Is just being aware of able to change you?

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Is just being aware of able to change you? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Lynskha 18.11.17 12:58

It's something that can't be explained to another but only walked and experienced first hand.

Thank you Jonathan. This is what makes me feel so respectful about Asetianism. We learn through our own experiences and feelings.

It is possible to share the same energy, but I see the way it talks to us is very personal.

I enjoy very much what I feel about the Unique energy around people who somehow are connected to Asetianism.

I would like to add an extra comment about this forum. As I read in some topics, this is not a forum about Aset Ka, however Asetianism is discussed here in a very deep, respectful and mature way. I see the forum, the group actually, has grown in a very interesting way.

I have just arrived, I read and keep reading some old topics. But I feel that you, as a group, have developed a nice bond, solid, and mature link, and this is something I enjoyed a lot, and have been making me feel glad, as I feel the respect many of you deal with it.

Little by little, specially by some mistakes, I have been learning more about Asetianism, about the Asetianists, and how it is diverse, in the way each one interprets, and feels it.

We are all different, like you said, and so the ways of dealing with it is also different.

I am sorry if sometimes I may sound silly, lol. With basic questions, or comments. I get embarassed. But I am working on that, learning even from my mistakes and embarassing moments hehehe.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Lynskha 18.11.17 13:00

*and so the ways of dealing with it ar also different.

Number of posts : 476
Age : 40
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Registration date : 2017-08-25

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Is just being aware of able to change you? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Jonathan 18.11.17 17:01

No need to be sorry. There's nothing silly about asking questions and having doubts, no matter how basic they may be. We're all learning.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Naverya 01.12.17 15:40

This is one of the first posts I made here! Seeing it being bumped up now brings back memories...

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Is just being aware of able to change you? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Naverya 01.12.17 15:55

Lyn, it is inspiring to read your words. As I've told you before, some of the things you're sharing, describing and going through are relatable... but others are unique, of course. There is indeed no need to fear sounding silly... or doing mistakes... We all do. And not even only when new to the Path.
Myself, I've done plenty of mistakes since coming across Asetianism, some very bad... and I'm still doing. It's really an interesting timing for me to read this post today, it's material for a lot of reflection...this was nearly 8 years ago, I was new to all this! So much happened... Hard to find the words for everything that was stirred.

Thank you, Lyn.

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Is just being aware of able to change you? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is just being aware of able to change you?

Post by Kalb 02.12.17 4:38

Jonathan wrote:It seems like you're taking the right steps to find your true path Lynskha. Our true paths are always different because we are also all different. We all seek different things and require different lessons. That's something made possible with Asetianism to some of us, since it magickally provides different teachings and unveils different secrets to each of us individually. It's something that can't be explained to another but only walked and experienced first hand.

Well said.

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