Mind as a Meeting Point Between Realities

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Mind as a Meeting Point Between Realities Empty Mind as a Meeting Point Between Realities

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.01.19 15:16

I have recently been contemplating. Mind is the gateway through which all things enter, a multi-dimensional portal to all aspects of life. Through its interface quite extraordinary things can be achieved within spirituality and magick. Sometimes there is a trend within spiritual circles to discredit the mind however, yet probably for a certain good reason but not covering the exactitude of the entire whole reason or issue. Whilst the mind, blinded under influences of ego, might deceive perception in a delusional way, and all manners of megalomaniac behaviours arise, even subtly perhaps, it is yet a gateway between worlds. This becomes particularly expressed upon the contact with the propelling force of the unconscious in magickal endeavours. However, this must be stated with caution as it is not a toy to be played with, but a force to be properly understood and correctly applied, so a lot of research, reading and inner work might be necessary. The power of the mind holds infinite and quite inspiring, sometimes even surprising potential, all of great fascination; a force to be harnessed through balance and control under the wings of responsibility to ensure its flight with proper success - as its potential seeps into time and space through gradual and progressive increase from manifestation of its infinity bit by bit. Hence its importance of Willing forth itself through the catalystic medium of self-development in multiple areas or aspects of life and acting upon such an evolutionary impetus beyond self-imposed limitations.

The magickal and spiritual potential of the mind is enormous, particularly when channeled from a foundation upon principles of Ma'at, as it will be given a stable and steady course of conduct that is lasting in positive effect and of balance. But it is up to the operator of the mind to determine its rhythmical balance with outer realities and its creation of inner realities to echo even without in due manifestation, as there is a synergy of patterns weaving together from outside and inside to form an interlace of outer and inner realities; all metaphysically and subtly bound together as One...

... It becomes interesting to see how mind becomes the meeting point between many of our realities. And this understanding alone kind of reveals a powerful cognition, or aspect of potential within magick...


Number of posts : 1339
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02

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Mind as a Meeting Point Between Realities Empty Re: Mind as a Meeting Point Between Realities

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 16.01.19 15:31

Be cautious with taking my words too unquestioningly. Meaning is aright, but the manner in which I express it can be confusing if the ideas are to be taken heads on without discrimination. My way of writing... my excuses. Potentially dangerous if lead to misunderstanding of the direct meaning and then misapplied...

Number of posts : 1339
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02

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Mind as a Meeting Point Between Realities Empty Re: Mind as a Meeting Point Between Realities

Post by Eva Franco 14.03.19 20:23

I love this subject.

"It becomes interesting to see how mind becomes the meeting point between many of our realities."

Mind, after all, is the stage of our lives and habits. Turning our mind change our reality and the same occur with "magic", or as the Vedic call it Maya. Most tools we use in ritual, magic or whatever we do, are only that, a tool for our real intend (Will) to take force and act within our perceived reality.

Papus put in a very easy way this mechanic of relations between mind, will and reality ( the perception of physical result) using the figure of a horse, carriage, and a charioteer, but at the same time the mind needs to be trained so it can have the force (The person to have enough confidence) to show results, with this, neither one (The mind) nor the other (the tool) should be underestimated for both are important for the right development of a harmonical understanding of life in general.

Ego in most paths is seen as a "Scape Goat", but this same Goat is the only form we interact our realities with others, it holds great power and it's the key for most of our understanding, after all, he is the charioteer of Life.
Eva Franco
Eva Franco

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Mind as a Meeting Point Between Realities Empty Re: Mind as a Meeting Point Between Realities

Post by Troublemaker 15.03.19 7:23

This is a big area of study. The mind, its psychology and controlling it.

Especially when it concerns Asetianism, lessons of the mind are all around. Never abiding by the expectations of others, however they might criticize and tell you how to be, is an important lesson in this area. Mastering the mind as your own inner realm and a foundation of magick.

The mind is where I think many people fall. But on the other hand, being persistent and battling through its trials is very rewarding.

It is also just one step above the physical plane, so it serves as a gateway to the astral and higher realms.

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Mind as a Meeting Point Between Realities Empty Re: Mind as a Meeting Point Between Realities

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 15.03.19 8:53

Thank you for your lovely input both of you.

Eva Franco, good points although definitions vary and different opinions abound upon how the ego is best utilized or managed. I would be curious to know your own standpoint, by the way. But, indeed, it is a very noteworthy point that the mind is a "stage of our lives and habits" and this understanding holds a great magickal key for evolution; as we are in mind so is our outer world reflected back at us, or slightly vice versa as well, until we make improvements in that regard or find great rewards (mostly spiritual unless we take physical action upon it too) to our satisfaction to begin with due to how we handle the mind. Also how we control thoughts, or rather master our minds and its allowance or output of thougths, is a significant point for great magick can be done mentally or in vibrations of consciousness. Elevating its frequency to a higher level and checking our thoughts can hold a positive impact upon ourselves and the world, our lives consequentially, and also upon changing and shifting our own realities. However it must, nevertheless, be dealt with in balance as otherwise one might tend to think thought control is repression of vital thoughts that need to express themselves, come to surface and filter out, even if they are very dark sometimes. But that is handled with integration and proper balance of inner control. Books can be written on this but what is most imporant is to carry the seed of practice and then let that unfold through deeper and deeper learning about oneself in such procedure. Asetianism, if you are not so familiar with that system yet, mentions greatly how nature and everyone or everything builds upon duality as one of its, in my opinion, very vital philosophies, similar to the Yin and Yang of the Taoist philosophy. Fine-tuning that duality, or dual forces - various as they might be - through balance and integration by procedure of deep and profound self-acceptance of all sides within is a great key to stable growth, self-development and fundamental mastery, in my understanding...

Rhea Kaye, I agree with you and that's actually a quite profound point, as much of our starting point originates in the mind and how we handle powerful influences might depend upon our own inner strength, balance of mind, sincerity, honesty, etc. Also on your point about battling through the trials of the mind with persistence there is great usefulness in methodological awareness in that regard, to employ the right and effective techniques of mind- or thought control. And also, yes, there are infinite lessons to learn, I think... Certainly, too, the mind ideally has to be mastered before venturing into higher planes as a solid frame of reference for stability in those worlds I believe.

Number of posts : 1339
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02

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