Article - 'Deepen Your Magick'

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Article - 'Deepen Your Magick' Empty Article - 'Deepen Your Magick'

Post by Ramla-Meryt 21.02.20 10:11

Article sharing.
Author - Mat Auryn

There is an old Craft saying that “the blood recognizes the blood in another“. While some would see this as elitist, I don’t think that makes it any less true. Sometimes I feel like some witches I’ve come across are roleplaying their Craft, including some that are in positions of authority. My theory is that they’re either lazy with their practices (even if they weren’t initially) or they’ve rushed through their training.

I believe that different people get different things out of Witchcraft and Paganism. But for those with a focus on mastering magick, Witchcraft takes work. It takes dedication. It takes perseverance. For some, these statements will stir up insecurities of inadequacy and that isn’t my intention. My intention here is to hopefully inspire and motivate you in your own practice.

I do not consider myself anywhere near the level of “mastery” of anything. I do not consider myself even a master of myself. I’m not even completely convinced that this idea even really exists. If a teacher’s goal is to genuinely desire that their students surpass them, then mastery is an ever elevating bar, regardless of what that tradition or practice is.

Though I teach and share, I see myself as a seeker and a student first and foremost. I sincerely believe that an earnest witch lighting a candle and making a simple wish with a focused will can be infinitely more powerful than a witch performing a complex rite from an archaic book of magick for the same goal with a shoddy adeptness of the principles employed. It all depends on the level of work that they’ve put into their path and practice.

Many witches rush through their basics and their practice. Perhaps because they’re completely focused on completing tasks for a level of training that they’re going through and moving on to the next stage. Perhaps its because they are not taking personal accountability for their own practice and growth and are relying on the validation of their teacher to tell them that they’ve mastered a certain stage. Perhaps they’ve become bored with the work that they’re doing. Perhaps it is in their sense of hubris that something more complex means that it’s more powerful and therefore are seeking the powerful.

Just because something is basic or simple, does not mean that it isn’t immensely powerful. In fact, it is in the basics that I believe we can come closer to understanding the notion that the blood recognizes the blood in others. “She changes everything She touches and everything She touches, changes.” I have found that there are continual attunements and initiations that occur in the basic practices that many others feel they’ve mastered.

I have seen “advanced” magickal practitioners cast circles and call upon deities where there’s absolutely no shift of energy within the room at all, nevertheless the creation of sacred space. It just seems like they’re going through the motions or putting on a show. Their auras look exactly the same before, during, and after the ritual. However, I have also seen dedicated earnest seekers begin to radiate just from grounding and centering themselves.

The simplest way that I can try to explain it, is that when you spend time touching the core of the Earth, soaking in the stars, communing with the moon, aligning with the elements, working with the gods and spirits – it changes a person. It’s as if their wavelength begins synchronizing to different wavelengths and the person’s energy hums like a symphony.
Sometimes this is picked up through succinct psychic means, but often it is experienced as just an intensely strong comfort with the individual, a sense of familiarity and kinship, and a high level of respect without recognizing exactly why. There’s just this knowing in regards to the nature of their heart and spirit. I believe this is because we’re feeling the energies within them that we spend so much time with ourselves, so there’s this recognition. You can feel the energies that they’ve spent time with because you’ve spent time with it as well. There’s just this je ne sais quoi about them.

From where I am in my path it would appear to me that mastery is not so much about reaching a certain end goal, but rather seeing how deep you can take a practice and striving to better your experience with it.

Meditation, for example, is one of the simplest techniques out there – but it is also one of the most profound and transformative. The simple act of closing your eyes, focusing on nothing but your breath, can seem basic and easily tempting to rush through. But how many people do you know that cannot meditate, that cannot clear their minds or focus on solely one thing with every sense engaged with it.

You can’t build a great structure on a weak foundation. Regardless of where you are on your path, ensure that part of your daily spiritual and magickal routine involves really deepening into the basics. How much deeper can a simple practice element of magick go?

I encourage you to not lose sight of the foundations. We practice witchcraft. Perhaps because it is something that can never truly be mastered, but rather something that we deepen and strive to perfect just a little better every time we engage in it.

Witchcraft is often considered a crooked path that weaves serpentine-like between the right-hand and left-hand paths. I am not convinced that this path has a destination, but rather that the path itself is about the journey. I suspect that this serpentine path is actually ouroboric.

Number of posts : 199
Location : Between the sacred and the profane.
Registration date : 2018-03-19

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Post by Maxx 21.02.20 10:44

down to simple terms.   Success depends on ego motive.  All the teaching in the world will not bring down from the sky what the egomaniac is seeking.

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Article - 'Deepen Your Magick' Empty Re: Article - 'Deepen Your Magick'

Post by Troublemaker 21.02.20 11:14

I really like this one. It carries a good message that can really help with balance.

