How to change your thoughts

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How to change your thoughts Empty How to change your thoughts

Post by Maxx 18.03.20 3:34

Here is your chance.   GAIA has a series out by Dr. Joe Dispenza.  It is called Rewired.

Worth the 9.99 a month to view this 13 episode instruction and learn how to create what you want in your life and stop living the past.

Take the action.  You will change.    If you are waiting....You are not creating.

Change your thoughts and you can get rid of the bad habits you are waking up to every morning.  If you do not take action on this, you will do the same thing you do every day for the next 40 years.   You do not want to think the same thoughts every day of your life of that unpleasant past.  Do it.  Take action.

Check out that series.

They may even have a free 30-day account.

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How to change your thoughts Empty Re: How to change your thoughts

Post by Maxx 18.03.20 3:36

PS.  Do not tell them you have thoughts you are a vampire.   keep that to yourself.

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How to change your thoughts Empty Re: How to change your thoughts

Post by Naoom 18.03.20 7:49

I believe that the law of attraction is a very real thing, yet the reason it doesn't work for many people who try to pick it up for just a short period of time, is that it has more to do with our own energy than our thoughts by themselves in my opinion, and it requires time and real effort in order to work, like anything else in life. What I mean is that it doesn't matter if you have many negative thoughts and only a few positive ones, no matter as long as you focus your energy both consciously and unconsciously towards the things you actually wish to manifest in life, and this is what separates it from wishful thinking, lol. Therefore understanding how it works in terms of its technical procedures seems very important, and in order to know how to use it effectively one needs to stop and observe this process in their everyday lives as it unfolds in everything, no matter how big or small. To me this is one big difference between people who are naturally psychic and are happy just to be able to use certain things versus the magician or witch who tries to grasp the nature behind any magick before and while using it. It is also very easy to forget how incredibly efficient it can be, and that it is actually taking place whether we are aware of it or not the whole time. When it doesn't work effectively it is usually when our thoughts aren't in alignment to our Will and energy. All of this seems very useful for healing in the long term, as the name of that series implies. I was also thinking of that book I told you about the higher self again, and it explains that there are 3 parallel realities namely past, present and future. This also appears to be how energy breaks down into those 3 different categories in the higher realms, and the fact it can be trapped in the past in this way and still affecting us from moving on. In some cases this can also be tied to past lives from what I have seen. Just my two cents, thanks for sharing.

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How to change your thoughts Empty Re: How to change your thoughts

Post by Maxx 18.03.20 13:01

in that series, he shows in the first episode how the 3 sections of the brain work to bring in the play of the past and the future and the present.  In the 3rd episode he begins to show how to change.

a pie chart shows how 5% of change comes up against 95% of the habit and way of programming and what the odds of change and doing it by yourself are.

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How to change your thoughts Empty Re: How to change your thoughts

Post by Naoom 18.03.20 13:19

That is quite fascinating. I have also read about how some scientists believe we actually have 3 different "brains", the sections you talked about, and how they are separated in a way while also being one and the same. This also shows how the degree of how much capacity we are using in each scenario can be measured by how effective these exchanges and interactions between these different sections are. I agree about the second part about the rewiring aspect, it takes a lot of time but the change is always there as long as the effort is being made and new neuron pathways are being created and reinforced daily. It is as difficult for negative deeply rooted pathways to change just as much as positive ones, and so by nature itself this long-term healing can focus on creating a foundation that will be stable for years to come, and create new positive habits that can then become very pleasurable, such as physical exercising. True healing always takes a long for this reason. It also reminds me of how the body is known to create and replace new cells over a period of some years like you had mentioned, which also seems to take a lot of time for the same reasons.

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How to change your thoughts Empty Re: How to change your thoughts

Post by Maxx 18.03.20 15:07

He shows how the first stage of actual success can be seen after doing the exercises where it appears that you are standing outside and away from yourself and seeing how you are functioning differently while watching yourself.  Sounds like an interesting movie.  lol

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How to change your thoughts Empty Re: How to change your thoughts

Post by Maxx 18.03.20 15:31

It is interesting that I just now saw a hypnotist offering a very similar system at 650 dollars and 25 at month.

One thing that caught my eye was this.
What happens when your left brain is out of balance (this is the reason many people feel disconnected from the world around them)

All of these techniques show how you connect all 3 sections of the brain where they operate together in unison.

