About the cross, religious belief

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About the cross, religious belief - Page 2 Empty Re: About the cross, religious belief

Post by Kalb 04.12.18 18:41


My background of magical path and stability is throught Asetianism and the Maps of Realms is my guide. Most of the times we are in our Inner planne - Inside of our mind. A place that science on day-to-day knows more and more.

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About the cross, religious belief - Page 2 Empty Re: About the cross, religious belief

Post by Maxx 04.12.18 18:59

we are very far apart there.  I go thousands of years back on records and I say that science knows nothing at all of the metaphysical and magical involvement of the past as most of that is still underground.  Then what you are venturing is only the info from your open studies of the Aset Ka that is available for everyone to view without details of their inner workings. I appreciate your candor in revealing your sources as it helps me see where you are coming from with your revelations. No problems.

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About the cross, religious belief - Page 2 Empty Re: About the cross, religious belief

Post by Troublemaker 05.12.18 7:43

That 'Old Serpent' thread is very good. This is interesting: "He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years." Obviously I could be wrong but that line is reminiscent of the onset of the Djehuty of the Crocodile and the interference with the incarnation of Asetians during that time. What do they mean when they say "He bound him for a thousand years"? Since we are just now entering the Djehuty of the Serpent and facing a time of awakening when it comes to this lost culture and knowledge, it definitely gives me a lot to think about. From what I see in the post, there is much blatant symbolism in the Book of Revelations that when matched against the key of Asetianism can unlock some fascinating points for contemplation.

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About the cross, religious belief - Page 2 Empty Re: About the cross, religious belief

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 05.12.18 9:12

@Kalb, I might see what you mean in one sense, as Asetianists might derive their source of knowledge even from the deeply entrenched Sethian systems, by analogy and parallel and comparison or even contrast, and we are also encouraged to study opposing traditions and other points of view than our own. However, it does not answer all my questions, haha... my questions still remain and I will have to figure it all out by contemplating it unless other might provide additional insight, hehe...

@Rhea Kaye, I believe Asetian symbolism might be somewhat universal, in regards to the magick of the number three and sacredness of number seven for instance and, as said in the Violet Throne, adopted by other esoteric traditions and the rest of humanity's religious systems. This might then be echoed throughout history since the dawn of Sep Tepy, if that is the case, but I believe as these other traditions and systems have adopted the significance of the symbolism and almost made it their own, just by seeing how recurrent the symbolism of Asetianism is in nature and as such being rather universal, they might not have had many Asetian influences in a direct sense of deliberate interference or placement of that symbolism in their books by Asetians although it is possible, and I will not exclude that possibility even if it might sound like I do...

But these are my own thoughts, and I have reason to believe that for instance the Book of Revelation speaks of the universal ascent of man, which in Hindu terminology would be called Moksha or liberation. In Christian terms it would be called salvation. But, then, it might seem as if this Book of Revelation is a very esoterically encrypted text of universal meaning to that purpose, such as the angels of the seven churches which might refer to the chakras. I know this might sound very basic, but I have read a book upon it that draws parallel between Christianity and Hinduism by a Swami called Sri Yukteswar. It could simply be that the esoterically inspired Book of Revelation is made by different groups, or secret societies other than the Aset Ka, but I do not leave out the possibility of it being also possibly influenced by Asetians.

Would like to see your thoughts or reasons for believing it might be influenced by Asetians directly, apart from what you already mentioned about the dragon. That is one interesting interpretation, however, and does make certain sense. But also, as you say, when matched with the key of Asetianism it might make sense why other esoteric texts not of directly Asetian origin, as it were, might make sense, merely due to its rather universal symbolism that might unlock a door nearly anywhere and which, if I am right, might add an additional layer of very important beauty to Asetianism.

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About the cross, religious belief - Page 2 Empty Re: About the cross, religious belief

Post by Maxx 05.12.18 10:16

When you discover what the old testament really is an account of, then you have no more questions about Christianity being a different religion from the roots of Egyptian History.  Christianity is a thinly viewed attempt to hide elements of the passing of time and transfer human control of a section of world population and continue the direct influence of the Priesthood over their life.  Revelation is just a summary account of various sentiments designed by one individual with knowledge of several sectors. Many have found it to be a spectacular writing because they have not stopped to realize they are being influenced by accepting all the previous writings that go before it in the book.  If you look at it from the fact that not everything before that book can be accepted as total fact, then it might take on a very different programming appearance.  

