Do you want to live forever?

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Do you want to live forever?

Post by Guano 03.12.18 11:46

Simple statement with incredibly complex connotations. Therefore, as beings of something more, what is your opinion on this? And maybe more interestingly what is your take on how we should go about carrying this fantasy out, science? magick? Other means?

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by A.Nightside 03.12.18 12:38

Yes and no.
Since a young age, and my earliest memories of seeing nonphysical entities, I have questioned and feared death. I am plagued with seemingly random anxiety attacks some days, centering around the idea and unknowns of death.

I have been suicidal in the past, but for better or worse, my irrational fear and self-punishing mindset (moreso as a teen for the latter) is what's kept me physically alive. I can confess that pure curiosity is also a factor in continuing life.

As a personal anecdote, I do believe there is an "other side".. but if that is something I can, will or have experienced, I can't settle on with confidence. I've recently begun considering that this "other side" is like it's own physical plane. We may be able to connect sometimes, but it, and the beings within, only exist there.

I don't think science/medicine will achieve immortality, ever, in any sense. I believe lifespans may increase, but overall old age will get those who make it there eventually.

I think, the only hope for any level of immortality, is in some level of spiritual belief to prove true, but without a way to objectively test and prove it, any spiritual anything is still anecdotal and Subjective, and I don't trust subjective.

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by Maxx 03.12.18 14:35

We already live forever...

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by Guano 03.12.18 15:26

Well if you'd care to elaborate Maxx I'd be grateful. My opinion on the matter is one of a scientific nature myself, though I believe the end is the end. May have something to do with my cosmic indifferantism approach to life. And Nightside, I have had the same experiences, and have similar fits of anxiety. It is my one true fear and that fear may be the only thing keeping me alive at any given time, unbridled curiosity and faith in the other side would have led me to experiment with that other side to great extents. Although, I must add I have never encounter any such extraordinary entities of the like, though my sleep paralysis does certainly give me a glimpse into the experience.

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by Maxx 03.12.18 15:33

once a person leaves their physical anchor in astral or OBE experience all fear of so-called death is over. That says it all.

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by Guano 03.12.18 16:01

Well if one could prove such a thing it would be nice but, one can't. And so providing such vague statements as fact when they are inherently not, is somewhat detrimental to the process of debate and discussion. I am terrified of death due to the feeling of the unknown, it is not something we can understand. And if you would propose you knew of something to remove this fear I would have suggested you comment on the topic more as a theory rather than asserting that you are somehow dispensing untold wisdom. When in fact you have instead proposed something out of what seems to be intrinsic self assertiveness.

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by A.Nightside 03.12.18 16:36

I've had OBEs, but none so obvious that I am without doubt of what they were. ... I have considered that my skepticism may cripple my ability to believe in what my senses alone tell me. Perception is subjective, and easily manipulated by influences from within and without. I don't trust subjective, even my own interpretation of my own experiences.

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by A.Nightside 03.12.18 16:38

I would also like to note, despite my anxiety, I feel it important not to jump and cling to any and every spiritual path, or individual, that claims or promises a level of afterlife or immortality. I'm not gullible, just questioning of everything.

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by Maxx 03.12.18 18:18

Guano, there is nothing I am proclaiming...for you.   I cannot OBE for you to take your fear away.  Everyone can see you will have to do the work yourself to experience what the truth is.  With so many millions talking about the same thing and experiencing the same thing on the other side....I just bet that since you may be one of a few that do not believe them, the entire topic is fake news.  You are doomed before you get there.  lol

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by Troublemaker 04.12.18 9:19

By all means, hold onto your skepticism. It is better than the alternative of dangerously blind belief. However, perhaps it may be of use to open your mind a bit more. A skeptic with an open and curious mind is well-equipped if they are willing to expand their horizons.
About the astral travel and OBE, what it means is that an experience of getting out of your body leads to an initiation of sorts. After that kind of experience you are left with a deep knowing that you are not your body and you are not the physical. It is almost like a purification where you get to feel what you really are, outside of matter.
There are good books to help you learn this but they are only tools and guides, the real work needs to happen through practice and even hard struggle, repeated failure until success is earned.
Like I said, it's okay to be rather skeptical, but if it is paired with a very closed mind, it is a recipe for perpetual stagnation.
If you want to get the most out of these topics and discussions, you probably need to roll up your sleeves and begin exploration.
I should add that this is the lowest of the planes... why would someone want to stay here for eternity? What happens when the sun explodes and engulfs the planet in flames? Everything has its cycle of death, life and rebirth. Even the stars that sustain this physical existence.

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by A.Nightside 04.12.18 9:38

I've had glimpses, moments where I was sure that my body is just a vessel. Nearly all my life, I've had feelings of homesickness for a place I don't know, and of this body being a cage, this life a superficial place - like a habitat in a zoo. It's easy to forget or deny the fact that there is a world, a reality beyond my limited physical perceptions. Sometimes it's easier to not wonder about what's beyond my limits.

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by A.Nightside 04.12.18 9:39

Regardless of feeling, as I said, it all rings as subjective to me, and I don't trust subjective, though of course I add it to consideration.

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by Guano 04.12.18 10:17

Of course I'm open minded, but the demeanor in which he stated it was extremely derogatory and made out as if he was chuckling to himself at my lack of knowledge. And I would to stay in this plane forever, its so interesting and its completely mind shattering to completely comprehend. Personally, I would love any ability to live forever, if only to observe the universe collide, collapse and reform. This existence is an extremely daunting one as everything is so much more insane than it feels. I wish I had the time to truly grasp just how crazy everything actually is, but with our stay being so short it is difficult to truly comprehend even anything more than a city.

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by Maxx 04.12.18 11:06

I am not one to sugar coat anything. I am not one to baby anyone. I do not teach and do not want to. As they said, it is all up to you as you are the one that has to lead your life. I am not laughing at you. I am short tempered with everyone. That is my nature. If you interact with me, get used to it.

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by Guano 04.12.18 11:24

Well firstly, I never intended to interact with you. So therefore, I do not need to get used to it. You decided to interact with me, by posting vague comments insinuating superiority. You're nature as you put it is clearly intended, not anything of a instinctive nature.

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by Maxx 04.12.18 11:59

then you will have no more problems with me. Is this what a derogatory narcissist looks like? from your self-description on this site. lol

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

Post by Guano 04.12.18 13:39

Well yes that is the most apt description of me. lol

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Do you want to live forever? Empty Re: Do you want to live forever?

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