencies among Ancient Egyptian deities. In the Asetian theology she is clearly a Scorpion in nature, which makes full sense given most of her archeological iconography and myth symbolism. But there are many other examples, if you study the references of Khunsu from the Pre-Dynastic you would uncover a deeper vampiric connection, sometimes even more scary and overpowering than Sekhmet. Keep in mind his theological archetype changed dramatically in the later Dynastic times, into a more peaceful Moon-driven deity.

Now about your doubt. In Asetian metaphysics, the Asetians are indeed connected to their source, Aset. However, that source, no matter how great metaphysical abilities can give to them, it is not in their native realm. In the Duat, the so called underworld, Asetians don't act vampiricly and don't need to feed. However, while incarnated in this limited shell that is the physical universe, and designed for the subtle body and metaphysical framework of humans, Asetians consume far more energy. That makes them vampiric while incarnated, since their higher energy metabolism and fast-burning Soul needs additional Ka in order to fully operate under their non-natural physical body. Despite that, it can also be used, like any other vampire, to empower more devastating metaphysical abilities.


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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by lono676767 20.03.09 17:10

So in Asetian philosophy, sekhmet is scorpion like, and has less to do with the typical depiction of a lion-headed goddess, which later became seemingly interchangable with bastet(which i take it is what your refering to as moon based), or east/bastet ,west/sehkmet?
Does this hve to do with the beleive that Sekhmet is an aspect of Hathor?

But(and again im not being argumentative, I'm curious since sekhmet, is my goddess; and has always seemed definitively feline to me) how would the legend of sekhmet slaughtering people(im abridging it since most know the story), and getting drunk on bloodbeer, be performed by a scorpion? or are you again, speaking of aspects of the goddess?

on a different note would not another reason for feeding be that some individuals have chakras/energy centers that are functioning at a higher capacity than their physical body can produce?



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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Jonathan 20.03.09 18:34

That's why you would be better off reading the Asetian Bible. Razz Any other way gets hard to understand the mythology and metaphysics behind it.
Maktub means that Sekhmet is seen as an Asetian of the Guardian lineage, hence a Scorpion, the oldest Asetian terminology for lineages. Sekhmet is still seen as a feline deity, just that she probably was an Asetian while she was incarnated, as many other Ancient Egyptian deities that later were portrayed as Gods and Goddesses by mankind. And by Moon based he was talking about Khonsu's earlier aspects, not Sekhmet. You're confusing the full post man... lol

A faster Shen center can cause the need for more energy, that is correct. But that would be related with the subtle metabolism of the vampire I would say. Also keep in mind that feeding may be caused by a broken Shen, but that does not make someone a vampire, just a human with a broken energy system or a subtle problem.


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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by lono676767 20.03.09 18:51

How do you define vampire? or a vampire soul?

seems different than the rest of the vampire communities definition, even some of the extremist ones that have "undead god merging rituals".

That's why you would be better off reading the Asetian Bible.
I'm trying to gauge whether its worth my time, or relevant to my being...I have no doubt that it may be right for those here.



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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Ankhhape 20.03.09 18:56

The book is rather cheap, gnosis at that price is not even a consideration for anyone that is Sirius about their education.
I have all of Bellanger's crap!

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by lono676767 21.03.09 8:43

Would you call the Vampire Anthology written by most of the vampire community, but "technicallly" authored by Michelle , crap?

While i have fondness for Sekhmet, my main spiritual focus and expertise is Hawaiian Huna. I have never claimed expertise in Ancient Egyptian lore or practices. The name "Lono" as some may know, is a Hawaiian God.

Victor, however is correct. Setem Ansi, is Michelle. It was her story, from her perspective.. But i find it no more difficult to believe or no more invalid than the Asetian bible. Especially if kheprians Like what ive been reading about the Asetians maintain memories of past lives.
The only difference is she seems to have been first in writing and publishing her experiences, and is a known public it's easier to sling arrows.



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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Victor 21.03.09 8:54

Lono, all of that makes sense, but it doesn't make the Asetian Bible a copy of Michelle's stuff. Saying that, is not only a proof of occult ignorance, as it is plain stupid. Only in her wildest dreams Michelle could ever write something as deep and spiritual as the Asetian Bible. The AB is a spiritual book that teaches us mostly about ancient theology and predatory spirituality, it is not a wishful thinking manual as Michelle's codex. So please make more enlightened claims before typing just about any nonsense that was simply pushed down your throat. Think by your own self and make your own opinions based on fact. Read the books, then judge. You will see it is not as you think.

And yes, both Kheprians and Asetians have the right to remember their past lives, as both have the right to write about it. Saying they are copying is the true stupidity around here...

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by lono676767 21.03.09 10:52

Well..from what ive read here, and the energies... I'll take a stand with Michelle Belanger any day. As Well as with any Member of the VVC.



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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Victor 21.03.09 11:39

Yeah, now we understand what Belanger's arguments are:

"What I read in this forum and the energies I feel in here tell me that the Aset Ka is ripping me off. Ohhhhh hell. By the beards of Setem Ansi, they must be darn evil! Damn them, let me spam the Wikipedia!"

Please... you guys the more you talk the lower you get.

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Ankhhape 15.06.09 21:59

Anyway, lono's remarks aside . . . I have found parallels with the Pharaoh Unas of 3333 BC and vampirism.

He is mentioned in the BOTD and the Coffin Texts were discovered in his tomb.

M. Ford has written about Unas, describing Him as proof that vampirism has its origin in Egypt.

Many texts describe Unas and what could be understood only as forms of predatory spiritualism. There is the welcoming from Aset upon His death.

The devouring of blood, souls and vital energy and becoming self-deified and one with Aset / Osiris.

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Victor 16.06.09 11:10

You're on the right track, Ankhhape. Unas texts describe, many times quite blatantly, several aspects of Asetianism and present very strong evidence of Vampire origins in Ancient Egypt.

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Syrianeh 16.06.09 14:15

Ankhhape, who is this Mr. Ford and where can I find his work?


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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Ankhhape 16.06.09 14:38

Michael W. Ford, on

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Victor 16.06.09 18:58

Just don't forget that Ford's work is not on spiritual Vampirism, but on ceremonial magick. He approaches Vampirism as a way to gather power by ritual, not in the true traditional sense of Vampirism that we are used to deal in here. Also, keep in mind that Ford's knowledge of Ancient Egyptian mysteries and language is very little, so although he may be on the right track, his conclusions are not always the most accurate. He is a good author on his area of expertise, which is Luciferianism and ritual magick, but when it comes to Vampirism, his work is quite poor.

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Ankhhape 16.06.09 19:21

Victor: em hotep, I agree with most of what you say. But let me say that Ford approaches Predatory Spiritualism from a human aspect, not a vampiric or much less divine side as Asetianism.

Not being of Otherkin soul myself, I can relate completely to his understandings.

Also, keep in mind my post on Pharaoh Unas, it was inspired by Ford's research and has been verified.

I agree completely with your comments that his expertise is Luciferianism and not 'true' vampiric.

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Proof of Egyptian Vampires Empty Re: Proof of Egyptian Vampires

Post by Phoenix 16.06.09 22:36

Em hotep, Ankhhape. You mention that Michael Ford's research on Unas' vampirism was verified. Would you mind sharing how and by who? Thanks.

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