To love blood or the organisms that attach to it

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To love blood or the organisms that attach to it Empty To love blood or the organisms that attach to it

Post by Just sticks 24.01.19 16:12

Blood is a cellular ambulatory moving thing. Its is not small just within us all. What is the thing that causes us to turn fire veins? We sleep cold, the old kin, yet some alive now are able to wake to walk in sub zero and sunlight. Sweat a beat per minute and walk cold with no veil.

Just sticks

Number of posts : 9
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Registration date : 2019-01-12

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To love blood or the organisms that attach to it Empty Re: To love blood or the organisms that attach to it

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 24.01.19 16:42

Is this "Ticklishdot", or the... Weasel?

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To love blood or the organisms that attach to it Empty Re: To love blood or the organisms that attach to it

Post by Troublemaker 25.01.19 8:57

Are you going to contribute something useful or just continue to waste time, OP?

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To love blood or the organisms that attach to it Empty Re: To love blood or the organisms that attach to it

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