Just my two bits, which means absolutely nothing to someone else. Consider viewing it as a programming piece of the puzzle.


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About the cross, religious belief - Page 2 Empty Re: About the cross, religious belief

Post by Maxx 06.12.18 17:17

common agreement that everything is dual in nature in our universe... as spoken in commentary among many here.   Good-bad, black-white, calm-angry, etc.  You get the idea.  So consider this, that the opposite of everything exists with balancing factors in the middle.

We know, as far as I can find, that the Temples of Set as well as Isis or Aset, Horus, Osirus, Hathor, etc.  were all built and had their own Priesthood that took care of these Temples.  These Temples existed in the same cities and near each other and at the same time. Even with the info that the Aset Ka and the Sethians are at odds with each other and also there existed war between the two groups and that animosity exists between the two groups.

Now, with that said, consider what I am asking myself.
Did the scene of Set killing Osirus actually happen?  Was this an actual scene that really took place?  Or is the story told in the form of myth to illustrate a teaching?

I contend that there could not exist in this dual dimension one element such as peace....without having an opposite element not far away.   I am wondering if when mankind was created, was the opposite aspect created to cause hardship, problems, unease, war, contention, etc., in order to give the added incentive for mankind to push to overcome?  Without this incentive, there would be no growth, no elevation, no ascension.  So I put forth the question of how intense this really is?   Do all the Gods or Spirit Beings work together behind the scenes to help us grow in our time on this planet as we are their pet project and this is their way to evolve our DNA?

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About the cross, religious belief - Page 2 Empty Re: About the cross, religious belief

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 06.12.18 18:32

Might be. Have thought alongst those lines as well. Indeed alongst similar principles to how the rather common Christian theology goes, that God created both good and evil in conjunction with free will to man so that he can choose between these two polarities and not be forced into one or the other direction, but out of his own accord choose deity and/or good and come back home or not... Now I am just talking from my own historical past with Christianity but it plays with very similar terms and they are not entirerly invalid. However, it goes deeper than merely an abstract, simplistic sketch. The continuous (re-)balancing of duality is the very core of nourishment for evolution as we learn and grow through complicated situations in a correlation between inside and outside.

It is an interesting question about if all "Gods" or "Spirit Beings" work together behind the scenes to help us grow in our time on this planet. Personally I believe there are two perspectives:

(1) The first might look upon these Spirit Beings as deliberate helpers of evolution, watching us from a higher level and manifesting our lives partially through their own synchronicity. One could think that they could both manifest positive and negative events in our lives for lessons to learn through duality, or they might simply allow our selves to perform the things that put us in bad situations, passively allowing us to learn whilst actively synchronizing our lives towards better learning of those lessons and achievement of our higher aims and purposes or life missions and objectives, not to wander too far off into delusion and error although sometimes they might to teach us even harsher lessons...

(2) The other perspective, however, might say that they are not in such control, although partially they might be, but that primarily we are in control of our lives and will have to manifest them accordingly whereas these Spirit Beings might take on a helpful and supportive role towards our positive endeavours.

One perspective kind of looks up and another perspective looks down. I think they might be reconciled like the Star of David, or hexagram...

In my point of view however, regarding the human condition and cosmic evolution, in contrasts between peace and the varied frames of opposition to that in direct dualistic terms, such as wars and bloodshed... these are all cruelly deviced stages of universal alchemy, but operating towards a greater good which is evolution itself. However, the part of it being seemingly cruel from a certain perspective is only because of the human condition itself - that these things seem to be inherent in many people - so that they will start such wars and it is therefore proving to be inevtitable so in the end it might not be cruel at all. These "Gods" or "Spirit Beings" take advantage of the situation of these aggressive conditions within man and rechannels it in a controlled and directed way as a lesser of two evils in a sense. They turn it into advantage for human evolution instead of it being misdirected in an even worse way which it probably could be in some hypothetical scenario such as inflections of self-destruction and utter barbarism rather than creating of new civilizations and societies through conquests of war. So what I am saying is that, the part of it appearing cruel is man's fault itself and lies not with these higher powers for it is not made in a necessarily deliberate way on their part but is merely a rechanneling of what is within man when no other alternative is present to find. Maybe we should work upon developing ourselves, then, and reach for higher levels of peace and spiritual development; taking responsibility for ourselves under light of this if this is permissible to say...

