Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 27.02.19 10:37

I can't really say that I condone any form of looking for donors this way on the internet with all the possible risks inherent in it, and I can't say that I condone the behaviour of doing so as the unsuspecting, gullible donors might end up in the wrong hands altogether as we never know exactly what intentions these self-proclaimed vampires have behind the screens. There should be better forums for this kind of stuff and sought in like manner - places of integrity for such, however, where professional effort takes care of potential risks and personal dangers - but that is not in this place, as this forum concerns itself with very different matters like worthwhile >>discussions<< upon vampirism and other traditions and is an entirerly different environment, not to be mistaken for some place to go looking for blood donations.

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by Lynskha 27.02.19 11:34

Maybe just consider looking for your donor in another place, like mentioned above. The term is used inside some groups and communities and it is not your fault some people do not use it or enjoy using this term.

Maybe, some sanguivore forums or communities your need would be better fulfiled, and you would feel more welcomed.


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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by A.Nightside 27.02.19 11:45

Just for the rush?
Sounds like a fetish of sorts to me..

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by Veiled One 28.02.19 20:49

Why can't we just give support to others of our kind and those who resonate with our ways, without creating polemic and division? The amount of drama
and narcissism on these boards frankly seems like a distraction from reaching truth and forming true community.
Veiled One
Veiled One

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by Maxx 28.02.19 23:25

Because the actual truth is relative.  What this board represents as far as truth is not the same truth as what the VCN and those like it represent.  I never understood why those from that element constantly want to mingle here with a different breed of cat.  Like mixing oil and water.  It will never mix.   Very simple to see, unless one does not understand the difference.
If that is the case, not even an explanation is able to point it all for those unable to see in the darkness.

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by Jonathan 01.03.19 4:42

Veiled One wrote:Why can't we just give support to others of our kind and those who resonate with our ways, without creating polemic and division? The amount of drama
and narcissism on these boards frankly seems like a distraction from reaching truth and forming true community.

Support and unity are important but it's also important not to support illusions and delusions. There is a lot of fictitious claims online when it comes to vampirism, in fact the largest portion of the vampire subculture is comprised of roleplayers. This forum is dedicated to an occult, esoteric and spiritual perspective of vampirism. It has always been quite an effort to distance these branches of vampirism from roleplaying. I don't understand when people diminish themselves in order to be accepting of everything. Where is the enlightenment and wisdom in being accepting of delusional nonsense? Speaking broadly here and not necessarily about this thread.

Usually when one makes an effort to get along with everyone and accept all forms of so-called vampirism tends to be because it plays to their ego not their growth. It's a weakness. Here we don't care about how gothic one dresses, what parties they go to or wish to gather with people who think they turned vampires when some guy made them fangs. There are other places for that but you won't find any occultists around them.

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 01.03.19 6:01

I agree community, support and unity are important, which I think most of us, like Jonathan, myself and others can agree upon, but he covered it quite well above.

Maybe we can tone down upon some of the redundancies, however, in regards to how we sort that out so that we might be more inviting to serious people who would otherwise wish to join us and participate. Sometimes just a few, gentle words are enough to deal with an issue and redirect people who stumbled upon this forum from the wrong approach, rather than creating entire articles of debate in every thread regarding the problem and repeating ourselves all over and over again. Although it might, to an exent, seem necessary but we've got to find a balance between bashing out roleplayers, fakes and delusionals and being inviting towards more suitable audiences and participants. This is in reference to the way in which we tend to deal with these issues generally, by really bashing them hard and creating threads filled with merely drama, at least as it might appear to an outsider or someone stumbling upon the forum happenstance and it fills up such a large portion of the forum posts nowadays or used to do, and have done, for some time up until recently. This was in no way referring to Jonathan's response above, however, as that was a very clear and positive example of the maturity that we should seek to uphold upon this forum and the distinctions made between serious students of the occult and vampirism and mere pretenders or roleplayers and delusionals. Just clarifying due to the order of the posts and how one might have misread it otherwise but it should speak for itself so I don't think it's all too needed...

