What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by xix 19.12.19 23:36

I was thinking about learning Reiki. But doesn't it use the universal energy which vampires use in more limited way? Would me being a vampire (not sure if Asetian yet) affect my Reiki practice when healing myself or others? Should I get the attunement at all?

The only resource on vampiric healing I have read is The Codex (there aren't much more vampire-specific materials on that), and it's techniques are mostly about taking vital energy instead of using universal one. But I would still like to learn something from practice not just reading things, especially when opinions about The Codex are quite diverse.

So what would you suggest? Learn Reiki and experiment with it or switch to Qigong or something else?


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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.12.19 2:39

Reiki, as I know it, is not a vampiric healing technique. Why do you say vampires use universal energy in a more limited way? Do they? I don't think so personally, only that feeding upon it is one of the far least effective sources of energy. Also it's not due to their lack or being severed from the universal energy source that makes them vampires but their unique higher vibration, energy metabolism and subtle system...

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Jonathan 20.12.19 6:39

There is nothing wrong with learning Reiki, it can be effective as a healing technique. Also it uses universal energy instead of vital energy which is ideal. Vampirism can affect the technique, of course, but you shouldn't concern about technical details until you have some experience with the system, in this case with Reiki.

Also what Mystic said. Vampires don't use universal energy in a limited way.

The reference you make to The Psychic Vampire Codex by Michelle Belanger is something you should be careful about, because its text on healing is inaccurate concerning actual metaphysics and dangerous to vampires because of the misconceptions it tries to teach. Michelle describes on her book for vampires to use vital energy for healing and if they do this without other previous techniques it's likely for the vampire to get seriously ill. A vampire needs vital energy because of his heightened subtle metabolism, so using a resource he needs as main fuel for healing is unwise and even irresponsible. Not to mention that it hinders his metaphysical abilities and sensitivity making any healing technique less effective or potentially harmful. That's why I say that people without mastery of metaphysics shouldn't be writing about it or pretending to be teachers, that is the problem of people like Michelle Belanger and Father Sebastiaan trying to simplify the occult into something superficial as they have provided vampires with more problems than educational material.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 20.12.19 7:21

I believe that notion of vampires being severed from the universal source of energy is a very harmful notion as well, or that of damaging your own chakras in order to become a vampire (for what reason, by the way, if it's just a condition of incompleteness?). That's a very unhealthy idea. People who enable with this idea - just like Jonathan warns about the dangers of the use of vital energy for healing by vampires - could lead themselves to grave psychological dangers and consequences that might be subtle and unnoticeable at first.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Maxx 20.12.19 14:12

Jonathan..... Vampirism can affect the technique, of course, but you shouldn't concern about technical details until you have some experience with the system, in this case with Reiki. wrote:
Also what Mystic said. Vampires don't use universal energy in a limited way.

How does one determine they are really an awakened Vampire????????
Is that listed in MB books???  I have never read them.   Please tell me.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Jonathan 20.12.19 16:21

Maxx wrote:
Jonathan..... Vampirism can affect the technique, of course, but you shouldn't concern about technical details until you have some experience with the system, in this case with Reiki. wrote:
Also what Mystic said. Vampires don't use universal energy in a limited way.

How does one determine they are really an awakened Vampire????????
Is that listed in MB books???  I have never read them.   Please tell me.

No, she doesn't mention that.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Maxx 20.12.19 17:00

oh no.  That is baaaaad.  Then how would xix determine if he is an awakened Vampire as he mentioned?  

Or how would I know if I could be an un-awakened Vampire but not even know it?  And I travel this road thinking all this time I am a lowly Human with a capital H.  (not hemorrhoids)  That would mean I missed my calling, wouldn't it?????