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About the cross, religious belief - Page 2 Empty Re: About the cross, religious belief

Post by Maxx 06.12.18 19:49

since you get part way into this thought I did not include, is that mankind reached a crescendo but now is on the decline.  I say this just looking at the educational system the world over.  It is totally regressing.  But this is being directed to give savages university degrees. And this I see as hilarious.  Some element is arising to block systematic improvement of mankind.  But we see that the pendulum is supposed to be swinging back in the former direction.... so we shall see.  I will probably have to view it all from the other side and even centuries into the future.  But I will keep an eye on it.

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About the cross, religious belief - Page 2 Empty Re: About the cross, religious belief

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 07.12.18 7:52

I always thought there were limiting, oppressive powers of control and unseen domination behind the general decline in human consciousness, systematically by semi-indoctrination through the schooling systems that indeed have regressed; partial factors that might be behind it, but also that the human consciousness has been in a great darkness since the previous Djehuty itself so it might even be their own fault in general whilst other forces in specific prey on this and seek to hold down the uprising of human consciousness which we will see in this Djehuty of the Serpent.

However, with this rise in human consciousness and mass awakening globally I believe the controlling powers might take a very darkly 'wise' and twistedly cunning position of following alongst it like a lurking crocodile, by providing information on the matter through public programs but in a way so as to exclude certain aspects of essential matters that would cause people to revolt against these powers but now hardly believing in their existence... Substituting the in depth research with constant entertainment of superficial levels of programs appearing to be in depth but are really not and just controlled by the 'rulers'. Essentially spiritual half-truths and misinformation that might satisfy the curiosities of people through wild speculations but not being substantiated through any concrete evidence. They would shine a blinding light upon the face of humanity to distract and lead them in a direction that they would want them to go... Ultimately, one might say, they would steer humanity towards a self-deluded and illusory realm unless people seriously woke up, intact with their critical abilities. Now, however, this is all speculation on my part but there seems to be certain reasons to believe this might be the case. Of course such powers would know how to adapt, afterall... rebuilding their empire of invisible domination and control from behind the scenes. Just follows my natural flow of reason.

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About the cross, religious belief - Page 2 Empty Re: About the cross, religious belief

Post by Maxx 07.12.18 16:28

This is the only way to find any true answer.....

Many persons studying mysticism are seeking for some source of security to which they can turn in time of trouble. This insufficiency has no place in a doctrine of realization. The dragon-soul abides only in the shadow of eternity itself. The illuminated consciousness must be completely self-sustaining, unaffected by any sense of aloneness.

As enlightenment increases, the desire to share it increases; but with this desire comes the realization that it is impossible to share the Real. Realization is an inward experience which can come only to those who have won it in their own right. It cannot be conferred. The impulses which realization bestows upon the personality will not be understood by others less developed.

Excerpt from Self-Unfoldment by Disciplines of Realization, Illumination, page 183

Manly Palmer Hall

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About the cross, religious belief - Page 2 Empty Re: About the cross, religious belief

Post by Lynskha 07.12.18 19:58


it is impossible to share the Real. Realization is an inward experience which can come only to those who have won it in their own right.

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About the cross, religious belief - Page 2 Empty Re: About the cross, religious belief

Post by Just sticks 12.01.19 17:47

A vampire that is hungry enough will enter any "church".
Just what any animal will do. Nature calls and to distinguish man from food is up to the individual. Jesus body is kept in a tabernacle. Eat it. Catholics eat his body and drink his blood for everlasting life. Every Sunday.

Just sticks

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