Is just being aware of able to change you?

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Naverya 13.01.10 10:44

30 December 2009.This was the day I first heard(or better said,read)about the Aset Ka.It fascinated me since the beginning,and I immediately wanted to know more,to learn more about it.
A day later,I found this forum.I decided to sign up,and waited for the confirmation e-mail.
While I waited,I read many topics from this forum,mainly related to Aset Ka,but not only.As I read,the doubts whether I did the right thing joining this forum started to disappear,one after another.After I received the confirmation e-mail,I posted my introduction thread.Until now,I haven't posted anywhere else other than there.But today,I decided to post somewhere else too,and that's what leads to this topic that you are reading now...

I believe that I changed drastically since 30 december.My ways of seeing life,of speaking,have changed.I've become calmer,and my self-confidence has improved.Even my learning and understanding abilities have improved.Before,people saying bad things about me made me feel horrible,even if they were just meant to be jokes.Now it doesn't bother me anymore.

And I'm not saying I've changed just to sound great.It is not made up,because I'm not the only on believing it.My parents say that I've changed and the other people act differently towards me.

And with that,I feel I've said everything I needed to say.I'll be grateful if you reply and let me know your opinion about this.Also,did anyone else change after finding out about Asetians and Aset Ka?

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Jonathan 13.01.10 11:47

Oh yes, I have definitely changed and evolved after learning more about the Asetians and their ways. Everyone changes when in touch with beings such as the Asetians, even if they deny it. Sometimes even lying to themselves. A fact is that the Asetians are beings of chaos, they induce change in everything they touch. The Asetian Bible covers and better explains this spiritual effect that goes further than just metaphysics and magick. Like Luis Marques says, many love the Asetians, others hate them and envy them, but a fact is that no one is able to ignore them. Everyone is touched by them, if they ever study their culture, some change in good ways, evolving and perfecting themselves, and others get changed in bad ways, driven by ego and developing a disgust for the Asetians based on envy and anger. But they all change...

We have even seen authors and people from television going to great lengths just to try to discredit and to silence the Aset Ka. That alone is one of the best proof of the Asetian power. They think they were accomplishing something, wasting so much time and energy to attack and insult the Asetians and their Great Work, when in fact they were just exposing their biggest vulnerability: fear.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Naverya 13.01.10 12:33

Thank you for your reply,Jonathan.It helps me to know I'm not the only one.Also,it helps to know that I haven't "changed in a bad way".
And I agree,I hate people who attack and insult things they don't understand,or fear.Or both,since it's in human nature to fear the unknown.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Kahina 13.01.10 15:18

Greetings Olfeea,

As Jonathan said, everyone is touched by the Words of the Asetians.

I changed a lot, since I know the Aset Ka, the Asetianism, and all the Magic that is involved.

It's normal that you feel different about life, about your ways, about yourself.
Behind every word from Asetians, there is a subtle Powerful Magic, Chaotic Magic, that can change many things.
Henceforth, it's normal that you feel an urge to learn more and evolve more every day.
Maybe, you can even start to having strange dreams.
It's absolutely normal.


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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Aleina 13.01.10 18:21

Thank you for sharing this with us. I myself have also gone through a dramatic change after knowing about the Aset Ka. It is just their Nature...

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Naverya 14.01.10 2:41

@Kahina:About starnge dreams...I haven't had a dream about Aset Ka or the Asetians yet,but my dreams have changed.They are more vivid now,but harder to understand.
@Aleina:Thank you too for replying.

And also,a question to everybody,is really everyone affected by Them?Or just the...special people,in lack of a better word?

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by AnaInDark 14.01.10 4:10

I believe people who truly feel something in their souls for the Aset Ka, feel a huge change within themselves. However, mankind changes at their feet. They are the ones that change the world by their very touch, if you know what I mean.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Naverya 14.01.10 11:15

@AnaInDark:I get what you mean.But does that mean that everything we do and experience is,somehow,being controlled?And that there are no coincidences?