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 01.03.19 6:24

In order to maintain this forum in an unadulterated, more serious and mature way, we cannot cater to delusionals, fakes and roleplayers as well as other things that are not suitable to this particular forum due to its possible risks and dangers (respectfully, things like asking for blood donations is better suited elsewhere, for instance). We must be adamant in stance towards upholding the standards upon this forum. When you have a garden and you care about the garden to flourish in a beautiful and unhindered way, you obviously need to sort out the weeds so that it does not suffocate the beautiful plants and flowers or take its space. If one wants to grow a garden of weeds one should do it not here but somewhere else... i.e. people basking in their delusions and congregating around them; maybe that will not be a problem for them as then that is the purpose of that garden but it is not the intended purpose of this forum for sure. This was not directed towards anyone here in particular but speaking broadly in principle just to increase understanding over the wider situation and contrast...

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 01.03.19 6:41

With that said, however, for anyone that is actually interested in the subjects, wishing to learn and willing to do so with sincerity, is more than welcome and should be encouraged to participate, rather than frequent trolls, misguided individuals who refuse to learn, delusionals who will never stop posting things that make no sense and fakes who misapply the notion of vampirism to mean something else than what this forum stands for and that is not roleplaying or delusions.

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by Troublemaker 01.03.19 7:20

Jonathan and Maxx, I really have to agree with you both here. There is a lot of sense in what you are saying.
Others will misinterpret what I'm about to say but at this point it doesnt particularly matter to me... I always find it ironic when others attack people with the very same thing they are doing, mirroring their issues into others, calling others narcissistic when they are the ones taking to highly public boards to scream to everyone that they are Asetian and know many other Asetians. When we all know that goes directly against their Remark and the foundations of what they represent, and shows... narcissism. What is sad to me is when people, in their desperation to be accepted by everyone, cater and pander to everything, even the fakery.
Maxx said something that really clicks. Look at all the people who claim openly that they are a vampire. As he said, the people doing that are fake. Really, I can't argue with him on this, and watching that is like watching a fish claim it is great at climbing trees, while others clap along with that. It just makes no sense.
Anyway, I think some long time Asetianists and occult students here are good examples to follow. Not because they have any higher status but because they oppose this nonsense and are able to pierce through the deception. To me, that is honor.

Jonathan said something really important here too, which is that people frequently diminish themselves in order to accept everything. I must say there isn't a shred of wisdom in that. And yes, it really is a reflex of fear and a hungry ego that wants to feel accepted. People don't realize this or where they are falling as they bask in praise and outside approval.

One thing I've come to realize in my time on this path is that being adversarial is misunderstood quite frequently and it definitely doesn't make you a horde of friends. Astounding to observe sometimes is what happens when others feel their ego being wounded, and the steps they take to cover that with self-importance. Suddenly they shift from "warrior" to "everything is valid under the sun, even bullshit, and you're a failure at existing/lesser than me if you dare criticize anything."
Which way is better? Catering to everything because you are obsessed with your own image built up by others and how people see you/the community, or proudly being yourself and speaking openly about how you see nonsense and other things? In my view it is better to try to uphold truth and courageously be yourself even in the face of condemnation and criticism, than to weaken yourself by trying to make the false claim that every single path is valid so long as it is a path one of your friends follows.

To those of you who are more concerned with conquering the silent achievements of spirit and evolution than with avoiding criticism and making sure others are pleased with you, I raise a glass cheerfully in your direction. Thanks for being real in a world of liars and fakes. You are important pillars, and you know who you are.

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by Jonathan 01.03.19 8:11

MysticLightShinethForth, I agree that we should provide a safe environment for serious practitioners and with this we must also respect different perspectives and other paths. I believe we try to do that. However, to do this we also have to be strong and determined when it comes to speak up against lies and manipulation because that’s also essential in the development of such a healthy and safe environment for learning. This confrontation with dishonesty and bias may sometimes be harsh and not always easy to understand, especially since many people don't have all the elements of what happened in the past and the real motivations at play in other places, I realize that, but it's also a reliable tool in the crafting of a real occult society. One that isn't built out of ego but wisdom. One that doesn't create illusions but real magick.

