The many faces of a deity....(question)

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The many faces of a deity....(question) Empty The many faces of a deity....(question)

Post by Tempest 20.06.17 18:05

Depending on which culture you are born into you'll most likely have been given certain 'faces' for your deities and their opponents. The list is large and everyone knows a few of them anyway so my question can be answered with any luck.

With the Egyptian pantheon in the Asetian tradition, wouldn't different people view the them in different ways? Could a Keeper for instance be a devotee of Papa Legba, Hades or even a more modern versions of the grim reaper, cowl and all?

Essentially you're working with the same being (to my current knowledge anyway), but depending on what face you choose for the deity in question it might make communication a bit easier. I've found the Loa a lot easier to deal with as they have some very human qualities, where as Anubis wasn't much of a talker (to me anyway). It was a matter of having a 'frame work' to use, and when all you need to do to talk to the Loa is offer a few things, be polite, perform the correct rite and go on the odd quest for them to be granted and audience it makes working with higher beings less complicated.
For me this 'choice' has been more fruitful, but it has been a very long time since I tried connecting through the Egyptian pathways.

If I'm wrong of course and the Loa get annoyed with my 'wandering off' down another route it could prove very unpleasant. They can be volatile to say the least.

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The many faces of a deity....(question) Empty Re: The many faces of a deity....(question)

Post by Maxx 20.06.17 18:11

Good Gosh, do I have miles of comment on that one....but I will not. I want other interaction with you and your questions. This is not my site and you need answers from many to draw a worthwhile conclusion. Let it begin. later, later and a while, will I come back in on this one.

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The many faces of a deity....(question) Empty Re: The many faces of a deity....(question)

Post by Jonathan 20.06.17 19:23

In the Asetian tradition no one is forced or even recommended to work with any specific deities, daemons and spiritual forces. Each and everyone works with what aligns with their nature.

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The many faces of a deity....(question) Empty Re: The many faces of a deity....(question)

Post by Niani 20.06.17 22:02

I am more prone to agree with Jonathan on this. I personally let my deities choose me, so as to not get wrapped up in what I want and actually let in influences I need. I open myself to that which seeks me, and I let it happen. Of course, this is potentially dangerous, but I take precaution, as everyone should.

There was once a time when I did not believe in deities and relied on my own personal power only. As you can imagine I was cut off from a great many things - and then a certain Goddess revealed herself to me and knocked some sense into me while she was at it. I believe there are deities and other beings trying to reach us through different phases of our lives, and it is simply up to us to listen. Each spirit might only be destined to be with us for a certain part of our life.

My advice to any who are seeking is simply to open yourself up - you might be surprised. I know I was when Anubis popped up. That was....actually somewhat terrifying.....

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The many faces of a deity....(question) Empty Re: The many faces of a deity....(question)

Post by Niani 20.06.17 22:07

Also, apologies, but I forgot to reply to this part. I do find certain aspects of certain deities more appealing to work with than others. Kali for example is a terrifying Goddess, and I have to be in a certain frame of mind to be able to even pray to her otherwise I shrink away from her aura. This, keep in mind, is because she is almost toxic to those who do not accept themselves, and are resistant to change. More humanesque deities such as Calypso are easier for me to work with, most definitely. Back to Kali, when I need to feel the presence of a mother Goddess I typically appeal to her motherly nature. Granted, it is still pretty overpowering. The thing with my pantheon I suppose is they don't tolerate any of my bullshit. lol

Number of posts : 27
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