ancient mystic practices brought up to date.

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ancient mystic practices brought up to date. Empty ancient mystic practices brought up to date.

Post by Maxx 15.12.19 11:33

lol.  practices of the past are brought up to date right before our eyes and no one recognizes that fact as it is all happening right out in the open.  Example:  The Aset Ka and Red Order of Set.  The history you pass among yourself now as you open AB and Violet Thone no longer operate as it did back in ancient Egypt.  All you have to do is blink your eyes and become aware, and you will understand.

The video below from youtube.  Jack Parsons and ???? Hillary Clinton???? lol This entire conversation is based on something they do not know of what they speak. This is funny. It is the ole demon conclusion. As far as the portal conversation, SOME of the Egyptian Pharaohs were opening these portals back in the 18th dynasty so this tells you these dudes do not know what they think they know. lol. I am rolling in the floor laughing.  Their foundation is from the eyes of the Christian perspective.  From what I have found in research is that it is based on fake news.  So their beginning starts off with a deficient out of the starting gate.  Watch and then tell me what you agree with if anything at all.   (To throw a loop into this, one can find in the written history of Josephus Flavius accounts of battles being fought by the Roman Army against their opponents, and both sides stop the battlefield action to watch in the sky above them, the battle going on overhead by UFOs.  This is an actual account from the writings of Josephus.

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ancient mystic practices brought up to date. Empty Re: ancient mystic practices brought up to date.

Post by Maxx 17.12.19 16:52

from what we can discover this was happening back in the 4th dynasty, maybe before that.   But, on Dec. 21, at the Temple of Karnak, there will occur an astrological alignment and only on that date, but it happens yearly.  That alignment with the Sun is perfectly hitting the center of the Gate of the Temple.  The Egyptians knew how to construct it on this certain location, as well as the others, for a specific purpose.   On that day at a specific time, there is an activation of consciousness.  There is a Stargate portal that opens which allows those knowledgeable to attune and go through the portal to a specified location and for a central purpose.  Each Temple built in this manner is activated on a different date according to its alignment with the Sun, etc.  Those have a Star Gate portal where those attuned may cross.  Notice, I said activation of consciousness.  I do not believe it is the physical body but the astral or mental that crosses.  The physical is really unnecessary.  But I could be mistaken about that.

Those able to receive the attunement were certain Priests, certain Kings, certain Queens.  Not every Pharaoh received this attunement or was trained for it.  It is my personal opinion that Amenhotep IV did not receive this.  The Priesthood conveyed this ability through training.  I do not believe they gave this attunement to him.  

The Pharaoh Ay I am certain was capable as I have gone back and watched certain actions of his in certain situations.  I know that he was the one that did the opening of the mouth ceremony on King Tutankhamun so that in itself shows me that he had a background in the Priesthood to some degree.

Now, back to the portals.  The portals are located at certain Temples there in Egypt where this is possible.  At each Temple, there are hieroglyphics showing a star(s) and gates.  Abydos Temple is another location and each Star Gate seems to lead to another dimension and different location.  As we know, each Temple was dedicated to a different God and was built for different purposes.  Karnak and Abydos both have one star pictured with a door portal next to it.  Another Temple has nine stars pictured next to a portal while yet another Temple has 15 stars.

Each Temple is aligned astronomically for a specific date each year where these initiations were, or are, taking place.  Very few are aware of this stargate fact so it can still be used as hidden in plain sight for those that are aware.  To have the ability to travel through these portals, one must be upgraded in wisdom, awareness, and knowledge.  Not all Pharaohs had that and history shows that to be the case. lol.  If you will be in Cairo on Dec. 21, I know why you are there. LOL.  Happy Trails.

Another Temple fitting this situation is Abu Simbel.  I am referring to the main Temple and not the smaller one dedicated to the Queen.  On the date of Oct 21 was the alignment when this was activated.  I do not know what the situation on this one really is now since it was physically moved.  But one can be present and feel the increase in energy hitting that place and the room where these StarGate portals are located within the Temple.  Even a strange occurrence is seen where only a certain kind of plant called the "Thorny Plant" only grows near these Temples that have that extra energy within it.  Even at Abydos, there is the small Temple area in the back of it which was even older and dedicated to Horus.  He actually was a God that was a giant with the elongated head that many hear about.  This place seemed to function as a battery adjacent to the Temple built by Seti I.