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How to change your thoughts Empty Re: How to change your thoughts

Post by Naoom 18.03.20 20:41

I was thinking again of how this process is vital for deeper healing, and how any true therapist would know how to use this, even at an instinctual level, in order to be able to help others. Healing happens on many different levels, and the spiritual level requires first-hand knowledge and experience of that aspect of reality. It goes back to the New Jupiter vs Ahriman topic, as a therapist may seem to be healing the client but in truth is often passing on their own beliefs in various ways that are not always readily noticeable, which bring the person further away from their inner core and true Self. Instead, a healer who has formed a connection with their own higher self is able to simply follow their inner guidance and only help the person in ways that are bringing them closer to their individual true Will and path. Whenever there is such a connection in both therapist and client, healing always comes, no matter how much time it may require, as long as we simply ask for it. Therefore true healing happens at a very spiritual level which reflects throughout our different reincarnations, and is something that is constant and not stagnant, much like Alchemy itself which is required for achieving psychological completion. Not everything is what it seems, and the scale used in modern times in order measure healing in its various levels seems quite lacking in many areas, but thankfully this seems to be changing more and more. In conclusion, healing to me is synonymous to spiritual progression in many scenarios, and is intimately tied to this process as it brings alignment in every aspect of our lives, each at its correct timing.

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How to change your thoughts Empty Re: How to change your thoughts

Post by Maxx 18.03.20 22:54

If you were able to view the program I mentioned, you would see Dr. Dispenza was paralyzed at a difficult period in his life.  He had to learn to heal himself.  But through his knowledge of both the physical laws as well as spiritual laws, he was able to bring "first-hand" knowledge into play and learn the playbook. 

In essence, what you were describing above was exactly what he accomplished on himself and thus, in turn, helping many learn how to use our mental capabilities.   In the words of would be "amazed" if you could see how much power you actually have in this lifetime incarnation.

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How to change your thoughts Empty Re: How to change your thoughts

Post by Naoom 18.03.20 22:58

I found some of his YouTube videos where he talks about that. Very inspirational story and person, and agreed with the second part. It is all 'in our heads' but in reality our minds are much bigger than we could have possibly imagined Smile

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How to change your thoughts Empty Re: How to change your thoughts

Post by Maxx 18.03.20 23:36

yes.  each "mind" has created the entire universe around us that we see.  How marvelous is that?

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How to change your thoughts Empty Re: How to change your thoughts

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 19.03.20 9:30

I've been thinking a lot in that direction. It's not solipsism. But it is some form of notion similar to it. So far, all I've seen has mostly been a reflection of me, whether consciously so or unconscious. But that doesn't mean that I can treat others however I wish. There's also the aspect of the rules in this game or the laws in this universe or within the very Self itself. It seems to be my experience that those laws are indeed in the very fabric of existence. Depending on how you think, feel and reason, act, speak and treat yourself and others you will also create your universe and reflections according to that. It's up to you whether you want to experience a literal hell realm where, from the standpoint of the inherent rules to this matrix, everything collapses and may even work against you in some ways depending on what you've done, the intensity of it as well as the severity, or if you want to create a beautiful place of something worthwhile and good.

Or, maybe it isn't so much a concept similar to solipsism as it is that the philosophical apperception of solipsism as possibly derived from a subtle and deeper observation of reality was yet incomplete in character and only captured a seeming layer of reality. This seeming layer isn't the only one as all layers of individual minds that create this universe are etherically and subtly interspersed in a co-creation with each other. But I'd still think the reality you create is stronger and primary to you. And then everything else will reflect that in a very subtly orchestrated holographic way, nothing like we'd think of it on a basic level but much more advanced like the very universe itself. Or maybe this sounds like a form of solipsism indeed... But in spite of that I still think there are independent autonomous beings out there that aren't only myself. Ha.

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How to change your thoughts Empty Re: How to change your thoughts

Post by Naoom 19.03.20 9:47

interesting thoughts, Mystic. I would say that there can be such a unison, while still being separated at the same time. It all depends on what level of consciousness you perceive things from, and the reality is that both of these notions are equally accurate and do not cancel each other out. The same way that the higher self is simply an expression of your divine or highest self, but the same time it is a separate intelligence with its own unique knowledge and perception from the you that is experiencing things in Malkuth.

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How to change your thoughts Empty Re: How to change your thoughts

Post by Maxx 19.03.20 13:53

Ok Mystic, connect your thoughts to this question?

If all things, and I mean ALL, are connected and really one, view that inclusive of your statements in your paragraph.  Even throw in that ole statement everyone uses without even knowing what it really implies, like
As above, So below.  

I hope this comment will not keep you up all night.

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