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Article - 'Deepen Your Magick' Empty Re: Article - 'Deepen Your Magick'

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 21.02.20 12:26

It's a grounded and centered view and perspective, and might also put less strain upon practitioners to be so very 'advanced' where the emphasis and focus is instead placed upon the basics that are of necessary importance as a valuable foundation. And, paraphrasing in my own understanding of the article, that is also where one can say that the whole journey is, as you build continously new and more stable layers on top of that foundation and not by trying to fly when you haven't even learnt to run or run before you haven't even learnt how to walk or, to use more exact terms, trying to jump above the basics which isn't very helpful, or even effective, in the end or length of time. This is not to say that one shouldn't take steps forward but that those steps depend upon a great deal of hard work with already present tasks of training in the basic procedures of energy work and magick to even reach there but, then, all in their own good accord or pace of time. It's, afterall, mostly a task for spiritual growth and evolution but also various sidetrack quests that might be useful for that central point of importance as well, proving their skill and ability - but to themselves alone - as a step into a form of initiation where they are able to trust that in themselves and be able to progress further ahead with newfound power and clarity.

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Article - 'Deepen Your Magick' Empty Re: Article - 'Deepen Your Magick'

Post by Jonathan 23.02.20 9:37

Good article. Thanks for sharing it.

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Post by Iamcold 23.02.20 11:32

interesting. a healthy article written by a healthy mind!

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Article - 'Deepen Your Magick' Empty Re: Article - 'Deepen Your Magick'

Post by A.Nightside 01.03.20 17:24

Enjoyed the read, thank you.

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Article - 'Deepen Your Magick' Empty Re: Article - 'Deepen Your Magick'

Post by Troublemaker 26.11.20 17:50

This is a good one that I like returning to! I love these types of articles.

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Article - 'Deepen Your Magick' Empty Re: Article - 'Deepen Your Magick'

Post by SorcierRog 29.05.21 10:25

Not a bad article (from I think it contains a lot of criticisms and skirts around some of the good advice. I think that learning the basics well is excellent advice. I like the idea I've heard in military circles that the difference between a beginner and an expert is that the expert can execute the basics well. I'm not sure what the "blood calls to blood" at the beginning of the article has to do with anything though, except that it is an attention grabber.

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Article - 'Deepen Your Magick' Empty Re: Article - 'Deepen Your Magick'

Post by Troublemaker 29.05.21 15:45

Unfortunately, after some time has passed, it seems quite likely that the author of this article doesn't know how to actually "deepen his magick" at all.
I guess this is the reality of being a New Age author... you can sound great sometimes and still not embody the qualities you write about.

Mat Auryn, who wrote this article, is an avid supporter of Michelle Belanger and promotes her money-grubbing events. I hear his new book is little more than new age fluff trash without real gnosis within it. He also aggressively promotes himself using this book in similarly embarrassing ways to Michelle. Save your money and learn magick from a dictionary.

Mat also says that the Aset Ka plagiarized her and vandalized Wikipedia, and refers to Master Marques as "the Luis person" who he has never heard of.
Go figure, I guess. (It was hard even typing that sentence out, by the way.)

I can't imagine Mat wrote this article from any personal experience on a deep level. It's more likely that he just came forth with a message that sounded good on paper but that he can't follow himself, for special woke magician points.


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Post by Troublemaker 29.05.21 15:50

I should add that the event he's promoting is a virtual one, plus an "astral gather". Leave it to Belanger to charge people money for a goddamn astral projection.

I guess our friend Mat sees no issue with the way these people behave? Recently on Discord it was Michelle and her moderator team aggressively controlling the narrative by eliminating all evidence of people asking her why it was appropriate to charge people $65 for an event that includes something astral and isn't even done in person but is only virtual. It was very creepy to watch.

The lengths people will go to in order to make money surprises me. Michelle and her team assert that no one really makes that much money from these events. Right.


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Post by Ramla-Meryt 29.05.21 16:30

Which is a pity, as the core message of the article isn't necessarily wrong when personally, individually, applied with sincerity.

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Article - 'Deepen Your Magick' Empty Re: Article - 'Deepen Your Magick'

Post by Jonathan 29.05.21 17:12

Sadly people tend to concern themselves more with making money and getting likes than being genuine in their messages or teaching what could be valuable on the growth of an initiate. Also most of the new age Pagan movement is built on regurgitated gnosis and ideas, there is hardly anything new or revolutionary there which makes me worry for the future generations.
As far as Mat Auryn I don't really know him but he's mostly just a name in the Wiccan crowds no? To my understanding these people usually have no impact in more traditional circles. Especially if he aligns himself with the likes of Michelle Belanger that's for granted. Most unfortunate for his path and growth.

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