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by xix 22.12.19 4:37

Thanks MysticLightShinethForth, Jonathan

As for The Codex... I wouldn't like to start the discussion on it again here, generally I see all you are telling me is reasonable (although The Codex does use vital energy just to heal the person to which it belongs, I'm not sure if it also has still negative effects on practitioner). However, I haven't ruled out House Kheperu or Strigoi Vii, because probably everyone still agrees that these people are vampires, yet everyone also agrees they aren't Asetians, so they must be someone else (who?...). I mean that you are a little speculative on HK being good or bad, but even if assuming it is bad, the people involved could still belong to a vampire lineage, so I can't ignore that (on topic I have crated on House Kheperu, if I understood correctly, no one argued that these people aren't vampires -- I guess it's hard to me so mistaken, especially when they can recognize supposedly can other (?)). Maybe one person doesn't necessary speak for whole tradition in this case, even if she is its only representative. But of course I won't risk anyway -- as I've said, I have used The Codex simply because that's the only thing I've found (well, maybe except for Sanguiconomicon ^^). On the other hand the fact that these techniques can be not just useless, but also dangerous makes me think that while I am interested in it as possibly a real tradition, maybe I shouldn't think of it as a starting point, even with such an accessibility...

I am not sure what you are trying to say, Maxx.

So how can vampirism exactly affect my Reiki? And is Reiki really so good, what about Qigong and others, is really trusting 'body wisdom' instead of directing the energy the best idea? Is that good for me to start with?

I am especially interested in how does it affect my vampirism. Does it decrease need? How feeding on lower quality energy would affect me (can Reiki be considered feeding at all)?


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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Troublemaker 22.12.19 8:45

If you aren't even capable of understanding and seeing for yourself that Father Sebastiaan and Belanger are complete fakes, then I have a nagging suspicion this topic is entirely out of your league. 
Just a thought, though. 
If you're here to routinely push the Belanger and HK legitimacy topic, you are in the wrong place..

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Nightshade 22.12.19 8:49

Reiki isn’t considered feeding at all.

As for feeding on low quality energy, that’s detrimental to a human or a vampire.

As for considering House Kheperu or Strigoi Vii vampires? I don’t consider them vampires. They are humans practicing and copying vampire techniques from predatory traditions. Anyone can exploit feeding, that doesn’t make one a vampire.

The only sense that I would consider them vampires are in the ways they seek to take your money and thrive from public attention. It’s what occultists call parasites. In contrast, real vampires are empowered beings of heightened spirituality, not social parasites at all. You will not find vampires in television. lol

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 22.12.19 9:26

If they are vampires at all, they aren't equal to the Asetians or Sethians. It shouldn't be viewed under that lens. Asetians and Sethians are far above their playing level.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Maxx 22.12.19 11:49

well, xix did not bite on my post and I suspect Jon knew I was pulling his leg.  

I have been wanting to say this for a long time and just have not, but nightshade came close.

There would be no vampire codex and fake teeth and no people coming on here asking about "am I a vampire" or "how is the best way to feed" if they had not been "primed" with all the books and tv and movies put out about them.  No one would be coming together in a group stating they are a vampire at all if it had not been started by Bram Stoker's book.  All those and the movies and books are entertainment and they sell and are produced to make someone money from idiots.  Star Wars would not have had all the sequels made if there were not that many entertained by it.  These people are all being manipulated because they have less than one paddle to row across the river.  

xix.  wake up and get involved in something worthwhile instead of chasing a kid's dreams and cartoons.  lol  MB and TS are total fakes and following anything that has to do with them or their group makes you one of them as well.  There is not even a question mark about this.  They have no power or ability and neither do you.   wake up.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Maxx 22.12.19 14:26

xix.  We all know you come from that group and you bring them here to view your commentary or your posting.  Every time you show up here they come over to see what you are doing and how you think you are manipulating this outfit.  The funny thing is you are not slipping under the radar.  There is no such thing as a secret.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Troublemaker 22.12.19 16:18

Maxx.... Lol. 
You just said what was on my mind this whole time. 
What a strange surge in guest views after these MB posts.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Maxx 22.12.19 16:31

Since we live in a Universe of contrasts, they just prove that what we are writing on this forum is a definite contrast to what they are filling their mush heads on that forum with.  Otherwise, they would not be flocking here to read it.  It is funny.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Bloodwiish 22.12.19 17:12

