Unexpected events, Rael heart stops beating.

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Unexpected events, Rael heart stops beating. Empty Unexpected events, Rael heart stops beating.

Post by Rael 22.10.19 6:20

The day before, Sunday morning.
Things happened too suddenly.

Rael couldn’t see the crowds lined up in front.
I only see a world of nothingness rendered by white.
Then Rael felt a sting.
The body function began to stop.
For up to an hour.

An hour's time, almost can not hear any sound.
The voice of the mother who spoke to Rael was also removed.
The heartbeat stopped for a while under the bright sun.
After an hour, the heart resumed beating.
In the time after that, still feel the sting.


Number of posts : 110
Age : 38
Location : Taiwan
Registration date : 2018-10-17

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Unexpected events, Rael heart stops beating. Empty Re: Unexpected events, Rael heart stops beating.

Post by Rael 03.01.20 5:22

The day before yesterday, Wednesday early morning Six o'clock.
Dead white, dead white. It hasn't been this way for a long time.
A face reflected in the mirror was so white. This is the face of a sick person! (Absolutely)
But then again, this is what Rael was like 12 years ago. Whiter than flour.
Frightened by the paleness of himself. It's been a long time without paleness, and it's really shocking.

Today is finally as normal as normal people. (make themselves look less pale.)


Number of posts : 110
Age : 38
Location : Taiwan
Registration date : 2018-10-17

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Unexpected events, Rael heart stops beating. Empty Re: Unexpected events, Rael heart stops beating.

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 03.01.20 6:37

This can only happen to Rael.

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Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-02-02

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Unexpected events, Rael heart stops beating. Empty Re: Unexpected events, Rael heart stops beating.

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