We should always avoid being narcissistic but there is nothing wrong with a balanced elitism that Asetianism is always known to stand up for.

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 01.03.19 8:16

I appreciate your response, Jonathan, quite immensely. I really needed to hear this. I think that was the missing piece of the puzzle for me in that regard... thanks. Smile

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by A.Nightside 01.03.19 8:39

Veiled One wrote:Why can't we just give support to others of our kind and those who resonate with our ways, without creating polemic and division? The amount of drama
and narcissism on these boards frankly seems like a distraction from reaching truth and forming true community.

How do you even know they're of "our kind", considering the variety of self-identification and interpretations, even those who consider themselves vampires (even if we assume they/we are all what we/they claim), we're all very different breeds (for what of a better word).

Drinking blood purely because it feels good, out of choice or addiction, or any other surge of pleasurable feeling, is not feeding.

"It feels good" is not enough of a reason to call yourself a vampire, nor does it indicate any level of need for blood beyond what is psychosomatic and or fetish in nature.

This person described a feeling of power, I don't see vampires here, I see perhaps denial of a fetish, or a power hungry, desire-to-be dominating, predatory, or see themselves as powerful. These are all egotistical reasons to drink blood and play into the societal view of it being taboo.

I don't see vampirism of any sort, nor an individual who understands even a spec worth of "truth" (regardless of which "true" definition we are using).

We are supporting, by giving a reality check. Coddling, sugar coating, and lying to people to make them feel good won't help them. Telling them the truth as we see ut, may be unwanted, but if they open their mind and are willing to consider our words, then they will learn and grow, vampire or enthusiast.

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by A.Nightside 01.03.19 8:46

Aye, it was mentioned already, and I didn't want to parrot before, but it's important to echo that the manner in which the OP is looking for donors (play partners, might be more fitting), isn't very safe and in the way they describe themselves, and their habits, to me, does not sound like someone well versed, or safe, for the practice he seeks.

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by A.Nightside 01.03.19 8:48

The Swan Haven is a great board to check out. Far as I know, it's slowed a bit over the years but the staff are very no bs type folks, if they're still active. Great place to learn, proceed safely with interests and to be set straight as well.

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by A.Nightside 01.03.19 8:55

Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Screen10


Crimson Swans donate blood.
If Memory serves, Diss is a member, if not one of staff, in the black swan haven.

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by Maxx 01.03.19 8:55

Fact:  Words are not going to change the mind of the mental cripple.  We are required to live in a dual universe for a reason.

We have to live with that view around us.  By seeing that example daily, it will forever keep one on their toes reminding one never to fall and become a part of that life.

There is no deliverance from Stupidy.  The Stupid element will have to raise themselves from the muck and mire or live there forever. In that place, there is a larger number so do not feel sorry for them.  They will never be alone.  You are never required to apologize to them for anything.  They lead themselves by their own example.  All of you trying to comfort them makes you enter into their element and become part of that.  That is what they try and do, pull you back to become part of them.  Do not fall for that crap.

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by A.Nightside 01.03.19 9:00

Apologies for the massive screen shot.
I was told I was wrong on a thing. I suppose I took that as a challenge. How long did OP say he was involved with this subject? My knowledge on this comes from a time when I was able to soak up info like a sponge. I'm not always trusting of my memory, but in this case, I trusted OP's claims even less.

I'm done in this thread for now. Sorry for the multiposts.

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 01.03.19 9:00

Sounds like the zombie apocalypse. Haha.

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by Veiled One 01.03.19 16:54

Rhea - perhaps I intuit too much but if your words say what I believe they do, it seems you created a strawman out of my perspective, ascribing to me things I didn't say or intend. Ironically, I agree with many of the things you believe - but you are so quick to see me as someone who must be opposed to defend truth and righteousness that you refuse to see that we may in fact have some things in common, as far as what we stand for and believe.