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Daniel09 15.01.10 3:55

Well, I have already stated a number of times in this forum how much the Asetian Bible has changed me, and the Aset Ka in general. The way I approach life at a basic level is very different now, and I have learned to interpret my dreams to an extent I never expected. I have deciphered that in my dreams I make assumptions about what I am perceiving, based on what I know now. The problem with that, is that my mind does not know the future, only my subconscious, so I need to simply remember the imagery and sound of everything other than my mind. Once I examine it outside my conscious influence, I find many things that don't make sense, because I know I have never seen them before, or that the event has not yet occurred.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by ToBeSilent 15.01.10 4:38

I have found the "change" so to speak to be isolating at times. the fact that the people in your life no longer understand the depths of your thoughts plays a part in that. but I would not trade what I have learnt for anything. the shift in the way we think is rather refreshing Smile

Olfeea, I am grateful for your post. It is good to hear of someone elses experiances.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Jonathan 15.01.10 14:52

Olfeea wrote:@AnaInDark:I get what you mean.But does that mean that everything we do and experience is,somehow,being controlled?And that there are no coincidences?
No one is being controlled or manipulated. The change is a natural and deep thing, not a superficial or forced one. It is what the Ancient Egyptians call Kheper. Transformation and Awakening.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Naverya 16.01.10 0:29

@Daniel09:That's kind of happening to me too..The dreams..
@ToBeSilent:Isolating?I haven't looked at it that way...But I have to agree it's true.In the past days,more that a person complained that they don't understand me,that I have a weird way of putting words head-to-head.Before,I was 100% understood.But now...
@Jonathan:Thanks.And I'm sorry if my question was a bit offensive.

Again,a question to everybody:I got curious,since some of you said the change can be either good or bad.What does a 'bad change' mean?More,do you know or have heard of someone who has changed in bad since hearing of Asetians and Aset Ka?

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by AnaInDark 16.01.10 1:42

Bad changes? Of course it exists, and can happen. Change is not always a good thing.

Some people who come across the Asetian beliefs, see it as a chance to find a new place to pretend their games. You have seen a few people here, I suppose, pretending to be a part of the Aset Ka... When in fact, the Order states on their own sites that no Asetian would be on any forums or publicly claiming to be an Asetian, being something fully against the Order.

Another change perhaps would be a high, bad amount of ego. Luis Marques is now blessing us with his words on Twitter, perhaps people who feel that they are close to him gain a sense of ego, losing humbleness. I believe we must always be humble around the Asetians, particularly Luis Marques. But I have seen people do such low things, in order to keep their thick ego from breaking.

Yet another change could be to become an "Asetianist" when you feel nothing deep for the Aset Ka, fooling yourself just because the Aset Ka is so respected and elite in the vampire community and the occult underground.

So many other bad changes... many more.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Naverya 16.01.10 2:00

@AnaInDark:Actually,no,I haven't seen anyone pretending to be a member of the Aset Ka.Maybe I didn't look enough,maybe some topics were deleted,or maybe I am not simply for long enough on this forum.
Personally,I feel close to Luis Marques' words,but at the same time..I don't know how to say this,it's hard to explain...Because I am what I am,and I not what I am not,whether I like it or not.

I think the sudden change it's overwhelming.I find this very strange..that I tried to change so many things about myself over the past years,and now I managed,without even trying.

Oh,and as something unrelated,I'm going shopping today.I think I will also start my search for the Asetian Bible,since I am ashamed to say,I haven't read it yet.Yet I'm kind of afraid of the change that it will most probably bring.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by AnaInDark 16.01.10 2:03

There are a few threads on this forum, and many sites and people out there pretending to be a branch of the Aset Ka. It takes some searching, so I understand why you have not come across them. But, don't waste your time on that. Wink

Good luck with finding the Asetian Bible, and let us know how it goes.
Also, I don't think you will be able to find it in any book stores, unless they can order it for you from online. The best way is to find some kind of small book shop, and ask them if they order from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. That is how I got my books.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Naverya 16.01.10 2:09

@AnaInDark:Okay,I won't waste my time on that.

And thanks,I might try that too.But seeing as I'm not 18,I don't know if I can do it myself.And my parents don't know of my interest in Aset Ka.I'm kind of afraid to tell them..Don't know why,I just have a feeling that something bad will happen if I do.Maybe I'm just pessimistic...

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by AnaInDark 16.01.10 2:18

You don't need to be an adult to get a book brought from Amazon or another online store, to a book shop, since they accept cash. But you should ask beforehand, since again, each place has different policies. But the places I have gotten my Asetian Bibles from had no age policy.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Naverya 16.01.10 13:59

Do you know(and I'm speaking to everyone who reads this)know the feeling of when you know you're doing something bad,and you're expecting to be discovered doing the said 'bad thing' at any moment?The fear,combined with guilt?

Well,that's kind of what I'm feeling in this very moment,searching more and more about the Aset Ka.I know I'm not doing something bad,and yet,I have this weird feeling.

Is it normal?Am I just too pessimistic/paranoic or whatever you want to call it?

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by AnaInDark 16.01.10 15:21

No, you're not paranoid at all.

