Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by ardent 29.03.20 14:03

Hi all of you brothers and strangers,
I found loads of small pieces of evidence that the romantics of old times were more than what the public viewed among supernatural things.
I'll make it brief, romantics as known had a closer connection with the universe, and it's my believe that they had a lot of interesting paranormal secrets and reasons not to disclose to the public.
Here's my wonder, when humans live closer to nature and do not ever abuse sex, they are more likely to awake a greater possibility to know things that common people do not know. I found reason to pick on TAO as known in China as a credible source although of myself I do not see anything magical about biochemical nature of itself, it's when contemplation gets practiced as Lord Byron did, from which he had such curiosity about vampires. It's not vampires that I want to focus it's in TAO probabilities, how when souls pay so much attention within deep in meditation, enormous possibilities could arise; although TAO as described being too simple I can credit it way high in probabilities partly with my wonder of ET's from abroad earth.
What do you think?


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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by Naoom 29.03.20 17:53

You are still unable to make any sense whatsoever. Your intentions for participating here are clearly ambiguous, when everyone here should share the same passion for growth and learning, especially about occult and magick related topics of which you are completely oblivious towards. Simply put, there is no-one here interested in any of your postings. If you do not make any effort to study the topics presented here by others - which are actually relevant to the general discussion theme of this forum - then you will only continue to be ignored as you are wasting people's time, and everyone is busy you know? Everyone here has been overly patient with you, when others  before you have been excommunicated much more quickly once it was understood they weren't here in order to learn and grow like everyone should be before sharing their own thoughts with such a disregard towards the community and fundamental facts. Maybe start with studying some basic English language Grammar and see where you can go on from that. Who knows, you might even advance to Academic English and finally manage to explain your extraordinary theories to all of us in a way that could then be understood. I will give you the same advice I would give to my naive self when I had joined the forum few years ago. You need to work on yourself and heal, because no-one here can do that for you, and that may take a very long time but it is always worth it. After that you can return and start learning properly with much more ease, without risking your own health in the process, because at the end of the day that is all you would be doing.

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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by ardent 30.03.20 10:10

I ask you specifically what do you want from me?
If you need very basic definitions on particulars, I'll try.
My health is sometimes at stake due to impatience in my publicity, because I get angry.
The big lesson I learned about taking interests in such phenomenal things is to have patience with those who are not accustomed to theorizing old material of the sorts I dig and being cool, this is what I am trying to adapt.
I am not really interested in personal much of anything here except for my encounter with an energy I found within myself under deep depression which I identified as yang by Asian terms which I then called something else, my intent is to share this. Furthermore, I have enormous theories about this finding of yang not just of me necessarily but much more. I think thus a big step to anything seemingly magical, it's when the unification or contemplative state of mind gets practiced, it then unites with more than just anatomy, this is where my catch is.
I think you have an intellect very capable of sharing my interpretations in so called metaphysics. Absolute focus in clear cut basis on the table is not always the best way to understand things, it's traces of what aught to make sense! I live in tune with what's on the table as most vital reality, but hold more content that makes sense to theorize.
Maxx, you use words that makes me envy you.


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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 30.03.20 11:00

ardent wrote:
I am not really interested in personal much of anything here except for my encounter with an energy I found within myself under deep depression which I identified as yang by Asian terms which I then called something else, my intent is to share this. Furthermore, I have enormous theories about this finding of yang not just of me necessarily but much more. I think thus a big step to anything seemingly magical, it's when the unification or contemplative state of mind gets practiced, it then unites with more than just anatomy, this is where my catch is.

Now you're at least getting somewhere. But most of us here understand this, that we're not mere physical creatures. You're on a good way, though, at least in that regard. It's true that through the contemplative state of mind we can realize unity with our higher Self, which is beyond the physical, and from there hold dominion over magickal forces or energies, mastering them within before we master them on the outside. That requires a great deal of metaphysical training, however, which comprises both skill, knowledge of procedure and listening to our intuition. There's also the critical element of responsibility, so be precautious.

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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by Naoom 30.03.20 11:44

Mystic, do not bother. There is no hope with this one

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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by ardent 30.03.20 17:12

I've been able to blend with other similar sites. Your site seems like there is no room for introducing anything new.
I already responded to called for subjects especially concubines as commonly known in China.
I still find it difficult to accept anything mystical about any anatomy of itself, adaptable in consciousness, yes.