In all these Temples there is a certain room the energy is prime.  It is very special on the designated date. In that room, one can find what looks like a false door.  It is called the door to the Neters.  That's like a doorway to the Gods.  The word Nature comes from the word Neters.  This is why I state in another place on this site that I feel this is why you find human body statues with animal heads on them in Egypt.  I feel that the real God or Source we are familiar with here on this planet is all-encompassing Nature.

Back to the rooms...They each have harmonic resonances in each room to a different frequency.  So what is the key to enter each of these doorways??????  I would certainly like to know.  As mentioned, the Osirian adjoining the Temple outback seems to act as a prime battery for the Temple.  There are drawings on the wall and etchings that show Priests and Visitors doing something that enables them to walk through walls and doors (sound familiar, you Vampire, You.) lol.  Also, the construction material in all the Temples and especially the rooms described, are made from certain crystallized rock that emanates a certain kind of energy, or even an exchange of energy.  So if this was taking place, these Priests and Visitors were having energy moving into and through them in a special way that could change or enable a special ability.  One which aided them to take a conscious trip through the StarGate portal and Back.  

So if you go to Egypt, let me know what taxi you entered and on what date. 

Now, back to visiting the thought Doctor.

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ancient mystic practices brought up to date. Empty Re: ancient mystic practices brought up to date.

Post by Naoom 17.12.19 17:43

Thanks for sharing, Maxx. Lots of interesting things conjoined into this. I haven't watched the video yet but your second post got my attention the most. If this stands true, it would also align with the theory that the Sphinx is much older than originally thought and was placed there to reflect the constellation of Leo. The thing about the rooms reminded of the writings of Manly P. Hall about the king's chamber. Both about the changes in the room that can be felt physically, as well as the way the initiates were decided. I would suppose that the floors above the King's Chamber were build out of the same material you mentioned, possibly granite? I have wondered if the number of those floors corresponds to each plane of existance respectively, which could explain why they seem to be 'empty'. I wonder if you have come across this and if so what is your opinion about it.

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ancient mystic practices brought up to date. Empty Re: ancient mystic practices brought up to date.

Post by Maxx 17.12.19 20:58

yes, the spinx is much older than being told.  No question about that.  It may even pre-date the pyramids.  There are miles and miles of room underneath the earth between the Spinx and the pyramids containing many statues of the Kings and Rulers that predate existing records.  You can easily find ancient records of an important historian that wrote about these.

As far as feeling the energy, if one goes into the lower area in the main pyramid, you need to leave your cell phone and your hotel card key in the car or bus, as the movement of the energy will wipe them clean.  All your info will be erased from that energy.  Each of those 3 areas in the pyramid have different frequency they vibrate to.  I do not recall the date but the same goes for that structure with the StarGate portal. One knows how strong the current is in that room where the sarcophagus, so-called is located.  We know it has been moved from its original location there when it was used in initiation processes.  We even did an exercise here on the forum that illustrated entering that area.  We know there are Spirit Beings that are there at all times (even now) and will not permit entrance to anyone in the astral realm that is not deemed allowed to enter by those Beings.  There is quite a bit going on now in Egypt one never hears of.  But initiation has to become a strong interest to anyone today to gain entrance to vast knowledge and wisdom one will find there.

Your mention of three corresponds to 3 levels within the pyramid.  That lower room, and then the King and Queen levels as well.  These have a meaning and show they were used in initiation ceremonies. Of course, that lower room would correspond to Osiris as he was the God of the underworld.  There was a section of the Priesthood that specialized in the Lower World Magic. There are records within the last 100 years of people staying there over night and dying.  Bitten by cobras but the snakes were never found.  The Gov no longer will allow this to take place because they cannot guarantee the safety in that area.