I may not be the best person to answer this, but it may be because you grew up in a society where "the belief of vampirism and Gods" is looked down upon. Do you believe you fear disappointing someone with your new "belief system"? Look deeper within yourself, meditate on this... try to connect your feelings to other people and see, if maybe you fear disappointing others who have expected you to continue being whatever religion you were raised as.

It's normal to have such feelings, in my opinion.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Jonathan 16.01.10 17:06

Don't worry so much about disappointing others. Instead, worry about disappointing yourself...

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Kahina 16.01.10 17:44

Jonathan wrote:Don't worry so much about disappointing others. Instead, worry about disappointing yourself...

It is a good advice.


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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Naverya 17.01.10 1:36

Thank you everyone for you advice.You've helped me feel better.I appreciate your sincerity.Truth hurts,but there's no other way around it.Thank you again.

@AnaInDark:You expressed my feelings perfectly.Actually,I am a Christian.As you most probably know we,or rather our religion,believes that there is only one God,and none other.
Now,I was never really into this God,and I consider that I can't be classified as a 'proud Christian'.
However,vampirism,is,indeed,looked down upon.
@Jonathan:I always believed I didn't fear disappointing others.Now I realize that,deep down inside,I did fear that.And greatly.
@Kahina:I agree.

I know that telling my religion might have startled you.But,as I said(wrote) above,I was never really into Christianism.It was what was decided when I was little,and just that.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Jonathan 17.01.10 9:13

Olfeea wrote:Thank you everyone for you advice.You've helped me feel better.I appreciate your sincerity.Truth hurts,but there's no other way around it.Thank you again.

@AnaInDark:You expressed my feelings perfectly.Actually,I am a Christian.As you most probably know we,or rather our religion,believes that there is only one God,and none other.
Now,I was never really into this God,and I consider that I can't be classified as a 'proud Christian'.
However,vampirism,is,indeed,looked down upon.
@Jonathan:I always believed I didn't fear disappointing others.Now I realize that,deep down inside,I did fear that.And greatly.
@Kahina:I agree.

I know that telling my religion might have startled you.But,as I said(wrote) above,I was never really into Christianism.It was what was decided when I was little,and just that.
You don't have to be ashamed for being educated into Christianity. The most important thing is that you have the awareness and maturity to recognize there is something more out there and reach out for it. Many great occultists were once educated into the Christian mysteries while young, and then grew up to become initiated in far deeper traditions. Christianity is no big evil that you should be ashamed of, but simply the result of manipulation and deceit on the bigger scheme of things when it comes to religions. Read the Asetian Bible, it will explain you, on the chapter of religions, a very interesting part of the origins and birth of Christianity, and where first in history the concept of one God, now explored by Islam, Judaism and Christinaity was ever developed and by whom. You will learn a lot from it, and how it all started. The Asetians were already here far before any of those religions gave birth, so they can tell the story...

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by N.Augusta 24.01.10 20:34

Olfeea wrote:
I know that telling my religion might have startled you.But,as I said(wrote) above,I was never really into Christianism.It was what was decided when I was little,and just that.

Greetings and blessings to all,

I would like to jump in here-- if I may, though this will be my first post. I have read some of the forum topics for quite some time. Please forgive me for not writing my intro prior to my comment here. Please allow me-- hello everyone!

Olfeea, you and I are both Christians, which does not matter here. Never feel shame for your religious choices, regardless of whatever or why they are, no matter where you are. Any place or people that make you feel shameful and judge you for your preferences, is a place best stayed away from, as such people would not be worthy of your energy....With that said, I will not point out the complete irony of such words coming from one whose religious preference is known for……. intolerance. Well, I have my own issues with the religion, though that is an entirely different matter. Right then, back on topic. I like this forum for the respect displayed by the members. The members are men and women from around the world, whom very in ages, experiences, beliefs and backgrounds, which makes it one very interesting group. So no, you are not the only Christian here. Well, I hope that helps.

Lastly, you have asked some very interesting questions. I will later write about some of the changes that have occurred with me (I have not read the book yet either). Does anyone else also have a stronger liking for the color purple now?

Very well then, I shall now return to my cave. I will write my intro soon.

Cheers Is just being aware of able to change you? Icon_smile

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Is just being aware of able to change you? Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Naverya 25.01.10 12:23

@N.Augusta:Thank you for your reply!And yes,I like purple now too,particulary violet.
And another thing that happened to me,somewhat unrelated.I used to love Twilight.Like,love,love.Now I'm at the point of becoming an Anti-Twilight. :\

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