I do realize that there are many individuals who frequent this forum (and pursue spirituality, in general) who are drowning in their egos, though, so understand why it's probably easiest for you to see me as one of them.

As I understand narcissism, it involves trying to focus attention on oneself. When others make posts on unrelated subjects and a debate ensues about what a vampire is or isn't (or any variation on this theme), attention is drawn from the original subject and redirected into whatever claim, criticism, argument or tangent has been initiated.

Amusingly, one of my flaws is that I strongly despise New Agers: their desire to embrace everything light and friendly and to disregard everything controversial or polarizing. Growth comes from facing yourself, confronting your shadows, and confronting others when appropriate to reach a higher synthesis of beliefs and knowledge.

What I advocate is rather a type of detachment and compassion that doesn't refrain from calling others out on their BS, but doesn't latch onto it either. Saying "I am right and you are wrong" is just another variation of ego game. Fighting something from a place of emotion only strengthens it, as it's based on an attachment to the very thing that is being opposed.
Veiled One
Veiled One

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by Veiled One 01.03.19 17:07

A.Nightside wrote:
How do you even know they're of "our kind", considering the variety of self-identification and interpretations, even those who consider themselves vampires (even if we assume they/we are all what we/they claim), we're all very different breeds (for what of a better word).

Drinking blood purely because it feels good, out of choice or addiction, or any other surge of pleasurable feeling, is not feeding.

Frankly, I have no idea if the original poster is a genuine vampire. But in my perception, they didn't say anything outlandish or egotistical enough to make them obviously a poser or someone pursuing the path for the wrong reasons.

In the way that the legal system considers someone innocent until proven guilty, I think this forum should consider assuming good intentions on the part of newcomers until proof to the contrary has been given. It seems that so many people here are skeptical or of the shadows of vampiric nature, no doubt.

I agree that it is important to uphold the truth and sanctity and purity of this path. Creating enemies in the process is inevitable, but an adversarial approach in itself has no redeeming value.
Veiled One
Veiled One

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by A.Nightside 02.03.19 16:05

Perhaps you didnt read closely enough

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by Troublemaker 02.03.19 16:18

This. ^

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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by arroks150 27.03.19 15:59

Ok im hoping a real vampire here can help me. 2 days ago i had vampire transformation spell performed me. Today i was cleaning the pool at work and i noticed within 10 minute of being in the direct sunlight my arms began to turn beat red and stomach and back began to hurt as if the Sun was dehydrating me . I have to wear blackout sunglasses anytime i go into the sunlight and i drink a lot of water to stay hydrated. So i quickly found cool shady spot and the pain immediate went away though i did feel very drained. Im very new to this and i am at the beginning of the transition process. So my question to others like myself who have been through this already is i want to know if there is a spell or object that will allow me to remain in the sunlight for more than 10 minutes without being zapped of my energy and being in pain. Or does it eventually get better?


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Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England - Page 2 Empty Re: Black Swan Requested - Leeds, England

Post by Jonathan 27.03.19 17:17

arroks150 wrote:Ok im hoping a real vampire here can help me. 2 days ago i had vampire transformation spell performed me. Today i was cleaning the pool at work and i noticed within 10 minute of being in the direct sunlight my arms began to turn beat red and stomach and back began to hurt as if the Sun was dehydrating me . I have to wear blackout sunglasses anytime i go into the sunlight and i drink a lot of water to stay hydrated.  So i quickly found cool shady spot and the pain immediate went away though i did feel very drained. Im very new to this and i am at the beginning of the transition process. So my question to others like myself who have been through this already is i want to know if there is a spell or object that will allow me to remain in the sunlight for more than 10 minutes without being zapped of my energy and being in pain. Or does it eventually get better?

I believe the person you are looking for is Maxx. He is specialized in vampire transformation spells and provides aid to those cases among the general vampire population.


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