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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by ardent 30.03.20 17:28

Whatever I say, I do make sense whether likable or not in absolutely all I write, nothing is ever written off the top of my head, all contents are from historical sorts, then expanded, perhaps it's the manner I describe things that proves difficult; It may be better to focus on each single word, the sources...
I know how to simplify my script for teenagers who know nothing of my sources.
You need to focus on particular words and phrases related to come to grips with some things write, I assure you they fit university levels.
I tend to distinguish energy levels of consciousness in track for basics (solid anatomy) almost instantly by the individual practitioner.
Your site is vampirism Forum, that word leaves many facets to expand, but it's your choice to either accept or reject.


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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 31.03.20 3:45

You're oblivious to your own ignorance regarding how you portray yourself to be here in this forum. I say this so you can become aware of where you're missing the point. Then hopefully you can improve.

The Concubines discussed here are the Asetian lineage of Scarabs, which doesn't have much to do with the normal notion of concubines as otherwise thought of. But I shouldn't have to explain further than this. If you're in this forum for this long, you should have made yourself acquainted enough with what we're talking about here.

You're bringing nothing new. Neither in the dimension of content, that we haven't in some way already explored, nor in the dimension of people coming in here and making all kinds of claims. We've seen both, none of them have brought anything really new.

It's strange that you try to 'educate' us here and make us so-called open-minded about your topics when you haven't even explored the contents of this site and what it is about. Perhaps it would be a good suggestion for newcomers to do exactly the opposite to what you're doing before they register.

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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by ardent 31.03.20 6:44

I went through a similar situation among members of when it was operating. They had high regard for me for my plea to share my commentaries, and sometimes they just wouldn't care to respond so they deleted some of them.
I noted particular commentaries in certain subjects in your forum that I took interest and responded according to my own interpretations and additions in the related matter such as concubines especially in China, it means particularly an address to men's girlfriends with commitments for relationships. I have a personal interest in this subject as to respond therewith without too much extensive fuss.
It so happens that I have a fierce need to focus on certain matters of the occult by ethical exploring in wonder if my observers could make any use, because I was a victim of a very, very deep depression like a madness due to the occult which made me really want to inquire about the more solid reality beyond the grave. So I tend to feel the need to escape from dogmas and impractical idolizing people make about things beyond the grave, this is mainly due to my Catholic background.
Distinctive sharing of subjects in your forum seem to be quite commendable by my terms, some just make me wonder if enough logic is being applied or are people just looking to share directly.
If I chose to introduce a subject in a particular area of history and some consider illusions or making no sense, I do have backing historically by some legitimate sources although some of you like in did not care to explore or respond, so I got rejected and looked for other matters, or asked them to be picky for broader explanations, I got along with them and sometimes was addressed, "Scrolly, you never cease to amaze me!"


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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by ardent 31.03.20 6:51

Oh, I am sorry, I sometimes use English out of thought as opposed to more realistic script, or you might say too simple. I like to be pin-pointed for broader or simpler explanations or just quit. I am sincere, not a deliberate fun poker. I am of age but still like a child partially retarded in the real world and my exploring.


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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by Naoom 31.03.20 7:01

ardent wrote:Oh, I am sorry, I sometimes use English out of thought as opposed to more realistic script, or you might say too simple. I like to be pin-pointed for broader or simpler explanations or just quit. I am sincere, not a deliberate fun poker. I am of age but still like a child partially retarded in the real world and my exploring.  

actually your writings are completely vague, incoherent and reflect a lack of grounding. No-one here has any idea what you are talking about

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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 31.03.20 8:13


Haven't we already inquired as to your sources? Did you give any suitable response? I think not.

Now, what would be advisable is simply to focus on your own healing and growth... go take some time off from this forum and come back when you're in a better shape and condition so we can talk properly. There's clearly a lack of proper communication and you aren't helping your case either.