Reiki is a 'healing' not 'feeding' modality. The healer being a conduit for universal energy to be guided and produce its effect on the person or animal needing the healing. Intention is important, so if you go in wondering about,
-is this effecting my vampirism?
-does vampirism affect my Reiki?
-does it decrease need?
-how will feeding on lower energy affect me?
then you should first ask yourself whats more important to heal others, or to feed, and what it all means to me? To be a healer should feel like a calling, "all other things put aside as secondary" to the mission of healing others. Without this you'll never be a clear conduit for or have the right intention needed to heal. The question of is it good enough is down to the practitioner, whether you are dedicated to your healing craft and truly become a student from worthy teachers or schools, especially for Quigong, which can make people more sick if breathing and movement is not aligned properly. Neither of these systems uses vampirism as a technique. If you're self aware as a vampire, how you feed and why, and also study the systems of Reiki or Quigong to the level of applying and actual practice you wouldn't need to ask these questions. Healing through Reiki or Quigong are not related to vampirism, and they themselves are two complete different disciplines. Being vampiric you would need to feed normally, separately, to be well enough with sound mind and body to practice these healing arts. If anything Reiki and Quigong practice would make you a much healthier individual, being helpful for the individual practitioner as it is for the client. I would think this as a bit of common sense. I'll make a point here that acquiring certificates or going to a few classes doesn't instantly mean you can heal people, it takes a high level of dedication and understanding to integrate and continue the full journey of continued learning, refinement and mastery to be a true healer.
Healing through the use of vampirism, feeding, again, requires that you place the others needs before your own. This would be on a psychological, energetic, emotional level (if anyone thinks they can heal physical ailments through feeding, they are delusional) A person can come to you with certain emotional cravings, anxieties, post traumatic stress, emptiness, dark attachments that need to be actualized. In order to process these aspects a vampire can bring them to boil, unlock, set the flow for what is usually negative in nature as ruled by societies lens, we become a catalyst to allow the individual a way of processing these energies, accepting them as whole, beautiful. The taking of, the draining, the receiving of these traumas, anxieties, dark emptiness, cold numbness, is akin to healing. These aspects of human nature are one of the reasons vampires are sought after, (and unfortunately these vulnerable donor types are frequently preyed upon) If you're the type that is only out to feed for self preservation, then this type of exchange isn't for you. It takes a lot of mental and psychic strength. Emotional dependence can occur, so much forethought and care for the donor is a prime. With an alchemists attitude and a penchant for the lower ebbs, these energies can endow you with a powerful, dark, sweet signature feed. While in ones self holding the light of protector and healer.


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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Maxx 22.12.19 18:11

You stated Vampires are being sought out for help in healing.   

I would much prefer the Shamanistic personality as it is far and above any Vampire structure.

Reminds me of the comparison of one sitting in church thinking they are being spiritual which is like sitting in your garage thinking you are an auto. This is how I view most commentaries here on this forum from new entries.

You inferred several times that healing would be foolish to practice if one accomplished no results.  But why does that take place so often with the young and foolish calling themselves Vampire?

I see the same in the concept of calling one's self a Vampire if there is no superpower demonstrated or that can be illustrated.  lol.  Hell, anyone can drink blood just to try and prove some point.  More often than not, it just proves they have not grown up yet.

As far as Reiki, which is legit,  I see no connection to Vampirism.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Troublemaker 22.12.19 18:42

Stop making sense, Maxx, that's not very vampiric of you.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Maxx 22.12.19 18:53

You are probably correct.  I was taking some old people to the grocery store today as they have no car.  One old lady asked me a question and I do not even remember what it was.....My comment must have been different than what she expected as she said....You Are Weird.

