Apparent sexual vampirism?

Valentine Valentine
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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by Valentine Valentine 23.02.19 19:10

Hi, new user here. Am not a vampire myself, but have recently taken an interest in the history and development of vampirism. I didn't know until recently, though, that I had an opportunity to interact with one, very directly... in the form of my girlfriend.
Very recently, we were doing our thing (keep in mind, we have beforehand and nothing this obviously vampiric had occurred) when she seemed to try and absorb my energy through my neck. I'm not 100% sure how she managed this- it wasn't anything more than a bite, at least to my knowledge, but I felt some amount of energy drain out of me. Wasn't sure at first if it was a vampiric drain but have looked through this forum and other places, and the symptoms seem to be the same. Is this energy transfer supposed to be agreed on beforehand? I was of course a willing participant, vampirism aside, but didn't know anything about her apparent vampiric tendencies before this. So how should I react to being fed on like this? Serious answers appreciated.

Valentine Valentine

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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by A.Nightside 23.02.19 19:45

Some try to get consent, some, believe consent is necessary or respectful. Some don't always realize what they're doing.

Vampire or not, how you go about it is your business, case by case. Talk to her about it.

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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by Valentine Valentine 23.02.19 20:01

If it was intentionally nonconsensual on her part, or if she was doing it unknowingly, not really looking forward to the reaction :/ But not much other options. I'll post on this thread again after we talk.

Valentine Valentine

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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by Valentine Valentine 23.02.19 20:24

Okay, I confronted her about it and she did admit it was a vampiric gesture, and that it was her kink to bite submissive human males and do this. Without telling them.
I'm now worried for our relationship... but also kind of turned on? Not that I appreciate her stealing my energy without my consent but honestly it was kinda hot...
Is it normal for vampires to have this sort of kink? Or could there be something else she isn't telling me?

Valentine Valentine

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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by MR84 24.02.19 12:27

Valentine Valentine wrote:Okay, I confronted her about it and she did admit it was a vampiric gesture, and that it was her kink to bite submissive human males and do this. Without telling them.
I'm now worried for our relationship... but also kind of turned on? Not that I appreciate her stealing my energy without my consent but honestly it was kinda hot...
Is it normal for vampires to have this sort of kink? Or could there be something else she isn't telling me?

She may or may not actually be a "vampire". Could just be someone who gets off on such things. Hard to tell when all I have to go on is basically some hearsay. Some people get off on biting others during sex. I know I do, but I don't bite hard enough to draw blood and I'm not a blood consumer, but am a vampire. Feeding on sexual energy is easy and the energy is plentiful.

My advice, if they like it and you like it, go for it. Just make sure if blood is drawn to clean the wound to avoid infection. Preferably have her avoid making a wound as the human mouth is pretty dirty. Infection is a high probability.


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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by A.Nightside 24.02.19 21:33

Submissive human males?
She's human too.
She can't turn you.
I can't speak for all vampires, I enjoy biting, but as a kink, I don't associate it with my brand of vampirism.. not directly at least..

What exactly do you know about sexual vampires, or vampires at all? Has she discussed it at all with you? It sounds like you're operating under some misinformation or preconceptions

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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by A.Nightside 24.02.19 21:34

Don't allow mood draws from the neck.

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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by Troublemaker 25.02.19 10:47

I will admit the post seems kind of silly to me.

There is no "vampiric law" or code of conduct.

Also, biting people hard enough to draw blood seems like it involves mental instability. That isn't the reality of actual vampiric beings.

More likely than not, studying vampiric folklore led to a subconscious impression, maybe with some desires, that are leading you to feel like this.

Maybe talk to your partner and ask her not to bite you. (I can't believe I'm typing that sentence out.)

Explain to her kindly and patiently that it isn't very nice to bite people and mental control comes with the territory of being an adult. jocolor

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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by MR84 25.02.19 11:00

Rhea Kaye wrote:I will admit the post seems kind of silly to me.

There is no "vampiric law" or code of conduct.

Also, biting people hard enough to draw blood seems like it involves mental instability. That isn't the reality of actual vampiric beings.

More likely than not, studying vampiric folklore led to a subconscious impression, maybe with some desires, that are leading you to feel like this.

Maybe talk to your partner and ask her not to bite you. (I can't believe I'm typing that sentence out.)  

Explain to her kindly and patiently that it isn't very nice to bite people and mental control comes with the territory of being an adult. jocolor

Humans are silly creatures (just look into all the sexual fetishes out there). It seems OP kind of likes being bitten and biting in sexual situations can be perfectly fine so long as the skin isn't broken (risk of infection). If they like it, it's up to them if they want to do it or not. If OP does not like being bitten, then it's up to them to put their foot down about it, even if that means leaving the relationship. However, biting is not limited to vampires. I've been bitten by my sister many years ago and she's no vampire lol. I was also bitten by my ex-wife who is also not a vampire. Technically speaking, I've been bitten more times than I have bitten.


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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by Troublemaker 25.02.19 11:11

However, biting is not limited to vampires.

Thanks, I am aware. jocolor

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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by Guano 26.02.19 13:44

MR84 wrote:

Humans are silly creatures
Bit of a superiority complex? Try to be less demeaning please its a bit distasteful to fellow posters.

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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by Troublemaker 26.02.19 14:06

Not a superiority complex but a low tolerance for BS.

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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by Troublemaker 26.02.19 14:07

Please excuse me Guano, I read that wrong. lol!

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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by MR84 26.02.19 16:23

Guano wrote:
MR84 wrote:

Humans are silly creatures
Bit of a superiority complex? Try to be less demeaning please its a bit distasteful to fellow posters.

Nothing I said was directed at any one person, but humans in general (which includes vampires). We are silly creatures.


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Apparent sexual vampirism?  Empty Re: Apparent sexual vampirism?

Post by Lynskha 27.02.19 11:37

I see it may have been a drain, but not exactly meaning she was a vampire. But it was clear that there was an intention involved.
Energy manipulation has many layers.

Some people tend to align this with fetishism for example.
Some, when deal with energy, prefer some specific points when draining the energy, but that does not mean it can be done in different ways, at different moments, especially during sex.

I believe that the issue here was consent, but we have to consider how old are you two? Usually people at young age keep testing themselves, especially when they are discovering things about energy, trying, but without proper knowledge.

You said it was kind of hot, so somehow you enjoyed it as well.
Just try to see if it is a kind of exchang of energy you are willing to do, and talk about consent.

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