At Abydos, the Temple approach has 3 different levels of stairs and each level has 42 steps.  42 is a significant number to the Egyptians.  This is silently showing there are 3 levels of entry in initiation of possible 42 sections. Or the meaning may indicate like like the Scottish Rite, there are two different paths of 3 levels approaching the goal with 21 sections on 3 levels entirely different from the other.  Possible guess is one side approach is worked through by the Kings and Queens while the other steps are accomplished with an entirely different education program from the Royalty by the Priesthood.  I do not know, just a guess.

The present location of the Osireion in the back was built in another time frame and is now filled with rising water from the water table rising.  One cannot really tell what or even to what extent that energy stored in that structure could have been.  But we now know that "White Gold" was manufactured in that Abydos Temple. It was consumed and eaten and it mixed with the physical body structure with the elevated energy helping to propel the trip allowing more easy entry into the Consciousness state and crossing into the StarGate portals.  A specific room has been located on that.

As far as the rock, mostly limestone and some granite but specialized areas will find some of that crystaline silica in part of its makeup as well as many large crystal parts .

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ancient mystic practices brought up to date. Empty Re: ancient mystic practices brought up to date.

Post by Maxx 17.12.19 21:07

added note.  Victor knows all of this and much more which  is not even the tip of the iceberg.  But he ain't talkin'  lol.

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ancient mystic practices brought up to date. Empty Re: ancient mystic practices brought up to date.

Post by Maxx 20.12.19 12:53

Egypt in Mayan Mythology...

You can supply your own commentary.  lol

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ancient mystic practices brought up to date. Empty Re: ancient mystic practices brought up to date.

Post by Maxx 29.12.19 12:14

Regarding the Solar Cult from where the Christians originated...

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ancient mystic practices brought up to date. Empty Re: ancient mystic practices brought up to date.

Post by Maxx 20.01.20 17:08

Now I am getting really excited and I understand about the portals built into various temples of Egypt. I understand what they indicated and I see that some of the Priests had been educated in opening those portals on specific dates of the year as they were built in alignment with the planets and stars. I now see what I was viewing when I watched Pharaoh Ay opening portals. I believe the Pharoahs were not Gods but were humans that learned how to elevate their energy frequency and were then capable of advanced healing and dimensional travel, etc. This is opening up the entire meaning of what the hell we are doing here.

I also am finding that my statement earlier about traveling into other realms in some of these Temples also included not only mental travel with the White Gold but also in some individuals, their physical body.  This planet's wobble happens every appox 26,500 years and allows easier entrance into the other dimensions through the portals.  There were some that were knowledgeable regarding this at that time as well as in between this timeframe.  They understood the reason to construct the layout of the Temples in the way they did. 

The difference regarding the stars on the portals I believe indicated to what area these portals opened to.  I now know there was the Sirius area as well as the Arcturus Star and also the Andromeda area.  There was much interaction back and forth here with some of both elements from the Sirius area.  There were others that came and went during the Golden Years as I call it in Egypt.  I now realize there is very little this planet really knows about what was actually going on with a higher energy source that helped build some of these structures.  I also understand about the beings that allow one to actually enter into these areas in an astral body to learn and participate in various meetings and educational sessions.  Really mind-boggling.  Much more to this than any topic about Vampires.  That is kid stuff based on what I have just witnessed.  We will soon see some startling openings that will educate humans as far as elevating the knowledge base here.  It is going to be fantastic.

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ancient mystic practices brought up to date. Empty Re: ancient mystic practices brought up to date.

Post by Troublemaker 23.01.20 19:16

All of this is a huge part of the reason why I am currently practicing and researching projections and the OBE. I believe that's where next level work takes place. There is no advancement without that.

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ancient mystic practices brought up to date. Empty Re: ancient mystic practices brought up to date.

Post by Maxx 23.01.20 19:55

I will send you the key........

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ancient mystic practices brought up to date. Empty Re: ancient mystic practices brought up to date.

Post by Maxx 25.01.20 14:37

how is it?  into it yet????  made the contact?

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