What is the truth about the supernatural?

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What is the truth about the supernatural? Empty What is the truth about the supernatural?

Post by Lamuse_p 23.10.16 15:00

Whoever has any information that is helpful, please help me out here it's eating at me. I must know the truth about vampires/witches, again anything would help. Thanks.


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Registration date : 2016-10-23

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What is the truth about the supernatural? Empty Re: What is the truth about the supernatural?

Post by Maxx 23.10.16 17:01

Why certainly. I know you are set to get numerous comments on this question that will be very satisfactory for you. While you are waiting, I suggest you pull up a chair and just wait in front of that screen along with your friends that helped you arrive at the most fascinating question of all time.

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What is the truth about the supernatural? Empty Re: What is the truth about the supernatural?

Post by Heruset 24.10.16 14:41

There's a wonderful place called the Library Wink


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Registration date : 2015-10-24

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What is the truth about the supernatural? Empty Re: What is the truth about the supernatural?

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