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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by Maxx 14.05.20 13:34

as you say rewards and punishments are the lowest form of education ... as well as refinement. I am giving you a chance and an option to stay here by being honest.

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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by SigillumVigillum 14.05.20 13:34

And I accepted honestly and openly

What do I have to hide?

I am not whoever you Have a problem with I am sure of that since we have never spoken anywhere ever

I am Jasmine.
I am not faking or taking your bait to role play that Im someone else

When was I angry Etc? I only apologized for being offensive


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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.05.20 13:43

Maxx wrote:you said it appears they have a problem with your set up design is what I understood you to say.

I was referring to how this person appeared to have a problem with Naoom, as indicated subtly through their words. Another major sign that it's Heroset/UnseenUndine, who has a personal feud with him for self-petty reasons of a lack of overcoming their own shortcomings which they then project unto him and make it kind of their life's crusade to slander.

Heroset, go get a life... something better to do. This is unproductive and the worst afflicted is yourself since you are wasting away your time with such frivolous nonsense.

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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by Maxx 14.05.20 13:48

Mystic. ok. I thought you were speaking of that other item...so...got it.

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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by Maxx 14.05.20 13:54

I see the person in question has disappeared.

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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by Maxx 14.05.20 13:55

Ok, everyone back to work....

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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by Troublemaker 14.05.20 13:59

I can see what they're talking about now as this new user addressed Naoom by another name and some other details are odd.
Anyway, I am sure that if it is a fake account it'll be identified and banned, hopefully.

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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 14.05.20 14:32

The liars process of adaptation to new strategy in order to trick, fool and deceive others is ever so obvious; there is little flexibility in their approach because their heads are stagnated with their own lack of honesty both to themselves and to others, and hence they fail at the very quest for evolution itself as they rot into the pits of their own doing... Reflected all throughout their replies here. They lack both creativity and ingenuity in any real way and that can be smelled from several miles away, just like Naoom mentioned about them not replying with any form of rationality. Bear in mind that lies and dishonesty will never be welcomed here. The liar digs their own hole and falls into it, too.

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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by Maxx 14.05.20 16:53

It has just been announced that it was indeed a fake account created by heruset or unseenundine and other names. He is banned again. Even when we offered to allow him to stay if he just was honest about everything he was doing and admit who he was he would have been allowed to stay. But this seemed to be in his blood. A born liar and fake.

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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by Troublemaker 14.05.20 17:06

Really, this is just sad and pathetic.
Seriously please get a life.
Well, people cannot fault me for being too this-or-that. I was cordial to this little cretin and gave them a chance.
This guy is going to turn into yet another Sushko. Obsessed with the community and with futility.

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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by Tehom 07.09.20 12:58

It's a poorly understood reality. This is where the old mistranslated stereotype of Vampires being "soulless", lacking reflections, arises from. For if a person is anyone to everyone, who are they to themselves?

A mirror reflects your Self ...

There is a serious danger of losing oneself in this cloud of others' appearances, especially for those who cycle very frequently. Many times they will look inwards and see an absence that profoundly confuses, even entirely disables them. It is debilitating on the psyche and metaphysically damaging in the long-term.  In some cases, it can even lead to suicide.

This is one of the reasons Mentorship is so-needed in the actual Vampire Community.

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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by Ramla-Meryt 08.09.20 10:55

Tehom wrote:It's a poorly understood reality. This is where the old mistranslated stereotype of Vampires being "soulless", lacking reflections, arises from. For if a person is anyone to everyone, who are they to themselves?

A mirror reflects your Self ...

There is a serious danger of losing oneself in this cloud of others' appearances, especially for those who cycle very frequently. Many times they will look inwards and see an absence that profoundly confuses, even entirely disables them. It is debilitating on the psyche and metaphysically damaging in the long-term.  In some cases, it can even lead to suicide.

This is one of the reasons Mentorship is so-needed in the actual Vampire Community.

Determining what that Self is through the fog of modern society and the near-constant noise both energetically and otherwise is like sifting through rice for a single grain. While that grain may be distinct in its core essence, trying to dissect the external frameworks, conditioning and masks put on to engage with society in its widest form doesn't make it difficult. Unravelling what is the self-truth and what is the truth placed upon that essence for how it appears is like a Gordian knot -- the solution to which is what Tehom succinctly describes.

While some do seem to develop a core sense of Self very easily without connection to other vampires, energy cycling and trying to blend in while feeling apart -- potentially shifting between groups in an adaptive manner trying to find a 'fit' -- sounds like the more reported norm. Certainly it was my personal experience and has been until half a decade ago, with occasional moments of needing to pause, discern, filter and focus to retrieve mySelf admidst the flotsam of Others.

Thankfully, encountering Asetianism among other blessedly grounded individuals has refined that awareness. Never providing the answers but indicating the suggested tools with which to work my own field into flourishing in terms of Self-awareness.

Goodness knows how I would be doing without that past awareness and connection to what was an Otherkin community that gave me at least a bare bones conceptualisation to begin hewing with my own rudimentary tools.

I soundly agree on mentorship being needed within the (G/O)VC. Not title-grabbing elders but genuinely grounded individuals who may not be able to light the path for someone but to instead offer a metaphorical box of matches...

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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by Tehom 08.09.20 11:18

That was a great reply, Ramla. Thank you for your addition to this important topic.

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1001 faces - Page 2 Empty Re: 1001 faces

Post by Ramla-Meryt 09.09.20 14:09

In direct reference to the original post as well, the unintentional integration of the energetic aspects and vibrations of others as a side-effect of feeding if done in an unguarded manner in addition to the effect of reincarnation resulting in memories and old Selves - or old versions of the Self - makes sound sense.

I am reminded of Inanna's scholar-given epithet of 'She of 1,000 Faces' which in turn reminds me of Aset's epithet of 'She of 10,000 Names'. Perhaps a more personal-grounded observation and driven by the direction my dedication to Aset has naturally taken as of late, but it feels appropriate to investigate prompted by this.

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