Tried practices of meditation? Try this for a start, hopefully it can help you with coming to a better place in your way of thinking by calming down the mind and soothing the nerves and therefore coming to a place of clarity through the clearing of psychological (mental and emotional) and energetic obstructions:

This is all I'd leave you for help. I don't speak against you, but for your help and benefit here. Now, take it or leave it as you will, but if you persist to miscommunicate, misunderstand, ignore what we're saying, missing the point entirerly, don't believe that the issue lies with us. It becomes your own fault, but you have to be able to see that and it may take some time. There's therefore a definite need for helping yourself out, before you can come to any place of sharing or communicating anything useful with others... which you can, only you work upon yourself first, so there's a horticulturing of your own garden and caretaking of your own property, before your try to help others with theirs... Start with doing small things well, and progressively even with excellence. Then that will add up to something greater as you weave it as a flowing pattern continuous throughout your whole life with a consistent effort of positive and uplifting actions but in a balanced way.

I've myself been in worse states and conditions. But I've taken myself out of them. All you need is patience, perseverance and a drawing upon inner strength together with faith in the best of outcomes and an ongoing spiritual effort. Now I've shared quite a few words with you, however. Please don't disappoint me with that this was wasted falling upon deaf ears.

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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by Naoom 31.03.20 8:20

Mystic, I simply admire your patience with trying to help this individual, I really hope he takes your kind words into consideration, because noone rejected him in reality, we are just trying to help, but we should all be making an effort.

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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by ardent 31.03.20 15:48

Amazing, I feel like I am on the psychiatrists chair but only in emotions and having to avoid anything apparently intellectual level. I amused to this from long ago.
In my psychiatric relations although prevented from certain seemingly important pieces of information, I had individual assurance and respect for being just myself from the emotional level, so I became master of important matters concerning ego striving centered more reasonably. This after all is what most patients do not recogn


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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by ardent 31.03.20 16:17

Amazing, I feel like I am on the psychiatrists chair but only in emotions and having to avoid anything  apparently intellectual level. I amused to this from long ago.
In my psychiatric relations although prevented from certain seemingly important pieces of information, I had individual assurance and respect for being just myself from the emotional level, so I became master of important matters concerning ego striving centered more reasonably. This after all is what most patients do not recognize, the individual himself at one all for oneself.
The State of Mass protects me on supernatural matters under the religion and philosophy of spiritualism, though I disagree in how it's practiced in some respects.
No one can tell me I am wrong because the Academic Society cannot approve as fact of super-normal sorts. Furthermore, the only way people who oppose supernatural things can stand on their legs is by standing still and just reject intended on their


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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by ardent 31.03.20 16:33

Continued, > the intended material of whatever intuitive explorations sort. How is this even more in my favor? Other than my having been honored by some other people, my own intuition, and Quantum Mechanics today. The world has taken a turn because of this.Thus, you as I cannot reject but stand still on explanations based on supernatural related content on matters and events such as Ghost animals. This part is how I stick my foot on werewolves tales. You can still ridicule and say, not logical enough!


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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by ardent 31.03.20 16:36

Oh, I honor you people for one particular reason and others, manners in commentaries, better class.


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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by ardent 31.03.20 16:43

A little more say:
I suggest being more at one with oneself from within to the exterior of oneself because of the coronavirus. I have scientific backing here as well as my belief, 'Brain Plasticity'.
"My unity with you universally!"


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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by Troublemaker 05.04.20 0:21

I think you should romance your keyboard a little bit less.

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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by Jonathan 05.04.20 7:23

Rhea Kaye wrote:I think you should romance your keyboard a little bit less.


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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by MysticLightShinethForth 05.04.20 8:40

Hey, nothing wrong being in love with your keyboard. I can relate. Razz

Just joking, hehe.

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Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...  Empty Re: Romancing, how it introduces the supernatural limitlessly...

Post by A.Nightside 26.04.20 20:50

ardent, you clearly have not actually read nor comprehended anything in this forum before opening your figurative mouth (I say figurative, as it's fingers typing, not actually speech, of course).

Your concubine response makes that GLARINGLY obvious.
I hate to be so blunt, but I can think of no other way to TRY and get through to you. You're probably just a troll, or simply a know-it-all who knows nothing, but can't see that. Close your mouth for a bit. Read. Introspect a little, Sunshine. You might learn something.

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Post by A.Nightside 26.04.20 20:50

ugh. There I go again potentially entertaining trolls, while also not checking time stamps. -_- sorry, all.

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