Casket Safety Question

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Casket Safety Question Empty Casket Safety Question

Post by EVILVAMP 09.11.18 14:25

Is it possible for a human to sleep in a casket safely? I was thinking about getting one, but do not want to accidentally suffocate myself.

I've seen contest listings around Halloween where whoever sleeps in a coffin the longest gets a cash prize and gets to keep the coffin. So, because of that, part of me thinks that maybe the answer is yes, it is safe.

Yet, a casket is actually rather different than a coffin in its design. Also, the "coffins" used in such contests might be 'stage' built or modified for safety whereas an actually coffin might be unsafe.

In my research, many have said just leave the lid open. But, to me, that would ruin the effect for both sleeping and as a meditation chamber for sensory deprivation reasons. I have yet to find anyone that could give me a clear answer, even after e-mail a casket manufacturer and getting no information back in return. (Been over a week now.)

Considering it my interest in Vampire that has lead me to this idea, can someone please tell me if it is safe for me to use a casket as a bed and actually close it? Or, would I run out of air and suffocate?

I kept getting 'buried alive survival guides' in my research. But, they are calculating air volume based on being six feet under dirt. Is a casket actually air tight? Or, if it's not buried in dirt and is being used as a bed in a room above ground, does it get enough airflow, even with the lid closed, to be safe for sleeping?

I am not sure who else would be best to ask this to. I know not all Vampires sleep in caskets/coffins. But, I also read in places that some will for the eccentric nature of it. I am rather eccentric. But, I also don't want to have my eccentricities lead to me an unfortunate accident.


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Casket Safety Question Empty Re: Casket Safety Question

Post by Jonathan 09.11.18 15:55

It all depends on the casket’s construction and features but it should be reasonably safe. Never heard about any such incidents. Either way just exercise some common sense and you’ll be fine.

This should have been asked in the Off Topic section though as it does not relate with actual vampirism.

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Casket Safety Question Empty Re: Casket Safety Question

Post by kuku 10.11.18 23:01

Why sleep in a casket?


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Casket Safety Question Empty Re: Casket Safety Question

Post by Guano 11.11.18 4:52

To role play basically. Its aesthetically appropriate to those who just like to feel like a vampire. Though in all honesty its a bit impractical and a bit telling of this persons conjecture on vampirism and the like.

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Casket Safety Question Empty Re: Casket Safety Question

Post by Sybil Mason 11.11.18 6:01

Moved to Off Topic.

Keep in mind that this forum is about real vampirism, metaphysics and the nature of spirituality, not role-playing.

Sybil             سيبيل ماسَن
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Sybil Mason
Sybil Mason

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Casket Safety Question Empty Re: Casket Safety Question

Post by Guano 12.11.18 0:44

I know, I'm just stating their reasons, whether they're appropriately placed here or not.

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Casket Safety Question Empty Re: Casket Safety Question

Post by Rael 20.11.18 2:11

"I've thought about it, too, but it's all negative news."


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Casket Safety Question Empty Re: Casket Safety Question

Post by A.Nightside 03.12.18 9:14

I recall one of my original, I'd call them "mentors", claimed to sleep in a coffin or casket. Some beds, like those cars for kids, are build to resemble body-boxes. ..and body-boxes can be modified for comfort.

For a light sleeper, or someone who may be too sensitive to energies and all that "white noise", it could make for better sleeping, even if only psychosomatic.

Short answer - yes, it can and supposedly has been done by at least one, if not many self-identified vampires, and vampire fans alike. Detail - I'm not sure if it's built to be safe for nightly use, or if it must be modified for safety. I'd recommend some research if this is a serious interest for you.

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