I told her that was the nicest compliment I had gotten today.  The old ladies love me now.  Ha.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Bloodwiish 24.12.19 7:59

Maxx, who stated vampires were being sought out for healing? I stated the reasons vampires can be sought after, (aside from role players and fakes.) These psychological conditions most commonly found in desperate swans, if treated with the right awareness can produce a sense of protection, safety and comfort for the donor. This being akin to healing, but not anything to do with reiki, which yes is legit, I know because I've the certification for level 1 and 2.
If you're talking about me "inferring several times healing would be foolish to practice if one accomplished no results." Either you're talking about someone else, or you didn't get when I said getting the certificates doesn't instantly make you a healer. Since you brought it up, that's what being young and foolish is, thinking they're vampires when they're not, and yes if you think you're a healer and its not producing results, then stop. Asetianism is a form of shamanism,(metaphysics & magic) by vampire construct. Being a master maxx, does that mean you have super powers?


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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Troublemaker 24.12.19 8:15

I think you might be getting confused. Asetianism is not a "form of shamanism". As a path of predatory spirituality it stands on its own. 
As for calling people masters, you should know that the title given to each poster arises solely out of their post count on the forum, and is for fun only. It is not a title.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Troublemaker 24.12.19 8:20

Oh.... I understand more clearly now. The terminology "swan" gives it away. 🤦

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Maxx 24.12.19 8:30

This article goes a long way in illustrating my attitude with what goes on here on the forum with new people coming in yelling they are Vampires,etc without even know what the Aset Ka says about Vampirism.  lol.

*** Why Do People Believe? ***
*** When the Story is so Unbelievable? ***

The nature of belief is peculiar, why do people do it? Why do most children accept the beliefs of their parents and not some other belief system? Why do otherwise rational Americans believe in Mormonism and Scientology, when these belief systems have been so obviously fabricated?
A sci-fi religion created by a former science fiction writer? Really?
A Masonic-style religion created by an ex Mason? Really?
Apparently, Joseph Smith found some gold plates written upon in 'reformed Egyptian', which he translated with the help of 'seeing-stones' in a hat. And then he lost the priceless gold plates - honest. And don't get me started on the Mormon Book of Abraham, which is actually a standard Egyptian Book of the Dead, and nothing to do with Abraham. And yet despite the fraudulent nature of Mormonism, people still believe.
This willingness to believe anything has impacted my work in several respects.
Firstly, why can people see and believe the spiritual texts of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - but when they are presented with the historical reality, they reject it? I suspect it has something to do with their personal connection with these stories - history is cold and impersonal, while the spiritual story suggests that an invisible friend loves them. It like letting a child choose between an encyclopedia and a puppy...
Secondly, all the critics of my 'Jesus, King of Edessa' were Mormon historians. So what would make an intelligent and rational historian believe the Joseph Smith story? Do they have a separate area of the brain which deals in fairy-stories that have to be believed - however illogical they may be - while the rest of the brain deals with logic and historical facts? Even when presented with the proof that Joseph Smith's Book of Abraham was a standard Egyptian Book of the Dead, they still prevaricated and deflected, and denied the obvious truth. What makes an educated person do that? It is almost unfathomable. (Talking with Muslims will elicit the same responses.)
Southpark - the Joseph Smith story.
A brilliant take-down of Mormonism.
If anyone can find a better copy on Youtube please let be know - but they have all been systematically deleted by the Church of Latter-day Saints.

Ralph E.

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Maxx 24.12.19 8:46

Bloodwiish, Just as you in your discourse infer that you are a vampire and healer dealing with your swans, lol...

I can use the "Master" terminology as a step of advancement attained in the same structure by proclaiming I am an "awakened" .........wait for it......

Human.   I am not a Vampire.   

And I certainly do not connect Reiki to Vampirism.  Although each deals with energy, they are not even on the same subject matter and I was not even connecting you with being a vampire.  Reiki does not illustrate having Super Powers.  lol.

One would do well to work for the attainment of this below than a declaration of Vampirism.


I see you have been signed into the board for 4 years or more with no postings so I am assuming you may not have read much here or might have skimmed over a little and left.  What brings you back here after all this time?  Are you on a new Quest???

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What's the preferred vampiric healing technique? Empty Re: What's the preferred vampiric healing technique?

Post by Maxx 24.12.19 9:21

Also, I suppose you did not read any other posts here as normally one signs up and gives an introduction to familiarize others with what and why they joined here.

Maybe four years is not enough time...........????? lol.

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